Preserved Sheet Nathan Jai Hence

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The Big Gay
Nov 30, 2016
Reaction score




Full Name: Nathan Jai Hence
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Race: Ailor - Ithanian
Sexuality: Bi - Curious


Proficiency: 36
+15 Dagger (+10 School of Turall, +5 Proficiency)
+20 Shortsword (+10 School of Turall +10 Proficiency)
+21 Acrobatics (+10 School of Turall, +11 Proficiency)

Cultural: 36
+20 Ship Sailing (+20 Cultural)
+10 Drawing (+10 Cultural)
+6 Dancing (+6 Cultural)
+5 Bodycare (+5 Ithanian)

D'Ithanie - (10/10) - Studied in Vengeful Spirits
Leutz - Vixe - (10/10) - Studied in Vengeful Spirits
Common - (10/10) - Living


Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Pompadour
Skin Color: White, Slightly Tan
Clothing: Adventurer,
Brown Jacket White Undershirt
Brown Pants
Height: 5"11
Body Build: Ripped


How is your character perceived by others? Nathan would be seen as a very caring guy and he would seem like a friendly guy, but snappy at times. He always smiles and moves through the day. To some he seems as a counselor, to some a fighter and to others an annoyance. Overall he would just be a good person.

How does your character feel inside? Nathan would struggle with mental illness. His defeat during the Lo reign was a leading cause to this. His mind is a warzone all the time and would struggle with social anxiety. He always covers this up so its not very often visible on him. Its often a struggle, no longer visible as he doesn't want to seem weak to anyone. He refuses to seek help no matter how vulnerable he may seem he will never let his guard down.

How does your character act towards friends and family? Nathan would always be caring towards his family, No matter how much they dont want to be around him at times. He would always attempt for a place in their heart. As stated in "How is your character perceived by others?" He is friendly but snappy at times. He would also be very selfless when it came to his family, for example he would go out and buy them whatever they needed to get them on their own feet. However when encountered with a ultimatum he would always choose the people he considered his family.

What is your character's morality? Nathan would always try to be good citizen of Regalia. Unless someone hurts him or his family. All good things about him, turn chaotic very quickly, when it comes to anything surrounding him it turns into a warzone. He would unsheathe his sword and strike down anyone in his path.

What is your character's Worldview? Nathan is a very non religious person but if he was asked he would say he would be apart of Unionism. He often wants to work for a house, so his relations are very stale. He often carries no opinion on anything




  • Nathan would be born to Nathaniel & Rose Hence,
  • Would have a normal childhood.
  • During Nathans late 15th year of life he started to look at schools and charters hoping one day to achieve more than his family did.
  • When Nathan turned 20 his parents were slaughtered,
  • He set sail to Regalia for an escape.
  • With the Lo's having a impenetrable force field around regalia, The Hence was smuggled in along with some other odd and end people. This went flawlessly and He would settle in nicely.
  • At the age of 25, He saw an old friend with the Name of Jocelyn, Who he cared deeply for.
  • Jocelyn and Nathan were captured during a riot.
  • Jocelyn was tortured and Nathan was branded a traitor, he left.
  • Nathan would sail to lands unknown he didn't care.
  • At the age of 26, During this time he joined a Mercenary guild Vengeful Spirits.
  • Some people in the band of merc's were schooled in the school Turall
  • Although Nathan was never formally in the schools the people that trained with him, training with them would refine his skills in swordsmanship.
  • At the age of 27, Nathan would return home
  • But he often became nauseous at the thought of regalia and would often think of going to a school.
  • He decided to go to seek a freelance mentor for the School of Turall.
  • After he finally accomplished something he found himself back into Regalia.

  • Nathan would often be at the tavern socializing.
  • Nathan would be dragged by his hair to the "Divine" and then a spell would be cast making Nathan possessed. However when this all past he set sail and traveled.
  • Nathan wouldn't remember a thing he traveled far and wide and was bested in combat by 3 bandits. They beat him to near death, he somehow ended up in the good care of Alderic Aggard, A Trained Medical Professional. Nathan didn't know anyone, or know anything.
  • At the age of 35, He ended up at the Azure Premise where Lazarus Lupenzi, An old friend, Worked. He didn't remember him. But he trusted him, All Nathan could rely on was his instincts and they told him to go with Laz. And so he did. And during this adventure Laz triggered far memories and a lot came back, All the sunshine and warmth. He couldn't remember the Dragon Possession and he could only remember Jocelyn from the Lo Reign.
[Nathans Early Life 1-15]

Nathan would be born to Nathaniel & Rose Hence, Not much would be done during this period in his life, He would just be getting a grasp on his life, Learning the basics of survival.

[Late Teens/Early Twenties]



Nathan would soon start to take up the Arming sword more seriously with Dagger Throwing being more of a hobby than a hopeful job profession for Nathan. He would become more distant from his family focusing a lot more on training. Not many things would be prominent in his life.

During Nathans late 15th year of life he started to look at schools and charters hoping one day to achieve more than his family did. He was suddenly fascinated by noble etiquette and nobility in general. Although he shoved this thought way back into his head not shedding anymore hope or thought on it, but he'd always want to become a noble one day.

When Nathan turned 20 his parents were slaughtered, Nobody knew by who or what the motive was, Nathan hated life, he became more distant of everyone around him, He no longer had friends, He liked nobody. After living in his hometown for a bit he decided that standing still while life passed him by wasn't what his parents wanted for him. He set sail to Regalia.

[Regalian Life under the Lo Reign]



With the Lo's having a impenetrable force field around regalia, The Hence was smuggled in along with some other odd and end people. This went flawlessly and He would settle in nicely. Him finding a home rather quickly and laying low. However when there was a rumour going around about a man being burned at the stake, the name unknown, but he decided to see if was a rumour. It was anything but, The smell of burning flesh became more and more prominent and seeing this horrid sight sparked a rage inside of him. The lot of people watching became agitated and at this event the mob rebelled like no other however he saw an old friend with the Name of Jocelyn, Who he cared deeply for. The situation escalated and eventually his friend Jocelyn talked him into surrendering, thus began the first adventure into imprisonment, Jocelyn was took to a solo cell, while Nathan was put into a group cell, Nathan was close to Jocelyn, and was quickly realizing she was being tortured, she knew information about their band of rebels. Her screams would torment him and make him go slightly crazy, he lured a guard into the cell and jumped him. The guard made quick work of him and pinned him to a stone anvil like thing, they took a brand, that had the mark of traitor on it, and burned it on the bottom of his wrist, Jocelyn hid it well if she even had one (A brand). After this the Band of rebels would be more heated than ever. They hid well for the next month. Nathan with his family. Nur Hence, one of his younger brothers took care of him, Him having a bruised back and a injured leg. Although after this Nathan thought the Lo's were unkillable and fled from Regalia.

[The Adventures After The Flee]



Nathan would sail to lands unknown he didn't care. He just wanted to be left alone, he accepted defeat from the Lo's and his ego and pride were tore from this defeat, He left his Brothers & Sisters & his almost lover Jocelyn Marauder. During this time he joined a Mercenary guild Vengeful Spirits. This would refine his skills in almost everything, Archery, Long Swords, Daggers & Axes, He mostly trained with Swords, as he was already refined in the art of Daggers. This would give him military training in most of everything, He was considered a novice in axes as he didn't really practice with them all that much.

Although some people in the band of merc's were schooled in the school Turall and a couple others that were never formally announced. Although Nathan was never formally in the schools the people that trained with him, training with them would refine his skills in swordsmanship. Also when training with swords he also talked to bi-lingual people eager to learn whatever they could teach, He'd pick up Leutz-Vixe Dialect & D'Ithanie. During the Vengeful Spirits many contracts, they eventually settled down into more Trading and less contracts eventually they made more in Weapon & Wheat trade, they found themselves in Nathan's hometown, with a keep. being in his hometown, where his parents were slaughtered. Memories came back that he dreaded. However he snapped back into reality when the crops started growing and he sailed to and fro from Anglia to the Yang-Tzu Isles selling wheat. Nathan would excel and impress Darren Ultar (The Lord Commander of the Vengeful Spirits) and would be promoted to a General of the Vengeful Spirits army.

During his time of being a General he would learn a lot through the mistake, and his decisions costing people their lives would haunt him. However through every mistake he learned, The Battle of the Black Sand, The Battle of Red Sons & The Massacre of the Bloodied Spirits. The most prominent defeats he faced was The Massacre of the Bloodied Spirits. Nathan would be outsmarted & outmanned going into a fight he already lost. He was captured and let go to send a message to Darren. For them to leave the Yang-Tzu Isles, For them to no longer do trading with their people. Nathan needed to live, and Darren forgave him, and let him go.

