

The Messiah
May 7, 2017
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IGN: Fazai
Character name: Nexicel Minithine
Character age: 15
Basic info on the Character: Green eyes, Brown-red hair, pale, Female,
Are you willing to make a character sheet? I might, if it is to be required
Any bans/mutes/jails? if so, what was the reason? None
How often do you get on Massive? every day
Will you be active with this character? I have 8 characters, if I am needed I will switch if not already playing her.
Are you applying for Steward, Guard, cook, or blacksmith? Cook.
Stewards: (aka servants) Steward
IGN: Fazai
Character name: Nexicel Minithine
Character age: 15
Basic info on the Character: Green eyes, Brown-red hair, pale, Female,
Are you willing to make a character sheet? I might, if it is to be required
Any bans/mutes/jails? if so, what was the reason? None
How often do you get on Massive? every day
Will you be active with this character? I have 8 characters, if I am needed I will switch if not already playing her.
Are you applying for Steward, Guard, cook, or blacksmith? Cook.
Stewards: (aka servants) Steward
IGN: Mdunham4297_H3X

Character name: Ambri Domincy

Character age: 25

A little bit about your character: Likes to fish, loves the water, can be childish, known to be a friendly person- black hair and brown eyes

Are you willing to make a character sheet: If necessary

Any bans/mutes/jails? None

How often do you get on Massive? A few times a week, mostly
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IGN: Mdunham4297_H3X

Character name: Ambri Domincy

Character age: 25

A little bit about your character: Likes to fish, loves the water, can be childish, known to be a friendly person- black hair and green eyes

Are you willing to make a character sheet: If necessary

Any bans/mutes/jails? None

How often do you get on Massive? A few times a week, mostly
Accepted, but she can not have green eyes. Only blue or brown!
It was Emily, then was Amelia. Amelia was overused and Emily didn't match right, so I went with Emilia. xD