Preserved Sheet Nadiyya Al-tufayl

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ancient gay
May 26, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
House Croy
Nadiyya al-Tufayl


Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Nadiyya al-Tufayl - Or simply, Nadi.
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Mansuriyan Qadir
  • Main Ambition: Build New Relationships.
  • Special Permission: N/A
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Nadiyya used to be a resident of Regalia, back after the Qadir invaders laid siege and occupied the city. With her skills at bounty hunting, the woman ran jobs of obtaining resistant Ailors for Qadir Slavers, all for a hefty profit. Once the occupation's end seemed on the horizon, Nadi packed up and headed out for work in a different land for a few months, knowing she had gotten all the gold she could have gotten. Nearly a year back, she returned to the city, biding her time until she could begin working again. She continued her old job still as a bounty hunter, and thankfully had been able to retain friends and past contractors in order to continue a steady influx of jobs again. After once again spurning what little friends she had, the woman was forced to leave again for greener pastures. Though after the destruction of Hallonq, and nearly facing her end, Nadi traversed to Regalia for safety and security, though with a new outlook on life.
  • Nadi was born to a pair of Mansuriyan raiders, I'timad al-Tufayl and Rabi'a al-Tufayl, both of whom ran with a gang of sorts. Her parents worked often, and quite honestly, mistakenly conceived Nadiyya. However, the idea of having a child wasn't such a bad idea to them after all, and did their best to incorporate her into raiding and slaving once she reached a suitable age. The pair of parents enjoyed their first child so much, they decided to try and have more, which they did. This resulting in a set of twin brothers to Nadiyya. Unfortunately, both died from illness only a few years after being born. As of now, Nadiyya's parents are quite alive and well, and encourage their daughter's ventures in Regalia.
  • There was a time in which Nadiyya sought her glory and riches, however that time has passed, and events in her life changed how she sees it all. This time around, the Qadir wants to find a place to fit in, meeting new people and making real and wholesome relationships. And hopefully not sell them out for a quick profit, like her instincts oh so want. She'd equally wish to permanently stay in the city one day, and has begun saving up and seeking work to be able to purchase a home. Lastly, a part of Nadiyya still seeks power. After multiple failures and defeats by the hand of others, the Qadir actively searches for ways to empower herself.
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Chocolate-Brown
  • Hair Color: Warm Mocha-Brown
  • Hair Style: Very curly, and pulled into a ponytail.
  • Skin Color: Coffee-Brown
  • Clothing: Typical Qadir fashion of sashes and silks. Warm colours, typically. Also tends to wear a set of old, light armors.
  • Height: Five foot six
  • Weight: 132 pounds
  • Body Build: Athletic Hourglass
  • Weapon of Choice
    • Khopesh
      • Nadiyya, before learning Ellon Magic, was a wielder of the curved blade, the khopesh. Her studies of magic had her muscle mass falter, resulting in only speed left for her to be able to use her weapon skills.
    • Daggers (x3)
      • Nadiyya uses three different types of daggers, being a dirk, a curved dagger, and a small throwing knife. She has very specific uses for them, hence why so many.
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Nadiyya has a more normal sized face, not being extremely long or squashed short. She has a semi-large nose, which has a soft, round-but slightly upturned ending, flaring up with an air of snootiness at the nostrils. The bridge of such slightly curves in, as well. Nadi possesses a pair of high and defined cheekbones, slightly protruding in a pompous fashion. Besides that, she has a small chin, which very-slightly curves at the tip end of it. Her lips are full, and provide a very wholesome smile when done so. Nadi has a set of deep, chocolate-brown eyes coupled with slight thin and high eyebrows. Her eyes have a deep warm look to them, and are more almond shaped if anything. All of this results in a very holier-than-thou expression, looking as if she doesn't just think, but knows, she is much better than others. For her head, the hair there is rather curly, and would otherwise be unmanageable, if she didn't tend to it as she does. She keeps it intact by braiding it together, the sides braided, which travels to meet at the back of her head, then just fall down her back in a loose ponytail.
