Preserved Sheet Naio

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previously "Skeletennessee"
Jul 19, 2017
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Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Naio

  • Age: 36

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Isldar-seedling

  • Main Ambition: Accomplishment, knowledge, and achievement in her fields of study. She hopes these will gain her mother's acknowledgement.

  • Special Permission: Expert in the Discipline of Medicine, School of Biology
  • School: Discipline of Medicine, School of Biology

  • Level: Expert

  • Source: Attended the Medical Academy of Theron's Hand.
  • School: Magicamy, School of Alchemy

  • Level: Learned

  • Source: Attended school in Ithania.


Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Blue.

  • Hair Color: Her plumage is white, with holly and other assortments of berries that add occasional splashes of red.

  • Hair Style: Short, in a bob.

  • Skin Color: Almost completely white. Her skin has veins/tendrils of pink, as well as pink at the tips of her fingers and ears.

  • Clothing: She wears clothes practical for a healer. This generally consists of trousers, boots, and long sleeves.

  • Height: 5'9

  • Body Build: Lanky

  • Weapon of Choice: Naio generally chooses not to fight, but if she's forced to, she'll use one of her many scalpels, or some alchemical concoction.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph: Naio would like to be seen as calculating, like her mother. However, her time as a healer has taught her compassion. The Yanar attempts to maintain a mask of apathy, but those who know her know that she's actually very meek. She's known to respond to questions very sarcastically, often posing rhetorical questions in response, instead of answers. Most would describe her as an attention seeker, who requires a lot of affirmation.

  • Second Paragraph: Naio is confident in her studied fields, mostly because her memory of learned subjects is near perfect. She answers unerringly when asked about biology or alchemy, though her confidence ends there. The Yanar prefers to not be spoken to, and often will outright refuse to speak. While this is often mistaken for arrogance, Naio is afraid of making a mistake in casual conversation. If she does choose to speak to strangers, her answers will generally be one word.

  • Third Paragraph: When conversing with her mother, Naio becomes solemn and more obedient. She never interrupts Jen, and will only spoke when spoken to. As a whole, Naio shuts down everything unrelated to her mother or her work. The woman thrives on compliments, and works in earnest to be rewarded. With close friends, her guard is lower. Her natural curiosity and gentleness bubbles forwards, and she can be very affectionate.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Naio can be described as neutral at best. She wouldn't go out of her way to help or hurt someone. She rarely does things that don't personally benefit her, or have any weight on her work. The Yanar would do anything her mother asked, regardless of if she agreed with it or not. Never doing more than what's required of her, Naio will almost never intervene unless it's in her job description.


  • Memory - The Yanar's memory is near perfect, especially when it comes to text and pictures. She's able to recall almost all things she's read. This is especially useful when recalling information from her volumes of textbooks, in regards to biology and alchemy. Due to the nature of the work she does in the clinic and Jen's workshop, her ability to recall information is valuable.

  • Curious - One of the traits the girl actually picked up from her mother. Although it wasn't her idea to get involved in biology, she became quickly engrossed in the study. Naio goes to great lengths to answer her own questions, so long as Jen allows it. If left unchecked, she'd do most anything to sate her curiosity.

  • Steady Hands - After many years of practicing, the Yanar has perfected her trade. She's confident enough in her ability that she can perform quickly and efficiently while treating a patient. Her hands never waver when performing surgery, and her cuts are always precise. This also helps when mixing ingredients during alchemical experiments.
  • Obedience - Naio's blind obedience to her mother is a potential downfall. Jen's word is law, and the Yanar refuses to do anything that would garner disapproval. Her safety and anyone else's opinion comes second.

  • Attention Seeker - As a result from getting little to no encouragement when she was younger, Naio has grown into the habit of actively seeking praise from others. She's been known to go out of her way to show off, occasionally even asking to be praised. The Yanar desperately seeks someone's approval.

Life Story (Required)

Birth - Naio was born to Jěnaio Nësse'jenǟṇto, an Isldar/Shendar mix, and Caebal'la Arbusto. Jen was a woman of knowledge and discovery, and was also in the market for a capable assistant. As a result, she coerced the Yanar into conceiving for her, resulting in an Isldar seedling. It needed a name. The woman took the first two letters off her name, and designated it "Naio".

Childhood - Growing up under a woman like Jen was never easy. As soon as it could speak, knowledge was thrust upon the young Yanar. It sought motherly affection, something Jen wasn't easily able to provide. Instead, it was greeted with tests and puzzles. Everyday was a series of lessons, to gauge her abilities and teach her more. It was quickly apparent that the Yanar's intelligence was above average. Its memory, however, was astonishing. The education continued until the age of twelve, when Jen decided to send her child to be educated at the Medical Academy of Theron's Hand.

Teenage Years - Naio, now officially identifying as female, took to the study of anatomy and biology particularly well. Her curiosity knew no bounds, and she memorized each diagram and word with voracious appetite. The Yanar found that her steady hands and calm, analytical demeanor helped in her performance. Her instructors and peers showered her with praise, and she grew accustomed to the treatment. After eight years time, Naio graduated, then working for another ten in a local clinic.

Adult Years to Now - The Yanar returned home at 30, having completed her training and education. She demonstrated what she'd learned for her mother, with childish glee. Jen, however, was less than impressed. Magicamy, she'd said exasperatedly. If only you'd learned Magicamy. The girl begged forgiveness. Send me, I'll learn. I swear I will. Armed with only her determination and money for entrance, Naio was sent to Ithania to seek training. She spent six years under the tutelage of a paid mentor, before returning home. At thirty six years old, Naio has returned to Regalia once more, to prove her use to her mother.
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Yanar can't have genders. Change that to Agender, identifying as female.
Expand on the Memory trait. How does she use it in day to day life? Where did she get it?
Give a few ages in the Life Story.
That's sorta it.
Claimed for Aspirant Review! Expect a response within 48 hours.
Skill Information

Due to the inherent conflicts between the school of Alchemy and Medicine, I will advise that you lower your character's skill in Alchemy to the level of Learned.
Personalities and Abilities
Bold the key characteristics such as 'Compassion', and a pointer that the world you're looking for with cold, confident, and aloof is likely calculative.
Expand on steady hands with another sentence elaborating on it

Well done on your character application thus far, tag me and make this changes in red!
Skill Information

Due to the inherent conflicts between the school of Alchemy and Medicine, I will advise that you lower your character's skill in Alchemy to the level of Learned.
Personalities and Abilities
Bold the key characteristics such as 'Compassion', and a pointer that the world you're looking for with cold, confident, and aloof is likely calculative.
Expand on steady hands with another sentence elaborating on it

Well done on your character application thus far, tag me and make this changes in red!
Edits have been made in red! @Suicidium

Thank you for making the requested changes, though could you work on bolding the rest of the key characteristics of Personalities and Abilities for other paragraphs? Happy roleplaying!
