Shelved Character Nauhyotl, The Burning Man

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Eternally unfit Band Kid
Oct 21, 2020
Reaction score
"I am coming to you. You, who will be reduced to ash like me."
❢◥ ▬▬▬ ◆ ▬▬▬ ◤❢

INFORMATION [Character Shelved, Information Pending]
Name: Nauhyotl, or "Teconallati"
Race: Maquixtl, Huactl
Age: 28
Gender: Male, He/him
Eye Color: Gold, red limbus*

A burning man walking the fine line of normalcy. Commonly well mannered, the mage-ranger rolls like a low-lying smog, eyes peeled for an opportunity to set the situation alight.
"Dried kindle can be dangerous if left alone."
Strength : 1

>Unarmed Weapons Pack.
Constitution : 0
Wisdom : 4

> Obstructive Alchemy Pack.
> Deeplore, Mineral, Soulrend Scholarly Packs.
Dexterity : 2
> Pistol, Donderbus Firearm Packs.
Magic : 4 [Void]
> Water, Fire, Ice, Breaking Magic Packs.
Charisma : 3
> Mount Husbandry Pack (Standard).
> Demon Warlock Pack.
> Stupid Luck Pack.

Extra: Maquixtl Specials + Springbok (Currently). Anarchy Silven.* The Demonic familiars and summons appear like humanoid piles of soot and ash, small in stature, as if children. They laugh and ignite when fed lit matchsticks.


> Magic Point Buy, Void.
> Demon Warlock, Void.
Common, Saan.
By default the Huactl shows many signs of occult influence, from silven eyes to the harmless ambers of his clothing. He stands at an average 5'7, with dark brown and burnt hair. Several burn scars litter his face, and cover his arms and legs, blackened by magic. He may settle the burning embers to appear more mild, often donning glasses then to give himself a slightly more 'studious' air.

His Soulrend Void Avatar is a walking humanoid fireball, driven best by strong and wild wills. The impressions of horns and abstract features can be made through the flames, jagged and flickering with golden and yellow lights.


> Nauhyotl is the youngest of four siblings, born to a rural village dotted in Hyarroc, born far outside of Guldar. He is the one Silven of the four, a result of a 'unknown' and unrecognized father, though he still experienced a relatively normal upbringing.
> His family in particular worked in animal husbandry, with horses being among his favorites. Even at a young age he learns to ride, though often out sped by his Avantl siblings, and was raised to embrace the rushing winds of the plains and hills.
> The tales of the corrupt Allorn Empire hold as he takes on more responsibilities, shaping his anti-law and government sentiments, though magic held a lure.
> Nauhyotl begins a spree of arsons after nightfall along routes past his village's borders, often on horseback as he attacks travelling parties of what he considered 'Allorn Sympathizers'. Through these attacks, he becomes acquainted with stolen firearms- mostly pistols, and begins to utilize them.
> A trap is eventually set, even in collaboration with some within his village, and finally the 'Burning Man' is caught on his next wave of sprees. An opposing mage strikes first and sets his disguise and coat ablaze, igniting the alchemical bottles hidden underneath and setting off a chain reaction, which instantly ended the confrontation. He survived, though is now riddled with burn scars as a result.
> Exchanges occur during his recovery, with agreements that he would be not allowed within or around the area of the village, for continued isolation from the surrounding area (in contrast to being occupied). Nauhyotl is sent to the beyond with besides his burned clothing and bandages.
> His struggle to grasp magic, even with underhanded bargains by void mages to teach him, makes him turn to more drastic options- though the results were not intended. He draws a mutual pact with a small horde of lesser demons, all of whom desired warmth and 'food'- and being alone with no food himself: he accepts. The sentimentality of a family had chewed into his head.
> Through (dubious) jobs and agreements, he manages away from his home continent and enters Regalia, now trailed by his small band of demonic companions.


Void Avatar state concept art.

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@BiBiBirdie Hello, did as instructed! Apologies for spoiling (spoilering?) the life story, I tend to do it by default.
@BiBiBirdie Hello, updated properly since demonology finally released and I have time today to properly work it in:
- Used remaining 2 points.
- Added Demonology, warlock and anchoring. I do have a player in mind.
- Slight addition to story to elaborate for Demonology.
Minor tweaking since I'm reaching a gap in my classes, removed Demon Attendant and swapped for Deeplore, fit the character better. not tagging as it's a one point change to something non mechanical.