Preserved Sheet Nanna Svartfjäll

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haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
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"Winter Bird Landscape" by Theodor Severin Kittelsen
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Full Name: Nanna Hyrde Katrindottir Svartfjäll

Goes by: Nanna Svartfjäll
Nicknames: Nan
Age: Twenty-One
Birthday: March 16th
Astrology: Pisces
Gender: Female
Race: Velheimer Ailor

Lineage: Akkadian
Eye Color: Light Brown


Core: A sickly weaver that wants to simply live happily with her craft, she often spends her time domestically and out of arms way. Nonetheless, she is a bit mouthier and isn't known for backing down from a challenge when it presents itself.
Religion: A devout Old Gods worshipper, Nanna has dedicated her life to living in the honor of her patron goddess, Julvira. More importantly, she spends more of her days praying to the three Maarda of her patron: Wanderlust, Glee, and Whimsy.

Appearance: Nanna could be described as a very... mundane and plain woman, with long, brown hair that is often tied back into a strict braid and no bangs on her forehead. Her skin is paler than usual, if only because of her sickly nature, although she still stands at a decent height of 5'9".
Scars/Mutations/Etc: She doesn't really have any scars or mutations, only the life-long ailment of Sanguiphobia.

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Proficiency Points: Physical Stat of 0
↬ 15 Husbandry Art
↬ 15 Fabric Art
↬ 10 Leatherwork Art
↬ 10 Cooking Art | Hobby
↬ 4 Needlework Art
↬ 3 Genetics
↬ 3 Linguistics
↬ Common | Semi-Fluent (Free)
↬ Nytalsk | Fluent (Parental)
↬ Forsk | Fluent (Linguistics)
↬ Skodje | Fluent (Honed Skill I)
↬ Gamvelsk | Fluent (Unlocked)
Special Traits:
Ailor | Lineage Ability
· Soul Bond I
· Shrewd Insight I
· Honed Skill I
Husbandry | Companion
· Mundane Familiar | Angora Cat ("Barn")
· Domestic Mount | Erkebin ("Kulle")
Genetics | Downfall
· Sanguiphobia

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CHILDHOOD: Born on March 16th of 288 AC, Nanna was the second child the Makat couple, Egil and Katrin Svartfjäll. She was raised happily by her religious family within the northern peninsula, excited to follow in her mother's footsteps one day and become a Skagger.

ADOLESCENCE: As she finally left her elementary years, it became apparent that the young Velheimer was unable to follow in her family's footsteps due to being struck down with a blood disease (Sanguinphobia). As such, she was turned away from becoming a Skagger and instead was turned into her village's shepherd, taking a liking to the work and being a weaver.

EARLY ADULTHOOD: Reaching her late teenaged years, Nanna finally left home on her Rite of Passage to Julvira alongside her companion, Håkan, who was working on his Rite of Passage for Alu. The pair of them traveled between the Julvin Gates with much excitement, and eventually finished their respective rites: Håkan taking created for keeping Nanna alive as his own.

REGALIAN ARRIVAL: Uninterested in returning to the Isle of Makat and coming a home-body once more, Nanna had Håkan take her to the City of Regalia, hoping to make a living off of her weaving and fabric craftsmanship. Wanting her family to know that she still lived, Håkan promised to return eventually and left his friend there to survive on her own.


Diplomat: Level II
Sage: Level I

It was the late winter morning of March 16th 288 AC, on the Isle of Makat within the western edge of Ellador, when the Tryllejag couple, Egil and Katrin Svartfjäll, met their second child, a daughter whom they named Nanna. The girl's parents were thrilled to finally have another baby after six years of trying following the birth of their older son, Enbär. Feeling completed as a family, Nanna was raised well, if a bit cold from the everlasting chill of the northern hemisphere of Aloria.

