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Nargun Looking For Work.


Jan 30, 2016
Reaction score
(This notice would have been posted around the sewers and Old Town.)

New Kathar band looking for work in the city, we are called Nargun.

We currently have three members, me, Saelathil Mephina, the lead singer and lute player, Tethys Kalmaer @CthulhuPulu , our flute player , and percussionist Skotadi Xotiko. We would currently love to play your venue be it in the sewers or in Old Town, and are also looking to purchase some more professional flutes and drums.
- Saelathil Mephina
"this new age Kathar music. Other parents explain to me that 'they let their teenager listen to Kathar music because that's all they listen to.' Let me tell you something, The lyrics to real Kathar music is nothing more than void cyanide. Get it out of your house, throw it out and burn it. It has no place in the house of the spirit!" - A concerned Ailor parent.
El-Marayan Brood looked over this here paper, and thought to herself, "Huh..."