Shelved Character Naalir

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


AKA SilentEndurance
Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Naalir
  • Race: Bene Rexit Isldar
    • Affliction: Geist - ACTIVE
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Green
Core Concept
  • Naalir is a rather well-mannered and ambitious individual, even though his nature as a Geist often brings episodes of violence. He tends to stray on the more shady side of business, and is a devotee to the Death Cult. That being said he worships the Ordial Entity, The Glacial.
  • Strength: 6
    • Melee: Duelist, Heavy, Hunter, Warrior, Unyielding, Cheap
  • Constitution: 6
    • Defensive: Block, Counterplay, Recovery
    • Training: Ironheart, Bruteforce
    • Crafting: Metallurgy
  • Wisdom: 0
    • N/A
  • Dexterity: 0
    • N/A
  • Magic: 0 (Ordial)
    • Spell: Thanhicism (Free - Isldar Buff 2)
    • Curse (Commutable): Predator, Puppeteer, Feral
  • Charisma: 2
    • Free Theurgy (Ordial): Bidden Summoning
    • Theurgy (Ordial): Spirit Hexlord, Spirit Enfeeblement
    • Husbandry (Free - Wyvern Stables): Advanced Mount - Wyvern
  • Faith: 0
    • Invocation: Death (Free - Isldar Buff 1)
  • Isldar Ability (1)
  • Geist Weapon (Hammer):
    • Weapon Summon
  • Melee:
    • Technique Parry
    • Knockback Sweep
    • Concussive Strike
    • Battle Flurry
    • Steady Body
    • Cheap Shot
  • Defensive:
    • Shield Cover
    • Shield Block
    • Rage Counter
    • Bonfire
  • Training:
    • Endless Endurance
  • Spell:
    • Disrupting Rune (Free - Isldar Buff 2)
  • Curse (Geist Commutable):
    • Instant Leap
    • Power Hex
    • Body Claws
  • Theurgy:
    • Sapper Hex
    • Tiring Hex
    • Rusting Hex
Common (Free)
Sulvaley (Native)
Shadetongue (Racial)

Appearance Information
  • Naalir has no mutations.
  • Naalir stands at a rather tall 6' 10 and is a lean muscular in body build. His hair is a stark black and is usually worn short with sideburns. His skin is a frozen blue with patches of ice and frost due to the Isldar's Manifesting Frost ability.
  • In Geist form, he appears similar to an undead Wolf Marken. Greyish-white fur with various scars and rotting wounds cover his body. Most of them bleed a unnatural glowing green, along with his eyes.
Life Story
  • Naalir was born to two Crystal Spire Isldar in Ellador on January 17th, 289 AC.
  • Most of his teenage years were spent preparing for military service, training with other Isldar his age to work as a team. He excelled with these exercises and was often chosen to be leader.
  • He eventually made his way up the ranks of the Isldar military. Spending most of his time away from the holds and out on the field. However, when the Frozen Choice was cast, he chose to remain loyal to Frisit. Eventually leading him to leave the military and set out on his own. He became involved in several Death Cults that arose from the choice. And as a result, he eventually fell in with the Waste-Wanderers, dedicating his life fully to death in becoming a Geist.
  • Naalir came to Regalia in hopes of starting a new life as a Geist, hoping to get involve in the more criminal side of the city.
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Claimed for review, expect a response in 24-48 hrs.
Hello! One request before I approve this sheet:
Please mark your Geist affliction somewhere noticeable (Like under your character information), and tag it as ACTIVE or INACTIVE.

Once this is done, please tag me in a reply!