Archived Mythological Creatures Lore Page

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
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a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
In a world as broad as Aloria, there is sure to be some false information. They have extinct races, but why not fictional races and monsters.

Every race could have their own mythology. Like for dwarves, they could have dragons and giants as mythological creatures. These would never be implemented, (though would be cool) and would merely serve a roleplay purpose.

Elves and yanar could have treants and fairies. Things that would merely add to each races history and belief system. Some more ideas would be:

Maiar: Sea serpents and giant squids.

Dakkar: Lava monsters and fire demons.

Humans: Giants and ghosts.

Naga: Giants snakes/ lizards.

Tigrans: Sand spirits.

Vespids: Giant underground serpents.

(The proceeding were just examples, and not actually suggestions, and therefore should not be taken into account.)

These are just some suggestions and possibly entire pages ground be filled with each braces mythological creatures. These would never be implemented into gameplay, and would just be interesting to read.

Just a suggestion...
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I wrote dual anthologies with one concerning mythical creatures....was too factual for the lore staff to approve.
Well, it's not something that really requires the staff's attention. If you want to, you could do it yourself. Just round up a few friends and someone who's willing to provide paper and ink. It'd be pretty cool to see a few mythology books being passed around Massive, though!
Overall good suggestion, but this has been brought up by The Shadow King , perhaps look into his idea as he explained things in much greater detail and in a wider range of creatures, you may like what you find and support his ideas. Also Sea serpents are an actual thing, not mythological, as well as demons, and I would consider the extinct dragons equivalent of large lizards(with wings of course).
I like the idea but I found a few spots of bother.
Sea serpents are real, they were used by the Naga in the last major battle with the Regilian navy.
Treants are just sentient trees, of which there are two examples, the more barky plant yanar and I believe the beings right below Estal that created the yanar were treants
The dragons have all died out, therefore they have lived before so... not technically myth as a species
every thing else looks good, and no doubt there would be myths about Treants Dragons and Sea serpents of great power.
note: all my knowledge on this subject comes from the pages on the site at
The dragons could be a cryptid of a sort. Kind of like the Loch Ness Monster. But sea serpents and demons are actual things, not a myth.
Overall good suggestion, but this has been brought up by The Shadow King , perhaps look into his idea as he explained things in much greater detail and in a wider range of creatures, you may like what you find and support his ideas. Also Sea serpents are an actual thing, not mythological, as well as demons, and I would consider the extinct dragons equivalent of large lizards(with wings of course).
I was only using these creatures as an example and not something to be taken in to account with the mythology.
Dr. Fong knows much lore of many rare and imagined creatures. If you ask him in character he will tell you all manner of stories about Ratkings, Regalian Molemen, etc.
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