  • As a result of her upbringing, diet, and occupation in life, Nadiyya has a simple, but curvaceous build. Weight for her clocks in around 134 pounds, and height sits at about 5 feet and 6 inches. Her shape, while common, is a hourglass figure, and used to have characteristics of being more athletic. It resulted in her belly being flatter, with a small dashing of toning, and lean muscles throughout her body; her working as a bounty hunter and raider with her parent's gang served as a catalyst for such a lean and toned build. Though around twenty, as she has spent multiple years studying and honing her Ellon Magic, her toning had begun to falter a tad. For a Qadir, Nadiyya's skin tone is around mid-range, being a solid coffee-brown. She has multiple healed cuts on her hands, from training with a khopesh constantly, also containing a built-up callous.
  • Nadiyya's typical outfits are very flowy, showy, and of the usual Qadir style; built for the heat and fluid movement. Usually, they are colored vibrantly, and patterned very tastefully throughout the various silken sashes and garments. Her pants are sheer and poofy, with the thighs up being covered by the bottom hem of her dress-like tunic. Usually, there is much midriff and shoulders showing, and more often than not, an entire arm or two. Jewels and gems used to always accompany her outfits, though after having been forced to sell most of it, she no longer indulges.
  • Nadi has somewhat of an accent from her homeland, and is fluent in both Faraddi and Common. She speaks in a sultry and accented voice a majority of the time, even when angry the pang of tone stays there like a lump in the throat.
Personality and Abilities (Required)
Personality Traits

  • Romantic: Nadiyya is a hopeless romantic, always trifling and dabbling in amorous activities and ways of speech and action. In a way, she is an idealist, not relying on logic, but instead feeling and the nature of things. On the other hand, though, Nadi is known to be rather affectionate, but in a way passionate and pleasant way. In her younger and more impressionable years, she took after her mother, who had a tendency to be very poetically romantic to most people she met. In life, this makes Nadi's approach everything in a more sultry and suggestive way, using a cooing tone to get her way, for more outcomes than one.
  • Creative: Improvising is not lost on this woman, practically making a living of finding new, innovative ways to complete contracts. Coupled with her broad and expanding mind of romantic thought, Nadi involves her imagination in nearly everything she does, as to avoid the droll day-to-day and best her targets, finding benefit in both moral and amoral ways. Even as a small girl, she would challenge her artistic mind with the other children, making up new games and telling interesting stories on the spot. Her experiences as well with her Elllon Magic instructor also left her with this keen trait, as a clear and open mind is needed.
  • Feminine: Working as a bounty hunter is all well and good, but dear Nadi is nowhere close to being someone masculine and brooding. Clothing, jewelry, romance novels, and other things ladylike surround her interests for the most part. It is actually quite funny how womanly she can get, ranging from her mannerisms, to speech, and also to her actions. Things like bugs and gore are unsavory and intolerable to her, and rude, coarse personalities are near appalling. Her rather delicate attitude is much of a surprise to those she works with and who are close to her, as they tend to expect someone more dark or macho in her line of work. However, her long-time associates typically have accepted the feminine air about her, and some have even grown to just take it in a stride and humor it.
  • Dismissive: In a sense, Nadiyya is not the argumentative or competitive type. More times than not, if presented with a situation that would incur something to spur the former, than she is more likely to avoid such a petty argument, in favor of pursuing much more savory activities. She tends to dismiss negative nature, choosing to not deal with anything that wouldn't be otherwise positive. It tends to make it hard to get a point across to the Qadir, as getting her to actually sit down and listen is half the battle.
  • Mercenary: Everything has a price to this woman, and morals come cheap. In Nadi's eyes. money makes the world spin, and would be what many consider acquisitive. The covetous Qadir is easily bought, when sums of regals are lobbed about for swaying purposes, and even her loyalty to those she adores most is faltered, given the right price. Decisions she makes hover around the prospect of coin, and can be the bane of her closest allies.
  • Smug: Nadi comes off as rather full of herself, and her achievements, creating a horridly pompous attitude throughout her life. This is not to be arrogant, as she indeed understands her limits, but that does mean she isn't proud of how far she has come in such a short time. From the time when she became aware of her skills, Nadi has been conceited to a toxic degree. This causes multiple rifts between her and others, severely hampering her social life, as the Qadir has yet to come to grips with her lack of wealth now. Seeing people as her equal, on just socio-economic levels, has been a constant struggle, hindering her ability to bond with her peers.
