Preserved Sheet Naexi

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Basement Goblin
May 20, 2018
Reaction score
A place where trains are really loud.

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Naexi (Nae)
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Kathar, Variant of Wildering
  • Sexuality: Homosexual
Skill Information

Total Points: 30 (25 From Age +5 Bonus)
  • +15 Athletic Training (+10 From Points)
  • +15 Throwing Combat (+10 From Points)
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 15 Athletic Training x 2 = 30 + 15 Throwing Combat = 45 Total
  • Body Build: Athletic
  • Body Fat: Extreme Low
  • Common (Learned In Regalia)
  • Kathar Elven Dialect (Learned During Childhood)


Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Light Brown
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: Tied Up In A Bun
  • Skin Color: Dulled Brown
  • Clothing: Tattered Dresses
  • Height: 5'8"
Personality and Abilities
Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • True Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Entertainer
      • Mind: 54% Extraverted, 46% Introverted
      • Energy: 32% Intuitive, 68% Observant
      • Nature: 29% Thinking, 71% Feeling
      • Tactics: 8% Judging, 92% Prospecting
      • Identity: 68% Assertive, 32% Turbulent
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • 10/10 Blissfulness
      • Naexi was never taught any type of religion, and therefor is entirely blissful of worship and the like.



Tiray - Adoptive Mother? - "Where'd you go?"

Aeyllanama - ??? - "I'm not a pest.."

Shae - Enemy - "What's your thing with tying me up?! I think you need your tail removed again!"

Abineil - Friend - "Abi-friend! Good friend! Mhm mhm!"

Anri - Enemy - "I'll tell on you! I swear I will!"

Om'brosa - Friend - "You seem nice! We should talk more! Mhm mhm!"

Rennyn - Friend - "Make me another blood spear!"

Aaminah - Crush - "You're so nice! And intimidating! And protective! Can you help me scare off more meanies?"

Naelin - Friend - "Other Nae? THERE'S ANOTHER NAE? Two Nae's are better than one."

Malyrra Hállëvandëia - Also Adoptive Mother? - "Thank you for letting me stay with you!"

Life Story
  • Born February 1st 282 AC in the Dread Empire to unknown parents. The only caretaker that Nae can remember, is a Shenath woman named Kali.
  • Due to her being a Wildering, Nae was much raised as a pet, rather than as the Shenath's own child. In addition to being raised as a pet, she was also not allowed to ever leave the house. Not even a step outside.
  • Due to the lack of people to talk to around her while growing up, Nae took to talking to the stones, even creating entire communities for them. In her mind, pebbles were wives and children, beings to be protected and cared for. Rocks were husbands that protected those wives and children, and were to be thrown at enemies or those who dare threaten the pebbles. Boulders were soldiers, used to get others out of places they shouldn't be in. And finally, any pretty stones such as gemstones, were nobility. And how she was involved in all of this? Well, she thought of herself as their protector, handler, and speaker. That only she and her possible future friends may use stones to throw at people, or harm people with. If any ever dared to miss-treat or miss-label her stones, she'd deem them worthy of punishment, and try to carry out such herself.

  • Nae remained isolated for twenty years of her life, which, furthered her relationship with the stones. They were her only friends, family, all she really knew for the longest time. Harming one was worthy of the highest punishment in her mind.

  • One day, Kali threatened Nae's stones, saying that the still somewhat young Wildering was insane to think they were alive. Nae, did not take this well, as she soon leapt upon her caretaker, and hit her several times with the nearby rock, as punishment for saying they weren't alive. For this, Nae was kicked out onto the streets. Where Kali believed she'd starve. And Kali was somewhat right. Nae found it quite difficult to obtain any food or water. However, one day she came across a docked ship, and decided to search it for food. And food she found! She ate and drank until no longer hungry or thirsty, then soon passed out. To her and the crews' unknowingness, the ship took off with her still on it.

  • And thus, Nae landed in Regalia. A new land full of new people, and new things to discover. Being naturally curious, Nae decided to stay on this new land, instead of finding a way back to the Dread Empire.
  • After a day or two in Regalia, Naexi found herself being driven down to the sewers by angry Regalians. They did not know what this creature was, and as such, tossed it in the gutter. Nae then began to wander about the sewers, not out of fear of what they would do to her, but moreso out of curiosity of this underground world.

  • In recent days, Nae has been reconnected with a group of her kin, to no longer wander the sewers alone. One in particular, named Tiray, is one she thinks of as a mother of sorts. However, having had no real parents, she hasn't an idea of how to express this to Tiray. So she calls her a simple friend. She does, however, follow Tiray about and listen to her best she can, in hopes of learning new and wonderful things from this parental figure.
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Exceptional app, weird character. @Resirolas

  • Just as a general note, I want you to elaborate in your personality paragraphs a little bit more regarding the typical nature of wildering Kathar. Use this text as a guide and fill in the gaps where appropriate.
    • "In the Dread Empire, they are usually seen as pests or pets because of their thieving and verbal communication habits (though they can most definitely speak Kathar dialects), they often prefer to use mocking tones."
I made as many edits as I could, to try to factor in her race but also keep it strictly to her personality! Apologies if it doesn't fit well with the race, it's just how she acts. Oh, also! I added something to the life story as well. All edits were made in Teal.