Preserved Sheet Nadia Willowbluff

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Apr 9, 2022
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Nadia Lunar Willowbluff

  • Race: Sihai

  • Age: 22

  • Sex: Female

  • Gender: Female

  • Sexuality: Bisexual

  • Eye Color: Violet
Core Concept

  • Nadia was raised to believe in the Dragon Worship, she likes to think it's real, although she isn't for sure yet. She is very involved in the heartland culture.

  • Nadia is traveling quite far from her home to find somewhere she finally feels at home. She tends to seek to be alone in a forest rather than in a busy city, she is quite strong and can hold her own in a fight. Most times she would rather heal than hurt others.
Proficiency Information

  • Combat - Danger combat +15 | Fan combat +5 point investment
  • Special Training - Strength +5 | Perception 5 | Medical +5
  • Hobby - Husbandry+5 | Hunting art +5

Physical Stats

  • 25 (Medical training)
Ability Information

Dragon Aberrant


  • Skodje

  • Common

Appearance Information

  • Nadia has no abnormalities or mutations.

  • Nadia is around 5'5 smaller than an average Shihai, she has a leaner body with toned muscles. Her hair is platinum blonde although it can seem almost white in certain lighting. She loves to braid her hair a lot in mostly dutch or fishtails. Although sometimes her hair will be down.

  • Nadia is an Archblood of Exist corruption, while in that form her former Violet eyes turn into silver, the skin under her knees, and elbows turn into white porcelain.

Life Story

  • Nadia was born in the North belt with her mother Isabella Zviad Willowbluff, Isabella never mentioned Nadia's father no matter how much she would pester her about it. Eventually, Nadia just stopped asking.

  • A lot of Nadia's adolescence was doing husbandry and running around the small village. Her mother was quite a cold woman to everyone who visited yet sweet and warm to her.

  • As Nadia grew up into a young adult she helped the soldier hurt to heal them. Many of them called her a kind witch.

  • Nadia soon became unhappy with the amount of cold that was in the North Belt, she wanted to adventure and find new things. She gathered enough supplies and left her home to find another. Hopefully, Regalia will suit her well.

Note for staff: Super sorry if my stats seem weird, I tried my best to understand it and get it as clear as possible. Also, no hard feelings if you deny it for that reason. Ty for your time <3
Claimed for review! Expect a reply shortly.
Approved, though with a few caveats. Most of the information is correct and understandable but you should clarify a bit more clearly;

Just put Archblood here.

25 (Medical training)
Medical training has no baring on physical stat. Clarify like this;
Dagger Combat +15, Fan +5 , Strength Training +5 = 25 Phys Stat

The information in the end is all correct, just how it's presented isn't quite. If you lose the tag from editing to fix some of the errors just tag me with @Caelamus.