Nölkelle Baernet

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Sozzer, Sep 29, 2020.

  1. Sozzer

    Sozzer mega gay

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Basic Information
    • Full Name: Nölkelle Baernet.
    • Age: 22.
    • Gender: Female.
    • Race: Ailor (Colonial).
      • Stateland Culture.
    • Sexuality: Lesbian.
    • Preferred Weapon: Fleeing combat - though familiar with the use of a crossbow, she hasn't the stomach to harm another, even in self-defense.
    Skill Information
    Total Points: 50
    • Horticulture Art | 4 | Invested
      • Agrarian upbringing.
    • Husbandry Art | 5 | Free Hobby
      • Agrarian upbringing. No pet.
    • Baking Art | 1 | Invested
      • Much of her food came in the form of simple baked goods using the wheat grown on the farm, and she learned a particular fondness for making them herself.
    • Cooking Art | 1 | Invested
      • Making butter and cream, preparing meat, and cooking up quiet meals were a notable portion of her childhood.
    • Strength Training | 10 | Invested
      • Strength saw her through much of her life on the farm, and is often the only advantage Nölkelle has in a corner.
    • Heavy Ranged Combat | 10 | Invested
      • A heavy slurbow, inherited from her father, and later used herself as a means of dealing with larger beasts that occasionally threatened the livestock.
    • One-Handed Blunt Combat | 5 | Invested
      • While far more inclined to run, she can make reasonably effective use of a club in close quarters thanks to some time practicing, largely to sate her mother's worries of being left vulnerable in her father's absence.
    • Sorcery | 3 | Spirit Familiar I (Spotted Anglian Cow), Flux Shift 7 (Destined Body 1
      • Learned through a book bought from a traveller, she sought a greater connection to the animals she tended - a connection which ultimately served as one of the various catalysts for her leaving home.
      • Over time, Ishani taught her another spell from the book, teaching the Ailor how to change her race - though she would never be hard to tell apart, given all that shone through, and still struggles to achieve a full race-change without guidance.
    • Genetics | 6 | Amazonian, Voluism
      • Nölkelle naturally has a titanic build, though she never quite took to intellectual pursuits.
    • Construction Art | 15 | 10 Invested, 5 Free Hobby
      • The farmhouse frequently needed repairs, expansion, and adjustments - and she had plenty of time to learn the trade.
    Body Shape
    • 10 (10*1 Heavy Ranged)+5 (5*1 One-Handed Blunt Combat)+10 (Strength Training)+2 (4*0.5 Horticulture Art)+5 (Amazonian Genetics)-5 (Voluism) = 25 (Capped) Phys Stat
    • Muscular Body Shape
    • Moderate Body Fat
    • Common (Parental) | Can speak, but is illiterate.
    Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
    • Ailor Racials
      • Honed Skill 2
      • Rogue Gift 2
      • Destined Body 1 (Aberrant)
    • Spirit Familiar I
      • Familiar is a Spotted Anglian Cow, of which she has the ears and tail.
    • Flux Shift 7
      • Struggles to achieve changes into anything other than half-breeds without guidance from a member of the race in question.
    • Great Force I
    • Gate Smash I
    • Heavy Shot
    • Knocking Shot
    • Marvash Mutations | Pagan March, Pagan Horn, Pagan Kin.
      • All themed after her chosen animal for Spirit Familiar I, with patches of creamy fur for Pagan Kin.
    • Genetics | Amazonian, Voluism
    Visual Information
    • Eye Color: Amber.
    • Hair Color: Creamy blonde.
    • Hair Style: Two large braids.
    • Skin Color: Nölkelle has a light caramel-hued skin tone, wavering in shade depending on how much chance she finds to be out in the sun.
    • Clothing: Varied, but always rather simplistic. Often clothes she has had for many years, more patches than not.
    • Height: 7'3"
    • Choose your Character Alignment
      • Neutral Good.
    • Choose your Character Personality Type
      • The Innocent (Jungian archetype).
    • Choose your Character's Religion
      • Unionism, 4/10 - mostly loose belief, without a particularly thorough strength given her past experiences.
    Life Story
    • Born to an Anglian colonist father and a Half-Elfin mother. Given an Anglian first name, and the name of the nearest larger town, Baernet. While originally Nölkelle van Baernet, her mother insisted on dropping the "van" as a compromise on naming conventions. Exposed to many stories about the various monsters and horrors of Colonial folklore - particularly one that her village insisted stalked the woods nearby, hunting cattle unless one was left periodically as a sacrifice.
    • Raised in a life of farming. Her father made the three-day-trip out to the village to sell their goods, as was a regular occurrence - but never returned. Some days later, a friend who had noticed his absence arrived on the farm, and told them he had found the wagon upturned, her father dead beneath it. It would be some years before she heard the full story, and for the time being, he was simply "gone".
    • As the eldest of two daughters by almost six years, Nölkelle was stuck tending to many duties that her father had formerly performed. While her mother still ran the farm, much of the work had largely relied on the strength of her similarly large father, something she now largely stood in for.
    • Helping run their stall in the nearby town market while selling off some of their produce, the then-14-year-old gained her first crush. When next they returned, the pair kissed - and were caught, resulting in a strong talking to by her firmly Colonial mother. Ashamed, she was largely fearful of romance for several years to come.
    • Quiet years were spent, and much of what happened was unseen by the world. While outside she simply worked away at the farm, within, her faith slowly waned to a fair degree, losing much of the traditional Colonial strength it once held as she began to question why it should tell people to judge her for who she was. At the same time, the village was beginning to grow, logging swathes of forest for new and growing farms.
    • While in town one day, she was allowed a brief break from selling their goods to explore the other stalls. Ultimately, she found a particularly isolated one which many had shunned, staffed by a sorcerer. Claiming he had a book that could teach a form of blessing from the Spirit to connect her to the creatures of the land, she quickly agreed to purchase it, though she realised only after the fact that her illiteracy made it useless to her. All the while, the growing village had drawn great ire from the monster that stalked their woods; the cattle sacrifices no longer sated it, and entire herds would sometimes be found ravaged.
    • Gradually coming to terms with her sexuality, she began experimenting at sixteen, growing close to the daughter of another local farmer. The relationship was eventually caught, but was followed by others, sometimes even multiple simultaneously - a matter which led to considerable frustration for her mother, who was stuck dealing with the truly troublesome reputation Nölkelle was quickly gaining. The monster whose shadow now loomed long over the village grew more violent at the same time, and entire farmsteads began to pack up and leave overnight, fearing that it might begin to target them.
    • Desperate to placate their unseen enemy, the remaining people of the village sought to find a greater sacrifice, something that would achieve some return to normality. Nölkelle’s unfortunate reputation was, by many of them, seen as reason enough for her selection. And so she awoke one night to discover herself tied up in one of the abandoned farmsteads, left as an offering.
    • However, when the beast came for her, it saw her not as a sacrifice of blood, but simply an offering to take. And so she was untied, permitted to wander the breadth of the aging farm but no further, often accompanied by the same monster that had stalked the woods for so long. Though she rarely spoke, they grew close over the years to come.
    • The last of the village was gradually driven out, the locals never placating their monster, ‘til only Nölkelle remained. She gradually kept her farmstead maintained, even adding onto it as she settled into her life with Ishani, the monster - the Cahal - that had been haunting the surrounding woods since the earliest colonies. This lasted right up until the Bone Horror Crisis, when her way of life was thrown utterly into disarray.
    • In the chaos, the land was ravaged, her home destroyed. Leaving, Nölkelle finally gave up on her homeland entirely, and worked for months where she could - bringing whatever she could back to Ishani - to save up for the long trip away, to the Holy City she'd heard so much of over her life. After bribing one of the mercenary companies that had come to fight off the Horrors into letting the pair share their transport, she finally left the colonies, and for the first time saw beyond the region around her home. First in the form of the ocean, and then Regalia.
    • Winner Winner x 5
    • Creative Creative x 2
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
    #1 Sozzer, Sep 29, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2021
  2. fantuinn

