Preserved Sheet Naushe Kearney

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Irresponsible Father
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
the Ocean
Roleplay Guilds
Regalian Weasleys
Basic Information
  • Alenaushe "Naushe" Thompson Kearney
  • Forty-eight
  • Male
  • Ailor / Qadir mix of the New Ceardian culture
  • Is mostly interested in monetary gain.
  • Naushe currently does freelance work both in Regalia and beyond its borders. Currently, he lives with his fiance Aeandir, but has resided in Regalia for a total of, but not consecutive, eight years.
  • Naushe was born to Jabir Assam and Cami Kearney in New Ceardia. He has one sister and too many children, nephews, and nieces to count.
  • Naushe wants his family taken care of. While he isn't the most reliable man when it comes to being present or in terms of emotional support, he strives to provide his loved ones with funds to live comfortably. He's also looking to further his knowledge of the arts during his free time.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Ginger
  • Hair Color: Dull garnet
  • Hair Style: Long ponytail
  • Skin Color: Burnt sienna
  • Clothing: Casual and fitted
  • Height: 5' 9"
  • Weight: 180 pounds
  • Body Build: Toned
  • Weapon of Choice: Halberd
Wip noosh.png
  • Naushe's face is rather wide, but his jawline is sharp and strong. His cheekbones aren't necessarily prominent, which give his face a very square-like shape. While most of his features are crisp, the bridge of his nose possesses a gradual, soft contour and flares out into a 'v' at his nostrils. Naushe's right eyebrow has a stray fly-away at the center edge. Beneath said brows are expressive eyes with a striking copper tone, proving to be a brilliant amber if light is cast upon them. They're large, even for his age, and expressive, trimmed with dark, burgundy lashes. For some reason, his teeth aren't heavily yellowed like much of the population, but he is missing a lower bicuspid on his right side. Naushe's hair is of a warm grey color with flashes of dull crimson. Its long and the bangs are quite unruly, constantly trying to slip free and curtain the sides of his face. He wears it back and in a low ponytail, tied at the very base of his skull. Naushe is never seen without facial hair-- he prefers to sport a goatee, but often times, a two or three-day-growth is notable outside of the trimmed beard and typically spans a few inches down the front of his neck. Two protrusions that resemble miniature anoa horns jut out from behind Naushe's ears on both sides of his head due to his temporary voidling possession.
  • Naushe is rather small in comparison to most men his age, standing 5'9" and weighing in at 180 pounds; however, he isn't so much shorter that it's obvious. His shoulders and chest are strong, arguably the strongest part of his body, and he has a decent amount of definition upon his biceps, forearms, and legs-- both thighs and calves. Despite being in decent shape, Naushe is missing his left foot, just below the curve of where the knee meets the lower leg. It's finished off by a peg. His trunk is solid, housing little to no definition in regards to abdominal muscle, though in contrast to his powerful arms and torso, his legs do not seem to be quite as stout. Naushe's skin is surprisingly dark, especially for one with red hair. He has a scattering of freckles that dash across his upper cheeks and the bridge of his petite nose. His entire body is adorned with various, celtic-styled tattoos. Due to his previous vocation as a guard, his body is riddled with scars as well-- some of the more notable reminders are the ones upon his head, across his abdomen, along his shoulder and neck, and the stub of a leg he was left with after losing his lower calf and foot to infection. His entire back is marred with a cross-hatching and tearing of mutilated flesh just along the skin's surface due to scourging; however, some reach a bit deeper. Additionally, there are various claw marks that he accumulated through pit-fighting a certain varran by the name of Romelle.
  • Naushe wears neutral tones, but tends to stick to desaturated shades of cyan, olive, and warm grey. He prefers three-quarter length sleeves and rolls them up to his elbows if they're longer than desired. At best, he looks like a poor commoner with little care in regards to his appearance; however, he isn't entirely destitute, due to having had two jobs back in his hometown.
  • Naushe's voice is highly accented, sounding distinctly of real-world Irish. He talks unnecessarily fast, which forces others to have to listen carefully to most of what he says, as his tone is low and almost sing-song.
Personality and Abilities
Personality Traits

