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Work in Progress Naneri, Remet Asha

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


Jul 13, 2024
Reaction score

Character Information

  • Full Name: Naneri Hmayt

  • Heritage / Culture: Asha, Siberian Lynx / Remet Asha

  • Age: Mid 30s

  • Gender / Pronouns: She/They

  • Religion: Unionism (Protector Goddesses)

  • Occult: N/A

  • Character Occupation: Blacksmith / Metalworker; new member of the Auger Order
Appearance Information:

  • Eye Color: Gold

  • Skin/Fur Color: Silver / Dirt

  • Hair: Grey

  • Height: 6'8

  • Body Type: Strong built

  • Additional Features: Pock marked, due to cinders from forge; few fighting scars here and there, collecting resources
Skill Information:

  • Hobbies and Talents: Athletic, Alchemy

  • Mechanics: Control Living Metal, Night Vision, Steel Claws, Alert (non-combat Magic proximity), Heightened Senses, Asha's Grace (no fall dmg from <50blocks)

  • Languages: Common, Ibeth, learning Sign
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: 3 (STR)

Defense Stat: 4 (CON)

[14/14 points spent]

Proficiency Points:

  • Strength: 3
    • Bruiser Rampage (1)

    • Bruiser Stance (0)

    • Veteran Parry (1)

    • Pinning Throw (1)
  • Constitution: 4
    • Interception (1)

    • Thick Hide (1)

    • Bulwark (1)

    • Rebound (1)
  • Intelligence: 3
    • Shapeshift Pack (1)

    • Safeguard Pack (1)

    • Wardrobe Pack (1)
  • Wisdom: 1
    • Chem Revive Pack (1)
  • Dexterity: 2
    • Cutthroat Target Pack (1)

    • Cutthroat Flank Pack (1)
  • Faith: 1
    • Sacred Martyr Pack (1)
  • Magic: 0


Nanari hails from the colder regions of Aloria, in the uncharted mountains of Fendarfelle.

They traveled for several years down towards the Capital, in hopes to set up a shop of their own, much like their mother had before them. Although there is not much left of their old village, or of their family, Nanari hopes to become something more than just a simple blacksmith. They've done work on armor, leathers and the like, and began to work on sourcing more durable materials when a terrible storm blew through. Although they were able to survive thanks to the forge burning, the rest of their home was not so lucky. Nanari could never find evidence of her family and friends. It was as if they vanished…or were buried in the snow.


Nessa, father - passed away when Nanari was 10.

Mestan, mother - age 49 during Storm

Thonri, elder - age 73 during Storm

Ziasi, elder - age 76 during Storm

Additional Information:

Untrusting, standoffish, cold; will not be afraid to tell you what she thinks of you, good or bad. Slow to trust. Observant. Judgmental.

In secret, bakes and cooks for a local orphanage and is gentle with kids.

ISFJ-T Personality Type: Defender
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