  • Hedonistic: Another outcome of her culture, Nadiyya heavily partakes in the acts of drink, drugs, and other unsavory activities. She enjoys surrounding herself with such, but with a dousing of class, preferring places like the Hidden Dragon, and lavish drinking lounges. Back in her travels, Nadi was ever-so-keen with wasting away, spending countless nights in establishments of sin; though, the Qadir migrant continues such in Regalia, seeking out the finest dens of inequity. Funnily enough, though, due to her fear of fire, she won't partake in things like siggs, as you must light them first.
  • Acrobat: Nadi's physical attributes, size, and training, all allow her to implement aerialist tactics into her combat. Her lightweight, size, and control over her body permit her to direct it in interesting ways, using rolls, flips, cartwheels, tumbles, and more to gain the upper hand. It can also be used in her daily life, instead of just combat, where she is able to hop around, reaching high places or being an entertainer to another.
  • Ellon Magic: Nadiyya's Ellon Magic has a multitude of advantages in store for her. In the most part, she utilizes Ellon Form, being a dark, chocolate brown horse
  • Captivating: Capable of attracting interest, Nadiyya has a winning and charming personality that has, throughout her life, allowed her to enthrall others and allure others. It has been a boon in her more carnal desires, helping her delight those around her into being more attracted to her, outside her physique. She has grown multitudes of powerful friends and allies with such a strength, her charm enrapturing her peers.
  • Innovative: Having a wandering and romantic mind can be an advantage, especially when creativity is involved. Nadi's intellect on some things, and her immense creative capabilities, help her to improvise on situations, also to innovate and develop new ideas. Her hours spent buried in romance novels also have proven beneficial, as her mind has be given opportunities to expand and grow, capitalizing on ideas and making them new and fresh. This ability to expand and build off situations allows her to be an avid conversationalist, and steer things in different directions. It assists in combat as well, allowing a fluid but randomly different attack, as she is capable of creating new approaches off her normal way. In all this, innovation is a big strength, and key.
  • Wishy-Washy: It is true Nadiyya will take most jobs for the right price, but even with that, she can be quite uncommitted to a task. She only wants to profit, nothing less, and is one to flat out quit jobs or deny them entirely if the risk is too high, or she feels she will lose more than she gains. She is rather wishy-washy with this, and can be seen as non-loyal to a cause or her peers. She sees herself as a neutral party, and prefers to keep it that way.
  • Squeamish: While she does her jobs to the number, Nadi couldn't be further from a sadist. She doesn't enjoy making others suffer, and in fact quite dislikes blood, gore, and other unsavory things. She prefers clean kills, and to minimize the mess made. Bugs and such are things she finds gross as well. As a result, she likes to keep herself clean constantly, and tries her best to seek out the more nicer areas of the sewers when she is made to traverse down there.
  • Holier-Than-Thou: While being attractive and charming, most people tend to not enjoy someone talking down to them constantly. Nadiyya has a staunch air of pompous snide to her, thinking herself very much more talented, attractive, and intelligent than her counterparts. She is not afraid to voice her opinion on the matter, painting a target on her back as she sits atop her high horse.
  • Bloodlust: Due to her bloodline, Nadi's bloodlust is actually an inherent weakness. If she were to give into her vampiric urges, her limbs would begin to twist and deform, and she'd grow long, claw-like fingernails. Because she wants to avoid that, she has to focus on not triggering said bloodlust, resulting in many things. For example, backing down and getting her booty kicked because she doesn't want to spill blood and trigger herself, focusing too hard on not being triggered and getting bested quickly, getting distraced by blood and getting bested quickly.
  • Lack of Muscle: While being an acrobat allows good evading and speed, Nadi lacks on the physical side, typically able to be overpowered by those able to put on more weight. It also didn't help her time studying Ellon Magic made her to lose much of the small amounts of muscle she had. As a whole, it is true she is physically fit, and has decent toning of muscle, but it is incomparable to the brutes of the Regalian underworld. This disadvantage puts her at odds with heavily strong individuals, having to rely wholeheartedly on speed and agility to win fights. She is prone to spraining joints and getting bruises from scuffles easy, as her less-powerful build isn't as resistant to others' force as she would hope.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Quirks
  • Skills
  • Talents
    • Caster Level Ellon Magic:
    • Acrobatics:
  • Romance: Like stated before, Nadi is a hopeless romantic, caught up in her own thoughts of love and adventure. It is one of her favourite pastimes, copulating with strange men and women for the void of it. While not particularly productive or cooth, this Qadir still enjoys herself very much, doing such nefarious deeds with people. If not partaking in carnal pleasures, she is content to curl up with a good romance novel and toil away.