  • Kind/Sympathetic - Naushe has always been a caring individual, despite his hard exterior, and he typically allows this side of him to shine when dealing with younger folk and those of the weaker sex; however, his tendency to care was consistently proven to be the most significant factor in his failure as a guard. He struggles to follow the law if innocents may be harmed or wrongly punished, thus causing him to be highly hesitant in certain situations.
  • Paternal - Naushe has fathered plenty of children, not just limited to his own offspring, so posing as a parental figure is practically second nature. He is inherently protective of those of a youthful age and this also proves to be another one of his flaws, rather than an asset at times; while it can pose as a pitfall, his fatherly personality is certainly to blame for his vast assortment of amiable relationships.
  • Selfless - Though Naushe is reasonably self-preserving, he can be highly reckless when making decisions, be it during combat or even on a daily basis. He can be reluctant to act honorably, often times where his physical health is in danger, but he typically values others just as much as he values his own skin. It would not be out of his character to offer a stranger refuge in his house for the evening if they've no where else to go.
  • Protective - There is nothing more important to Naushe than family. If one of his relatives or close friends find themselves in trouble, he will do everything in his power to keep them out of harm's way. This trait is not restricted to battle; it also applies in casual conversation with strangers. Due to the combination of his selfless and reckless nature, he isn't always too concerned about the consequences of his actions, even if they threaten to be long-term.
  • Excitable - Naushe sports a full head of red hair, which may explain just why he is such a short-tempered man. Nearly anything can set him off and once he's angered, there isn't much that he won't do. In addition to his already unstable personality, he depends heavily on alcohol, which only heightens his sensitivity to certain insults, circumstances, or people.
  • Fearful - Naushe has a plethora of fears, including the ocean, specific individuals, vampires, enormous beasts, and a handful of other warranted phobias; however, he despises his weakness with every fiber of his being and consistently tries to ward off sinking feelings by overcompensating with feigned confidence, bold words, and forced courage.
  • Reckless - As mentioned before, Naushe is fairly heedless, at times, intentionally jumping into situations in order to mask his fears and present himself in a more courageous light. Inversely so, his temper can also aid in his lack of rational thought and involuntarily fuel him to make unnecessary mistakes. He almost always regrets his actions immediately after.
  • Honest - Naushe is almost entirely incapable of telling a lie. He may try, but it's obvious when he's stretching the truth, such as when he struggles to keep a somber expression, suppresses a twitch of the lip, or fails to hide a tensing of his jaw. Because of this, he typically sticks to reciting actual events, rather than attempt to fib, even if the imminent outcome isn't desirable.
  • Halberd Techniques - Naushe has been utilizing polearms, halberds, and battleaxes since he was fairly young, so he's adapted accordingly and has coined a range of different styles when it comes to fighting with a pole-like weapon. He excels in defensive maneuvers.
  • Art - Naushe's interest in art stems from an equally young age, having been drawing since he could hold a writing utensil. He can manage exceptionally well with various mediums, but prefers either simple sketching or tattooing first and foremost.
  • Endurance - Naushe's body never seems to give out. Though he doesn't pack a considerably powerful punch, he can most certainly endure a barrage of them without sustaining too much damage. Perhaps it's his fiery temper that keeps him going.
  • False courage - Naushe is not a brave man; however, he is adept in holding a courageous facade in the face of danger. He can be reckless, ever desperate to prove to others that he is not afraid of anything, but he does everything in his power to protect the ones he loves.
