Preserved Sheet Nadiyya Al-tufayl

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ancient gay
May 26, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
House Croy

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Nadiyya al-Tufayl
    • Nicknames: Nadi, Iyya, Mudskin.
    • Alias(es): Sayyida al-Amin
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Qadir [Vampire]
  • Main Ambition: Find greater purpose in serving the Horatio.
  • Special Permission: N/A

Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Describe your character's position in Regalia. Why are they there? How long have they been there? What is their occupation and living situation?
  • Describe your character's upbringing. Where were they born, to whom? How many siblings do they have? What about their extended family/noble family?
  • Describe any secondary ambitions your character may have. Short term ambitions, or ambitions that may not be related to your character's main goal in life.

Skill Information
  • 28 Proficiency Points [-10 from School] 18 Remaining
    • +20 Drixon Spear (+10 from Melaak School, +10 from Points)
    • +10 Small Shield (+10 from Melaak School)
    • +10 Mastigo Whip (+10 from Melaak School)
    • +10 Quick Fingers (+10 from Qadir Boost)
    • +5 Daggers (+5 from Points)
    • +3 Acrobatics (+3 from Points)
  • 28 Culture Points
    • +28 Carving (+28 from Points)
    • +10 Clockwork Engineering (+10 from Qadir Boost)
  • Languages
    • Faraddi (Native Tongue)
    • Sofaal (Fluent)
    • Common (Fluent)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Crimson Red
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Hair Style: Ponytail
  • Skin Color: Sickly-Pale Brown
  • Clothing: Old leather armor from a long-lost gang.
  • Height: Five foot nine.
  • Body Build: Ripped.
  • Weapon of Choice: Drixon Spear/Small Shield | Mastigo Whip
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Describe the Character's facial features, like the shapes of their eyes, mouth, ears, the size of their forehead, what kind of expression they usually carry, any freckles, scars etc, hair color, hair style and more. This description is purely for the head (and by extension neck) alone.
  • Describe the Character's body. Go into detail about height, body shape, the color of their skin, the size of their bones and muscles, their amount of fat, any physical disabilities they may have, their amount of body hair if applicable and more. This description is purely for the body.
  • Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories. Talk about what kind of clothes they usually wear, preferred colors, what jewelry they have, weapons they carry on them or any item of note that they may always have on them.
  • Describe the character's voice. How do they speak? What is their typical tone and speed? Do they have an accent or a tendency to stutter? Any quirks about their voice listed here. Maybe also add a list of the languages they can speak.

Personality and Abilities
  • Perceived by Others: Nadiyya has always been seen as a rather uncaring and jesting person. Being in a good mood falls easy on the Qadir, even despite being a slave for so long, and usually shows herself as a sarcastic and funny soul. However, she's also commonly shown to be smug and holier-than-thou, which sums up an arguably annoying personality for people to deal with. Nadi also seems to be quite wishy-washy, or even downright deceitful. Her true loyalty is coin as a bounty hunter, something she is not private about, causing others to view her as immoral or untrustworthy.
  • Inner Feelings: To herself, Nadiyya is perhaps overconfident in her own ability. She has a skewed perception of herself to where she believes to be superior to other people. In truth, this is compensation for having been a slave for so long, and being utterly at others mercy, yet this is not a fact she knows about herself. It's true in stating she is not anxious either, and generally is able to face problems well. However, she is equally prone to misjudging situations due to how much better she views herself to others.
  • Third Paragraph: Nadiyya has never known her family, and even her surname is just one picked up from her long-dead companion, Ebrahim. The only family she has is her daughter, Amani, whom she hardly knows due to sending the girl to an Anahera Orphanage shortly after he birth. All that being said, how she treats family is irrelevant. Friends is another matter entirely, as she has had multiple over her years as a free woman. Typically, her friends are more facil in nature, as she struggles to build deep and meaningful relationships. There have been some exceptions, and that small group usually sees a very warm and humble side of Nadi that none ever experience.
  • Morals: Nadiyya is a person who only cares for where her own benefit lies. Usually, this is money. Selfish and greedy, the Qadir is a Neutral Evil. In this alignment, she does not go out of her way to be evil out of love for combat, yet simply happens to be evil in acting for her own self-interest. This holds Nadiyya in a dangerous predicament, as she's a person who does not abide herself by a moral code.
  • Worldview (Optional): Nadiyya is by all means, atheist, though not solid in that belief. Having been taken into slavery at so young, she never knew the religion of her people, and during her servitude, she found it difficult to fully accept the Shambala faith. The woman never had a religion to turn to, and even after her freedom, came to the conclusion that there must be no God or Gods if her life had been so tough and hopeless before. As of now, she's atheist, but the woman is not against the idea of religion should one enlighten her.
  • Arrogance: Nadiyya is not a modest person, and her pride often is a preface to her fall. She views herself as better than others, due to believing she's had it worse in life, and that her skills define her. This is not only an unhealthy mindset, but often puts her in poor combat situations; these poor situations are due to underestimating opponents and biting off more than she can chew.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Quirks:
    • Hairstyle: Nadiyya's hairstyle tells a lot about her. Her usual self sports a practical ponytail, and to most people, it's just the common look for her. The quirk comes with when it changes. When comfortable with people, Nadiyya oddly just lets her hair down. She doesn't know why she does it, but in truth, it's a sign of interest and deference to the person, and overall means she's pretty comfortable with them to be more loose.
  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.
  • Place: The desert. Nadiyya misses the warm sands of Farah'deen, even if the heartache there is too much to handle.
  • Pasttime: Nadiyya enjoys romance. When not doing work, she'll stow away in romantic novels. She actually pretends to be incapable of reading in order to cover this up.
  • Food: As a vampire, she really doesn't have a favourite. Shendar blood tends to be better, though. Uninfected, Nadiyya likes chocolate more than other foods.
  • Drink: Nadiyya enjoyed wine in the past, and still occasionally indulges now. In truth, her time as a sanguine has made her lose the taste for it, however.
  • Colour: Orange.
  • Animal: Foxes.
  • Type: Nadiyya likes strong people, or at least people with a strong personality, especially in lovers. She doesn't abide people who are submissive in personality, and prefers those who are the opposite.