    fantuinn most honest biped in athens Staff Member Lore2

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Claimed for review.​
  3. fantuinn

    fantuinn most honest biped in athens Staff Member Lore2

    Jan 20, 2014
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  4. Sozzer

    Sozzer mega gay

    Sep 25, 2015
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    @fantuinn very minor prof tweak due to the ranged update
    2 points moved around total, so well below the rereview line, but notifying anyway as it includes a mundane ability (brittle shot)\

    edit: it was pointed out that crossbows don't do much actual harm for some reason and so it wouldn't be any good. this led to me grabbing heavy bow, then deciding her strength was weirdly low given her background, redistributing her profs more extensively to resolve that, redistributing more to make that work, and now it is well over 10 points changed

    it should all check out, but it's 3am so i may have fucked up bodystat calc
    so don't forget to check that one when you eye it off, make sure it all lines up
    thank you in advance
    #4 Sozzer, Jan 6, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
  5. fantuinn

    fantuinn most honest biped in athens Staff Member Lore2

    Jan 20, 2014
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  6. Sozzer

    Sozzer mega gay

    Sep 25, 2015
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    should be updated

    i wish strength training was under core so i could get her buff without having any combat
    but alas
    she is now a good fighter for the sake of being strong, so phys calc is more complex. should be right however

    she is still a giant coward though. so non-combat char regardless of the profs
  7. Sozzer

    Sozzer mega gay

    Sep 25, 2015
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    @fantuinn updated again, to the new system this time. should be good to go unless i missed a prof removal or smth
  8. fantuinn

    fantuinn most honest biped in athens Staff Member Lore2

    Jan 20, 2014
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  9. Sozzer

    Sozzer mega gay

    Sep 25, 2015
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    @fantuinn very minor prof update. I had 8 unused points (9 once accounting for sorcery costs going down a point), so I scrapped instrument to bring it to 10 and put it to use.
  10. Sozzer

    Sozzer mega gay

    Sep 25, 2015
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    @fantuinn Overdue backstory update. Not much to speak of here, since nothing else has really been touched bar like... five proficiency points, but pinging anyway just in case.

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