  • Swimming/Sailing - Naushe was never taught how to swim, having been raised far away from any coastline. Additionally, since he lost his left foot, he is even more apprehensive of the sea; he has a severe phobia of drowning.
  • Running long distances - Running with a pegleg is no easy feat-- no pun intended. Naushe is capable of running for a short amount of time, but his calf begins to pain him if he puts too much strain for too long on his severed limb.
  • His family/Innocents - If friends or family are endangered, Naushe tends to handle situations a tad differently. He can be easily manipulated in this vulnerable state, even when mere strangers could potentially be harmed-- that is, if they are of the innocent variety.
  • Addiction - Naushe is an alcoholic and struggles with the addiction on a daily basis, as coping with the deaths of many of his loved ones isn't always the simplest of obstacles.
  • Naushe often rubs at the back of his neck, itches at his jawline, and combs his fingers through his hair. These are all done in casual conversation in addition to times of stress.
  • Naushe used to be an excellent dancer, having practiced with, in his opinion, one of the best dancers in all of Aloria. After losing his wife, then consequentially his left foot, he's since then abandoned the art.
  • Naushe has an innate affinity for children. He's able to successfully communicate with young ones without batting an eye or having any sort of worry regarding just how silly he appears when doing so. He's a natural born father, despite being a lousy parental figure for his official offspring.
  • Art - Naushe's family has always been hyper talented in the arts, he being no exception. He enjoys painting, but truly prefers charcoal sketches over anything. He's highly adept at tattooing.
  • Whiskey - Whiskey dulls the pain, so with a puppeteer like Kelpsy, pain numbing concoctions are a must. Naushe relishes the sensation gained from drinking and whiskey is strong enough to deliver said feeling swiftly.
  • Loyalty - Because he is an honest man, Naushe values trust in high regard. He keeps his friends and family close, ensuring that they're taken care of to reciprocate for their loyalty.
  • Competitions - Despite losing more often than not, Naushe loves the thrill one gets from competing with another individual. Nearly everything is a pissing contest to the fiery redhead, and he does his best to assert his dominance.
  • Bullies - Naushe utterly loathes bullies; anyone that has the audacity to pick on those smaller or less fortunate typically prompts Naushe to step in to defend the weak, even though he himself isn't of the sturdiest stature.
  • Water/Sailing - Naushe never learned to swim and now that he's down one foot, he's afraid to give it a shot in his old age. He is also prone to severe sea-sickness, unable to endure the constant rocking of a ship at sea.
  • Criminals - Criminals are underhanded beings and usually have no respect for life or the health of innocent people. They're on the same level as bullies, therefore giving Naushe no reason to pity them... Usually. Unless they're gamblers-- gamblers mean well, right?
  • Unionists - Naushe struggles with the concept of religion, but tends to affiliate with those of the Old Gods worship, rather than people of Unionist faith. Although misinformed, he finds Unionism to be redundant when pitted next to basic civilian life under the Emperor.
  • Cami Kearney (Mother @LlamaDelRey ): Naushe has a great relationship with his mother. He is heavily relieved to know that she is alive and in good health. She returned to New Ceardia after time spent in Regalia, due to the dangers the Holy City presented.
  • Robert Kearney (Stepfather): The last Naushe saw of his stepfather was at the collapse of their hometown, where Robert had tried to ward off a large group of undead with his fire magic. Yariel claims that Robert had been overcome by a demon whilst in battle. They were reunited recently, but not much is said between Naushe and his stepfather.
  • Jabir Assam (Biological Father): Naushe has never met this man and he probably never will. The only thing he shares with Jabir are his eyes and skin tone.
  • Nyla Donoghue (Sister): Nyla was also separated from the group during the undead invasion. Naushe is most concerned about her, wanting nothing more than to be reunited with his beloved sister now that he has managed to get Yariel to Regalia in one piece.