  • Improvising: Plans are the roadmaps to disaster, from Nadi's point of view. She hastily disregards planning out tactics or approaches, and just makes it up as she goes along. It makes everything new, fun, and exciting for her, making it up as it progresses.
  • Jewelry: Nadi's mother was engrossed with shiny, golden jewelry of all kinds, which passed onto her daughter wholeheartedly.Today, the woman actively pursues her uncanny love for all things jingly and beautiful, usually adorning multiple article of jewelry with much pizazz.
  • Her Magic: While most find more useful means of learning magic, Nadi first decided to actually go along with learning Ellon Magic because it simply seemed like fun. Only after reaching a caster level did the woman find she just simply enjoyed transforming into her Ellon animal, a deep-brown fox. She likes randomly going into the form of it to just roam about, or to mess about with her peers and friends.
  • Money: Nadiyya will take nearly any job for money, and this shiny gold is a direct tunnel to winning her over. It is the entire reason she even began bounty hunting, as the profit for doing something she was already good at was too sweet to turn down. She's known to toss aside morals and codes for the sake of a heavy coin purse, and has gone as far to stealing money from people just to sate her wants. Taking advantage of her Ellon form, she has many a-times slinked through the woods to hunters under the guise of a fox, grab a coin purse with her mouth, and trot off.
  • Fire: Resulting from an accident of her early bounty hunting years, Nadiyya is not a fan of flames. During a job, a fire mage shot some flames her way, singeing on her feet. From there on out, Nadi is uncomfortable around fires, too many candles, or extremely hot objects, prone to flinching and, in some major cases, breaking down into tears.
  • Arguments: Heated debates and shouting matches are no fun to Nadiyya, as she views them as more a waste of time than anything. She would much rather be doing anything else, and is known to completely drop a subject that is cause for argument, or try and shift it to not being such a heated verbal debate.
  • Archers: From experience, Nadiyya has a disdain for ranged attackers. They are, in her opinion, cowards and weak, and she disfavours the bow, crossbow, spear, et cetera in virtually every situation. She likes to think, that if one is far from a target, it is their job to close the distance, not sit on their rump and fire arrows.
  • Order: Being a creative and free-minded individual, Nadiyya is not a fan of strict order. A more chaotic and anarchical situation is enjoyable to the Qadir, and prefers to create such a feeling if it is not already present.Thinking it to work better with her talents, Nadiyya thrives off chaos and disorder, letting her skills flourish with more success.
  • Prudes: Lastly, this woman has an extreme dislike for killjoys and moralists. Live and let live is a fond motto of hers, preferring a live of freedom and carelessness over one of order and morals. Those who are shocked by promiscuous and hedonistic attitudes are droll to her, and she prefers to avoid an impending argument, and just cut ties altogether. That is, unless she feels she could sway them.
Relationships (Optional)

Life Story (Required)

  • Born to Mansuriyan raiders I'timad al-Tufayl and Rabi'a al-Tufayl in 277 AC on February 17th.
  • Raised into a tribe of Mansuriyan raiders and slavers.
  • Enjoyed an exotic and entertaining early life with her mother and father, being able to roam the Farah'deen continent and see the world as such a small child.
  • At six, Nadiyya began very vague lessons on the common language, and basic means of defending herself.
  • Later began to pick up lessons on swordsmanship, catching her parents eyes with her speed, but saw she didn't quite match up to anyone else's child in terms of physical strength.
  • Nadiyya's two younger brothers died by a small illness that circulated the raiding party, leaving the young Nadiyya heartbroken, and feeling like she needed to begin to be more protective of her family.
  • Began learning to read tomes in Faraddi from some of the older folk in the caravan. Showed a knack for the skill, and a particular interest in books and the like.
Teen Years - Adult
  • Nadiyya started extensive training with the khopesh, a typical curved blade used by Mansuriyan raiders. She showed great promise, and on top of that, exemplified a talent for acrobatics, to which she personally began honing to her combat style.
  • She took the opportunity to begin partaking in raids with the rest of the gang, helping them rob small towns, travelers, and gypsy caravans.
  • Decided she wanted to see more of the world, and said goodbye to her parents, and booked passage to Daendroc, more specifically, Hallonq. Here, Nadiyya opted into a career of bounty hunting for the various gangs in the area, becoming a quite skilled headhunter.