  • Place:
  • Pasttime:
  • Food:
  • Drink: .
  • Colour:
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Life Story
Childhood | 0 - 12 | 278 - 290 AC
  • Nadiyya was born to two Qadir on February 17th, 278 AC. She has no recollection of them aside from vague shapes and voices, and definitely doesn't remember their names.
  • At a young age, roughly around four, Nadiyya's village was beset by a Songaskian force of the Masaya. She was taken into slavery by one of the generals, slated to eventually be a pit fighter when she grew up, and Nadi never knew what became of her parents.
  • The earliest years of her enslavement are foggy to Nadiyya, as she was far too young to recall much about it. She was mostly cared for like other young children to eventually be trained in the Melaak style of combat, for the slave pits or slave army.
  • At the age of 10, this finally occurred. Nadiyya, along with many other children around her age, were inducted to begin training in the popular Melaak combat style.
  • Nadiyya was one of the few girls among the 50 or so other trainees around her, and found it difficult to socialize with the boys. She mostly kept to herself in her exercises.
  • The Qadir was actually very pliable to the training and slave mentality, having no recollection of freedom, or perhaps just looking for a purpose, the young Nadiyya took this very seriously.
Teen Years | 13 - 19 | 291 - 297 AC
  • Nadiyya continues her Melaak training during this time. Most hours of each day are spent alongside other slaves, practicing and training with dummy spears.
  • She befriends Ebrahim al-Tufayl, a fellow Qadir slave in her group, and the two bounce their skills off one another when not in formal practice, with the mutual objective to be more successful than other slaves.
  • Most of the next years cover increased training and further bonding with Ebrahim, and Nadi even took his last name, considering the man to be essentially her stand-in family.
  • At the age of 18, Nadiyya was considered trained enough in her Melaak training, and selected alongside Ebrahim and several others to serve as a guard to her master, a Masaya General.
  • Training did not cease at this point, as herself and the others selected showed potential prowess to participate in the slave fighting pits.
Adult Years | 20 - 28 | 297 AC - 305 AC
  • At 20, Nadiyya was considered graduated from the Melaak School, and was ushered into service within the Masaya General's Slave Army for 2 required years.
  • After the 2 years in the army, Nadiyya was transferred to the fighting pits for entertainment.
  • Largely successful, Nadi started assigning much pride to herself, much to the chagrin of her master. Nadiyya's skill in the style of Melaak fighting, and her wins in the pit, only served to bolster her pride.
  • At the age of 25, Nadiyya's life did take a sudden turn. The general who had been her master for so long now, decided to rid himself of a number of far-too prideful slaves, among them being Nadiyya and Ebrahim.
  • Nadiyya was now free. However, having only know fighting and slavery for her life, the Qadir struggled to integrate herself into normal society. She found solace in the roaming bandit clans of her own people, along with Ebrahim, who remained a companion for a long while.
  • Ebrahim died when Nadiyya was 26, during a raid on a Songaskian supply caravan. The event was horrifying for the Qadir, and made her finally depart from Farah'deen, wanting nothing more to do with the Songaskian people.
  • Nadi took the money she had looted and raided over the year, and booked ship passage to Hallonq. Shortly upon arriving, due to her skills and attitude, she found quick work as a bounty hunter in the gang-littered city.
  • The bounty continued her work up until the age of 27, and made multiple connections with Regalia-based gangs, namely one dubbed "The Pirates". Receiving contract from their leader, Nadiyya traveled to the Imperial Capital to carry out her work.
  • Nadiyya got far more embroiled in the affairs of the gangs than anticipated. She began taking on bounties and jobs from sewer groups vying for power, and eventually fell out of favour following her delivering on one too many targets.
  • On top of this, her quest for great power and skill led her down the dark path of Vampirism, which inevitably severed her ties with her remaining associates.
  • Following a love affair with a certain person, Nadiyya ended up having a child named "Amani", who she subsequently gave to an Anahera Orphanage shortly before departing from the city to Daenshore.
Recent Times | 28 - Present | 305 AC - Present
  • During her time in Daenshore, Nadiyya took small-time contracts from city crime networks. She eventually caught the eye of the Horatio, who offered her a place and work for a future organization. She accepted, and came with him back to Regalia.
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