When she reached the age of seven, her parents finally wished to introduce their daughter to the art of combat, similar to both them and her brother, who was soon sent away to Drixagh to begin his training as a Voldsomarg Skagger, same as their mother was. Eager to follow along, Nanna's mother took the lead in showing her simple movements and footwork, and hitting a block of wood with an axe. Nonetheless, tragedy has an interesting way of making itself known and during one such training session, the young girl tripped over her own feet and fell. Her arm was sliced minorly on the edge of the axe, and even after the wound was inspected and deemed to be nothing of serious issue, it still bled.

Nothing could stop it and her parents carried Nanna off to the village healer who managed to subdue the blood with an herbal remedy and prayed that Alu would not take her so soon. At the behest of the healer, Nanna's parents were forbidden from teaching her the art of combat, and warned that she had the signs of being Blodsykdom and that it was senseless to risk her life over something that she could never learn. Disheartened, Egil and Katrin took the words of the herbalist to heart and Nanna awoke to disagreement when she asked if she could continue to learn.

As such, she was turned towards the more passive arts of life, which were uncommon for anyone to focus on within Tryllejag. As she grew older, she learned to cook, taking up making meals for her parents and her brother, on the rare occasions that he visited. More importantly, she was dictated to spend her days as a shepherd once she grew old enough, as one of the rare youth who wasn't focused on schools of combat. The sheep that roamed the icy island were followed after her and her crook, and soon enough a white-furred cat that Nanna lovingly referred to as her Barn.

Reaching her mid-teens, Nanna had taken up the art of fabric, mostly revolving around wool and yarn. She would spin yarn and dye it from the natural flora that grew few and far between throughout Makat. By the daytime, she would care for the sheep that wandered, and by night, she spun their wool within an alcove of her parent's home. She grew sicker, each passing winter, even if she was warm, full of good food, and unharmed by any battle. Some blamed it on the ill-blood that ran through her veins, while others claimed it to be inactivity since she never did try fighting again. Oftentimes still, her parents were busy with life and battles with nearby creatures. Her brother's visits grew slimmer and slimmer as he found himself more at home within Drixagh than Ellador, and slowly Nanna seemed to sink further into loneliness.

It is here then that she realized that she was finally of the age to begin her Rite of Passage, and in all her aching to travel, she knew none better than to follow in the footsteps of Julvira. As such, she already had visited the Julvin Gate of Tryllejag, it not being too far from where she had grown up. She was suited with warm clothing, good food, and a satchel to carry both a never used dagger and her snowy-coated cat. A village boy on his own Rite of Passage, although for Alu, Håkan, was sent off alongside Nanna, told to bring her to the Julvin Gates safely and protect her from the many dangers that scouted the world. The pair, knowing each other well already, settled off without argument into the world.

After reaching the final Julvin Gate, about two years after their great journey had begun, Nanna was faced with the greatest decision: to return to Ellador (and no doubt return to a passive, unmoving life), or to never return to Ellador (and thus abandon her parents). It was Håkan that assisted in deciding such a thing, providing his friend with all the knowledge that a nineteen year old could have- that being that she would no doubt die of something, whether it be sickness or sadness, should she return to Tryllejag, and that it was against his good will to put her on such a path. So the two turned away from returning to Ellador, finding it only within them to send a well written letter back to the settlement at home, although finding no true reason to return if there wasn't anything for them.

Continuing on, the pair eventually found themselves in Regalia. It was here that Håkan informed Nanna that it was probably for the best if they proved they weren't dead, although she refused to return homebound for Ellador. Thus, her friend left her with all he could spare and promised to return once he was able. So for the first time in her entire life, within a city of people she hardly knew anything about, Nanna was on her own- surviving only off of the promise that her best friend would eventually fetch her so they could continue their travels throughout the world.

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"My dear old friend, take me for a spin.
Two wolves in the dark, running in the wind.
I'm letting go, but I've never felt better."

Slow and Steady | Of Monsters and Men
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@Volaie updated to new template!! nothing else changed
approved ig :rolling_eyes: