Preserved Sheet Natalia Lazarescu

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40th President of the United States
Oct 3, 2017
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White House
Republican Party
United States of America
Roleplay Guilds
Screen Actors Guild
Natalia Lazarescu
(Nah-tal-ee-ah Lhaz-are-esque-oow)


Basic Information

✤ Full Name: Natalia Narcissa Tirgunnea Corbiterae Lazarescu din Burdea
✤ Age: 35
✤ Gender: Female
✤ Race: Vladno, raised in Tirgunn
✤ Sexuality: Heterosexual

Skill Information

Proficiency Usage: 35/35

✤ +5 Commanding Speech (+5 from Culture)*
✤ +10 Crossbow (+10 from School of Knights (Darkwald))
✤ +10 Longsword (+10 from School of Knights (Darkwald))
✤ +20 Aberration Knowledge (+10 from School of Knights (Darkwald), +10 from Darkwald special)
✤ +5 Military Theory (+5 from Proficiency Points)
✤ +20 Alchemy (+20 from Proficiency Points)

*I couldn't find one specific reference to what culture applies to a Tirgunni background, hence the use of a secondary culture's proficiency (Vladno).

Culture Usage: 35/35

✤ +15 Painting (+15 from Proficiency Points)
✤ +10 Instrumental Music (+10 from Proficiency Points)
✤ +5 Literature (+5 from Proficiency Points)
✤ +5 Bodycare (+5 from Proficiency Points)

Languages (3/3, discluding Common)

✤ Alt Regalian (fluent)
✤ d'Ithanie (rather basic)
✤ Mirnoye (very basic)

Extended Information

{ Positions & Stature } ▼
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{ Upbringing } ▼
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{ Ambitions } ▼
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Visual Information

✤ Eye Color: Amber
✤ Hair Color: Black
✤ Hair Style: Messy braid
✤ Skin Color: Freckled light brown
✤ Clothing: Simple gowns and clothes in the colours green, black and brown
✤ Height: 4'11" (very short)
✤ Body Build: Toned

Extended Visuals

{ Facial Features } ▼
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{ Body & Skin } ▼
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{ Fashion } ▼
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{ Voice} ▼
➤ Text goes here



Personality and Abilities

{ Outer Perception } ▼
➤ Natalia is a crude and pragmatic woman approaching most discussions with a radical degree of honesty and a hint of wit. She does not like protocol, but is able to hold herself to it with some gritted teeth. Natalia's general presence is both assertive and authoritarian, often conflicting with positions above herself towards whom she regularly hold disobedience.

{ Inner Perception } ▼
➤ As complex as her studies of aberrants and alchemy have been, Natalia's internal thought processes can only be defined with the word simple. She holds herself to olden ideals of brutal honesty and an eye-for-eye mentality. Deep inside, however, she is also a rather vain woman. She loves compliments and can get softened up by them, though it's also easy to anger her by referring to her height. She may sometimes seem to lack confidence, though in reality she is just a cautious and conservative person.

{ Relational Perception } ▼
➤ Natalia upholds a fair degree of ferocity towards anything that would endanger her close kin. She seldom extends this to those not of her blood, as she is generally skeptic and distrustful towards people. If she does open her trust towards someone, betrayal can earn her full wrath and fury. To strangers, she is mostly non-caring, just drifting past them without making as much of a note or word.

{ Moral Perception } ▼
➤ Natalia maintains a rather outdated eye-for-eye, tooth-for-tooth mentality within her morality. She doesn't really care for helping the poor or aiding the weak. She is in complete accordance with the "end justifies the means" protocol. She is distrustful towards nonhumans, bearing open spite against elves mostly. She is a fervent unionist, infused with some of the most radical superstitions rooting in the more ancient Anglian culture that influenced Tirgunn.

Life Story

➤ Natalia was born during the Drachenwald crisis, in 272 AC, to Nicolae and Maria Lazarescu, in Tirgunn. Both her parents were Vladno intellectuals seeking fortune in the north. She was third of three siblings, with her two brothers named Vasile and Stefan.

➤ In 296AC, she married a banker called Valentin, and has had three healthy children since: an older daughter called Adriana (10 years old) and two sons, Ioan (7) and Dragomir (5).

➤ She grew up in a modest environment, amidst the crumbling castles and various ruins in Tirgunn. She picked up Alt-Regalian through her childhood, albeit a sickly one. At the age of 8, she became an alchemist's apprentice, though she soon found more aspirations and ambitions to become a Darkwald huntress. Considering both her older brothers took the same robes, there wasn't many questions asked, and she studied and practiced through the training for ten year until she graduated in 296AC. The same year she married her future husband she met in Tirgunn.

➤ Natalia travelled around the Archipelago during the years of the Ranger War and the following times. She met Reinhold von Leitner first in Drachenwald, in the city of Versau. For the next decade, Natalia pursued her further studies in alchemy while serving various Darkwald missions and participating in the occasional vampire hunts.

➤ She learned of her old acquaintance's presence in the holy city recently during one of her visits. Natalia opted to contact the man, as she learned he was now involved in the same aberrant-hunting pursuit she has been, albeit more formally and as part of an order's leadership in Regalia.

Credits to Marcela Freire for the 1st art piece.
Credits to Aerenwyn on Deviantart for the 2nd art piece.
Credit due to @Yigit for formatting.
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