  • Mariah Kearney (Wife; Deceased): Naushe was smitten with Mariah while she was alive, but their bond was nothing more than puppy love; however, when she passed on, her death devastated him beyond words. He still blames himself for her untimely end and the vivid memory of her screams periodically wakes him in the still of the night.
  • Yariel Kearney (Daughter @Chadwick ): Yariel is all that Naushe is certain he has left. He would sacrifice anything to ensure her safety, though she isn't entirely thrilled about her father's overprotective nature. She returned to New Ceardia to fulfill her father's wishes.
  • Moira Kearney (Illegitimate Daughter @LeoTheBootyful ) Moira is a delightfully excitable character, proving to have inherited every ounce of Naushe's temper. Naushe pities the poor girl and has grown to enjoy her presence, even though she consistantly starts up heap loads of trouble amongst his other family members and fellow guardsmen. Moira has vacated the Holy City to follow her own path with her half-elf son.
  • Cassius Kearney (Illegitimate Son @_Nick__ ) Cassius is a shy fellow, but seems to have a great deal of promise. Naushe hopes that the young lad will take up a job working for William Coen at his forge. After some time spent in Regalia, Cassius likely vacated the city to find himself at his own pace.
  • Caoiliann Donoghue (Niece @Shuikenai ) Naushe always appreciated his niece's sharp wit and confidence. He's a bit wary of her, due to the recent scuffles with Cao and Moira, not to mention sibling rivalry between her and Aindriu. She returned to New Ceardia.
  • Hugh Kearney (Illegitimate Son @Slonky ) Hugh's a bit of a handful. Ever aggressive, the young bastard tends to find him in a plethora of hostile situations, much to the dismay of his father. Naushe still likes him, though. He likely returned to New Ceardia with the rest of the family.
  • Qiang Zhou (Illegitimate Son @avemechanicus ) Qiang is an interesting character. Being a muddle of three or more different races, the golden-eyed sailor seems goodhearted and always means well. Naushe enjoys his company and worries for his safety. Qiang probably left to seek out his own way on his own time.
  • Richard Donoghue (Brother In-Law) Richard was always a likable fellow, even though he married Naushe's sister. Despite being protective of his only sibling, Naushe grew to like Richard's company and the two are fairly close. He returned to New Ceardia.
  • Alastair Donoghue (Nephew @finners4444 ) Naushe adores Alistair-- he finds the child to be highly intelligent and endearing to a fault, arguably spending more time with the young redhead than he had with his own daughter. Alastair departed from the Holy City to head back to his hometown.
  • Yancy Donoghue (Nephew @Finn_Ish )
  • Aindriu Donoghue (Nephew @WolferBooy ) Aindriu is full of piss and vinegar. Though he's capable of acting formally on most occasions, he tends to let his anger get the best of him in every other. He and Caoiliann do not get along well and it's typically up to Naushe to quell the fighting. Aindriu returned with his family to New Ceardia.
  • Merida Donoghue (Niece @ShipIt ): Merida is the prideful spawn of Nyla and Richard. She rarely releases hold on any sort of grudge be it a significant one or merely trivial. She lives with her family in New Ceardia.
  • Glenn Valium (Cousin; Deceased): Naushe didn't even know that Glenn existed and unless Lance is informed of his origins, he probably will never know that he had any relation to the Valium family.
  • Lance Valium ( Second Cousin @davis1814 ): Naushe enjoys Lance's company and typically thinks of the Valium's constant drunken state to be entertaining. The two have more in common than they know.
  • Aeandir Yaeano (Fiance @ShipIt ): Aea's patience and devotion knows no bounds. Even after Naushe essentially abandoned her on multiple occasions, she still stands by his side. Perhaps she's much too good for him; the two of them live together in Regalia.
  • Tullion Kearney (Illegitimate Son @ShipIt ): Naushe and Tullio are fairly close, despite the father's constant struggle to find time for his family with his heavy work schedule. Tullion lives in Regalia.

