Archived Name Tag Crafting Recipe?

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Chief of Regulus
Jan 3, 2013
Reaction score
Adelaide, SA
Is it possible to get a name tag crafting recipe? It could be used to make things which require mobs to not to despawn (mob arenas, zoos, traps, etc) . Also for naming dogs and other pets.

The crafting recipe could be expensive, so that people aren't going around naming mobs everywhere.
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err maybe make the nametags for tamable pets?[DOUBLEPOST=1371479476,1371479466][/DOUBLEPOST]and no other mobs?
Since 1.6 is not released you cant craft those items even if cayorion made it possible for premium to craft it
Name tags won't exist until the server is running 1.6 as well.
There is a plugin , just if anyone is wondering , that does allow pets to be named via /pet name (name) , I've no idea what it is called but I've seen it before.
The Minecraft 1.6 Update Will be Released in 2-3 weeks. It will contain:
- Texture pack support will be removed, but a new Ressource Pack support will be added.
- Horses, Donkies and Mules, is new mobs added
- New Block: Hardened Clay
- New Block: Coal Block
- New Block: Stained Clay (Can be colored like wool can)
- New Block: Hay Bale - Able to Auto-feed/breed animals is planned in 1.6.2 or 1.6.3
- New Decoration: Carpets (Placeable on TOP of blocks. As high as snow (The layer snow) and 1 block wide on sides)
- New Texture: Lapiz Lazuli Blocks now looks more like Lapis, and less like blue marble.
- New Item: Name Tag (Able to name it in an anvil, and then use it on entities to name them - Also hostile entities)
- New Item: Horse Armor (Iron, Golden, Diamond)
- Now you have to press "Shift" to get off horses, boats and minecarts, but this lets you hit buttoms.

I think that is the most of it... As far as I remember. I'll Update this post if nessesary.
Cannot a actual good horse (standard breed) to be dedicated to a non premium? I mean although people will donate for this benifit can non premium members actually have a standard breed horse besides a mule? Just let the non premiums have a standerd horse and mabye iron or gold armor?
Non premium members can still use horse armor and have horses, it is just that they cannot craft the armor. If you so wished, premium players could sell diamond horse armor to non premiums for money. The non premium players can still use this diamond armor on their own horses as they wish.
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