  • Since the pay was good, Nadiyya stuck to Daendroc, traveling between Daenshore and Hallonq respectively as to make the most profit out of her contracts.
  • As she neared twenty, Nadi completed a job for an Elvish man, who gifted her coin of course, but also a tome in Elvish, which she could not read herself. After being explained it was a book on Ellon Magic, Nadiyya began taking jobs in exchange for information on the very rare magic.
  • Eventually, thanks to being in close proximity to the Daendroc jungles, Nadiyya learned that the Lothar tribes were her best shot to follow this path of magic. Upon taking time to introduce herself with a local tribe, she found herself in the company of a teacher, to which she spent the next several years learning this talent.
Recent Years
  • Traveled to the Qadir Occupied Regalia in order to profit off the easy slaving business there. Though it only lasted for so long, and she got out of the city quick before it was liberated.
  • Spent the next few months back in Daendroc with her instructor, ensuring she was in good standing with her caster-level magic.
  • Returned to Regalia shortly after, and reestablished her bounty hunting in the city's sewers.
  • Established relations with old contractors, and made new relationships.
  • Found work the Pirate Gang, the Jackals, and the Jin-Tao.
  • Gave birth to Edward Dertycia's bastard daughter after nine months of essentially no work. She left the daughter with the Guardsman, and got herself back to work.
  • Took a risky job killing Thomas Jackals, and succeeded, earing a giant profit. However, she earned the ire of her now-former lover, Ume Saito, and the Jin-Tao.
  • Kidnapped and tortured by Ume and Co. This resulting in extreme PTSD when seeing Ume, or when prompted a similar scenario to what she endured in her torture.
  • Found a shaky alliance with Erfaron Draylas, assisted him in many attempts against Rhovanion and Galethar's lives. Failed a lot, but did good damage to the duo. Her actions and personal growing animoity towards the shady pirate leader, Llew, caused her to abandon the Pirates as well.
  • Upon starting to lose income, Nadi shacked up in the Comfort when the sewers flooded. In there, she bloomed an intimate relationship with the Silvert, Gwaedhiel.
  • Slowly got herself reintegrated into the crime world, along with growing an incredibly close love with Gwae.
  • Got herself infected with the Maleir bloodline in a crude attempt at strengthening herself. It is the only form of Vampirism she has knowledge of immensely, and knows how to control her urges. Somewhat.
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I will be reviewing this application!
Lovely work here, Muffins - your detail is wonderfully portrayed and spread out through your application! Reading through Nadi's sheet was super interesting, and I found very little issues throughout. With that being said, here's what I found and what needs some tweaking:
  • Personality traits. Two main things here I'd like to bring up. 1) "Romantic" and "Charming" are two traits that really go hand-in-hand, especially given both of their descriptions. Going down a bit in your sheet, I noticed also that her "Charming" trait was basically renamed and restated in the Strengths section, so my suggestion is to go ahead and omit said-trait from the Personality Traits section. And finally, 2) Nadi's "Mercenary" and "Selfish" can also be presumably the same trait, given how they're described. Not to mention, her proneness to having her loyalty "bought out" is re-stated in the Weakness section. Settle for the behavior aspect as described more clearly with "Mercenary" and delete "Selfish" from the Personality Trait list.
  • Strengths. "Creative" was already mentioned in Nadiyya's behavior traits, so for this section perhaps you could describe how she's more "Quick Thinking" or even "Innovative." How would this help her with various conversational, combatant, or dire situations? Since you've already discussed how this affects her personality, try to focus on the benefits it provides her.
I see no other issues nor any lore inconsistencies to mention. Once you're done making edits in a different color, tag me when you're done! @iMcMuffins
Omitted the two traits mentioned, and adjusted Creative to be Innovative for her strength. @MantaRey
Wonderful! Everything else looks good to go! Approved!

  • Did some minor reworking of Nadi's relationships, as to have complete fluidity.
  • Updated the entire life story to cover all recent events since her revival as a character.
  • Updated her visual info to specify the changes from her contraction of the Maleir strand of Vampirism.
  • She still doesn't like Crazy Chen.
Did some more edits, being in the Strengths and Weaknesses category. If you feel like she is due for a re-review, let me know, and I'll set her as such.