Life Story
Naushe was born illegitimately to a married, full-blooded ailor woman and a tramp of qadir descent. He had a rather mundane childhood and grew up amongst the valleys of central New Ceardia in a town nestled among the mountains. When he was just a child, his sister lost her right arm during a wolf attack after the two youths stumbled upon a den in the wilderness. A few years later, Naushe joined the local guard at age fourteen and was trained how to wield a halberd by his stepfather, though it was not until eighteen that Naushe was confronted with his opportunity to quell an impending crime. After going toe-to-toe with a vampire that had threatened a young woman's life, he managed to slay the sanguine, behead him, and meet his wife all in one fateful evening.

It was not long before Naushe's actions as a guardsman were recognized and he was promoted to the head of the local guard, though unfortunately, on the night of his celebration, his wife was killed during an undead invasion-- just a year after the two of them were blessed with a daughter. He blamed solely himself for the tragedy, thus resulting in him stepping down from his prestigious ranking, lingering as a lower ranked soldier. Another year passed after his wife's departure and Naushe opened a tattoo parlour; however, he continued to work as a recruit amongst his fellow guardsmen. Due to his heavy hours, he didn't get to spend a great deal of time with his daughter, causing her to drift apart from him.

Just two years before Naushe arrived in Regalia, his hometown was assaulted by another wave of undead, but during this advance, the guards and those of able bodies failed to defend the city. Those that wished to survive had no choice but to flee, giving his daughter, Yariel, but one option and she narrowly managed to aid her father away from the fray. Naushe lost his foot during this final battle and was bedridden for sometime after the devastating event, while the rest of his family members were separated from the both of them and were ultimately forced to seek refuge elsewhere.

Naushe and his daughter were taken in by an elderly couple along the southern foothills of the mountains where they used to call home, where the duo was nursed back to health-- Naushe fitting his calf with a wooden peg leg as to replace the lack of foot. A few months after offering the strangers their hospitality, Naushe and Yariel gathered up their belongings and made their way to Regalia in order to seek out new opportunities.

Once there, Naushe purchased a home and refurbished it to set it up as a dual-purpose apartment-- tattoo parlour at the base, followed by a functioning living quarter on the second and third floor for he and his daughter. Due to being quite new to the city, his business suffered, so he had no choice but to seek out further employment opportunities. After meeting with Jared Silverhand, just hours following the Harvest Ball incident, Naushe and the veteran elf sparred in order to test Naushe's mettle and potential, ultimately deeming him worthy of guard status.

He kept this secondary job for a decent span of time-- from Qadir invasion, to the questioning of his loyalty, suffering various bouts of vampirism, and being conned into slavery-- up until he was dismissed after a mutual agreement of both his inactive nature regarding the Violet Order and desire to take things slower; however, things only seemed to spiral out of control from there. After meeting with Jaak Keppkuula, an arrogant, unimaginably powerful northerne man, in regards to their past, their present, and their likely future, both Jaak and Naushe came to fabricate a pact-- one that would bestow the means of possible, remarkable strength upon the plucky punching-bag of Aloria in order to ensure that the Keppkuula wouldn't try anything with the Kearney's family or friends. In short, he was possessed via ritual with a Wrath Voidling.

Naushe was eventually arrested for the combination his shortened temper, tendency to fight, and the pair of horns that protruded from behind his ears, where he was transferred to the Azure Order to put an end to his infestation. After his release, he vacated Regalia with his family in tow to spend time away from the chaos that burned within the Holy City; however, he couldn't stay away for long. Money ran short and Regalia proved to be one of few locations with a reliable income, so the plucky redhead decided that a reluctant return was inevitable at this point in his life. He boarded a ship back to the city with a heavy heart.

Chaos reigned in the familiar capital. Dead ones walked again, storming the streets as if they owned every last twist and turn of the once-holy city. It wasn't the best of times for Naushe to revisit the town he used to know so well; however, he managed to ride out the storm. Freya Lo and her deathlings, or so they were named, were eventually snuffed out by the loyal citizens of Regalia in a whirlwind battle that originally seemed to be no more than a desperate last-resort. On top of all the excitement, Naushe soon found that his significant other, Aeandir Yaeano, was with child.

Eventually Atilio Amaya went missing. Jaak Keppkuula was ultimately slain-- twice. It was as if all looked up in Naushe's favor, so much that even Aea accepted his proposal for marriage. While he didn't expect the future to be easy, likely attributed to the heavily religious culture-- a culture that rejected shendar-- ever present in Regalia, he was prepared to work toward something he could be proud of.
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I will be reviewing this character sheet!
Great work so far for Naushe's sheet! I rather enjoyed reading through his application and I can tell you've put a lot of time in your work; I'm impressed! After giving a close look to each section, here's what I have to bring up in regards to edits:
  • Personality traits. Each point has a good base of how Naushe acts according to each trait. However, I'd like to see you talk about how each really affects his social interactions, or him in itself. If he has certain quirks or shifts in body language with various traits, go ahead and mention them. If specific things cause him to be, for example, hot-tempered, what are those things? How does his behavior alter? I'd say give at least one to two more sentences worth of detail per trait.
  • Weaknesses. Good detail here, as well as in your Strengths section. The only minor thing I see that could be pointed out is: "His Fears" seems more like a cop-out weakness, and since it's an understood weakness, it's not needed for listing. Go ahead and delete it from this section, and you're good to go.
Make your edits in a different color, then tag me in a reply when you're done! @Kelpsy

I removed the weakness you pointed out-- silly me x'3 Also, I've elaborated on his personality aspects like you suggested. I hope it's up to par!