[Returning To Regalia]



Nathan would return home and would run into his Adopted Daughter-like-thing. They would catch up but this left a stain on Nathan. All the good memories then turning bad after Brook telling him how he left her alone... How she raised herself. He re-introduced Brook to Jocelyn. and gave them everything they wanted, he owned a big house. and would share it with the two. But he often became nauseous at the thought of regalia and would often think of going to a school and achieving a Official Title. After a brief period of time, that became stale, he decided to go to seek a freelance mentor for the School of Turall. He trained for a year and built onto what he had achieved within Tyrant's Tooth. Once he achieved the highest rank which would be warrior he could with a mentor, he would be better than before.

The relentless training taught Nathan a lot about Patience and Discipline. He never knew how to take orders or how to follow someone.




Nathan would often be at the tavern socializing, Talking with anyone and everyone, he would be seen Socializing with more of Noble types nowadays. He then ran into Lazaruz Lupenzi and reconnecting. Him meeting his now ex-girlfriend Annabelle av Tordavik. Anna & Nathan would become decent friends with her suggesting him into the Vigilant Shield. He would send a rather urgent letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester stating he would love to take part in the Charter. He would eventually be accepted and now refer to Anna as Captain Tordavik. As well as he would work alongside the old friend Lazarus. Nathan would aim to become a huge part in the Vigilant Shield but striving for Nobility seems to be more on his mind as of late.


Nathan would soon become a Guard for the vigilant shield, patrolling daily but soon to get called to the bastion by his superior, The group consisted of violets & shields but mostly shields, soon things turned for the worse as some shields backstabbed everyone sending into a fury of combat Nathan elbowing Katrina and pushing her off the bridge before being tackled by Eske and slammed on the ground, eventually becoming unconscious, he'd be dragged by his hair to the "Divine" and then a spell would be cast making Nathan possessed. However when this all past he set sail and traveled.







Wha- Where am I?- Who am I?


Nathan wouldn't remember a thing he traveled far and wide and was bested in combat by 3 bandits. They beat him to near death, he somehow ended up in the good care of Alderic Aggard, A Trained Medical Professional. Nathan didn't know anyone, or know anything. It was like experiencing the good regalian space a first time, for a second time.


He ended up at the Azure Premise where Lazarus Lupenzi, An old friend, Worked. He didn't remember him. But he trusted him, All Nathan could rely on was his instincts and they told him to go with Laz. And so he did. And during this adventure Laz triggered far memories and a lot came back, All the sunshine and warmth. He couldn't remember the Dragon Possession and he could only remember Jocelyn from the Lo Reign.

Last edited:
Return the text to the left hand side of the thread.​
Basic Information:
Remove main ambition.​
Visual Information:
Remove weight.
All Turall fighters must be Ripped. Adjust your body build to suit this.​
Personality Information:
Add at least one sentence about how he treats friends or other closer relationships in the third paragraph.​
Life Story:
There are just too many images/gifs in this section. Remove them.
You are well above the word limit. You may add this extended version into a spoiler but add a more compact version.​

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me once done!
@Vegemiite The changes are made in Orange.
I also would like apologize for the many short stories in his life story, I get carried, I put gifs in spoilers just in case people wanted to see some sort of story and I can easily take it out if that is an issue, Thank you for your time and effort in your review.
Life Story:
There is no current mention of learning the School of Turall. Please add this in somewhere.
The Life Story also ends with your character leaving Regalia. Did he return after the Lo Crisis ended? Was he there during the Dragon Crisis? Please add further onto this stating when your character returned to Regalia.​
That works well, thank you!
I do need some clarification however. Did your character attend the schools training at the age of 25 or 27? If 27, you'd need to age him up to 37 to be fully learned in the school.​
This is where its kinda tricky @Vegemiite Nathan would have been training with Turall fighters in the Vengeful Spirits, Picking up on their combat style then finally pursuing the Personal Tutor, I can easily put the Tutor in the Vengeful Spirts for ease.
Learning at the age of 26 with the mercenary band will mean you need to age your character up by 1 year. This will allow you to add one extra proficiency and cultural point as well if you wish. Make that final edit and we can get this application approved!
Done, @Vegemiite I would like to thank you for your patience, I appreciate the effort you've put into my application and look forward to my upcoming characters with you maybe reviewing them also, Have a stupendous day.
Approved! Thank you for your kind comments.