Naming Ideas


He watches all.
Nov 5, 2015
Reaction score
Evening ladies and gents! So I am sure a couple of you might have seen me around so far, I don't play on the server to much since I am currently trying to work on getting a character put together that I can play. And as such I wanted to ask for a bit of ideas! You see, with the small amount that I am on the server I rarely see any races that are not Klien, Nelfin, Ailor and the occasional Orc. And this makes it rather difficult when I am wanting to make a Mu-Allar character, since I seem to rarely see any Allar around because I can't really see any skins or names to try and get an idea for what they should look, sound or behave like. Now I understand that most of this can either be found on the wiki or through in-game experiences. But, since the application seem to be pretty in depth I just want to get a couple of ideas or input from other people who better know the race/have played it more and to hopefully develop a decent character. I have read the wiki for Allar and I know that their names are based of varying vowels and the double letters, but some examples would be help to base off of.

I still plan to look through the wiki and gather all the bits of information I can on the race and any races with a direct connection to them to the best of my ability. So really all I am asking for is what you guys think would make a good Mu-Allar?

Thank you for your time, trouble, and input.

What type of person do you want your character to be? Maybe you can base the name around that.
What type of person do you want your character to be? Maybe you can base the name around that.
Hmm, not sure why I didn't think about that one. I planned to make his personality a very religious type. So for him he would be very passive, polite to people, and not so much avoiding contact but more of standing on the sidelines watching how it all unfolds.
Hmm, not sure why I didn't think about that one. I planned to make his personality a very religious type. So for him he would be very passive, polite to people, and not so much avoiding contact but more of standing on the sidelines watching how it all unfolds.
Wesstil then. Pronounce it Weh-sss-till. Sounds polite, almost scholarly. Very passive sounding for an anthropomorphic lizard with feathers.