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Played Character Myrrine Dubois

This character is actively played.


Possibly the Worst
Jul 28, 2017
Reaction score
United States
Myrrine DuBois


Basic Information
⚜️Full Name | Myrrine Meadowsweet DuBois
⚜️Nick-name | Myrrh
⚜️Wild-name | Gentle Lavender Maiden
⚜️Age | 121
⚜️Race | Senlon Yanar
⚜️Gender/Pronouns | She/They
⚜️Occult | Exist

Core Concept
⚜️"I want to be a healer, and love all things that grow and are not barren."⚜️
A devout Estellon worshiper and a resolute conservationist. Born among the forests of Ithania, she lived with her kin and grew to have a deep admiration for nature in its wildest forms. Her path diverged from her sibling's when she was young, and she left her home to travel the world of Aloria in hopes of learning from scholars and assisting in conservation efforts. Her journey brought her to Regalia, where she now lives among other Estellon faithful and helps where she can. Since her arrival, she's taken a particular liking to Gloomrot and has joined the Gloomfolk Order as a Gloom Tender.


Visual Information
Myrrine stands at 5'1" and has short curled hair adorned with leaves or petals. She has a lithe build, and soft features. Her skin is a shade of blue-green and she has vitiligo, resulting in lighter patches. She prefers wearing comfortable dresses or lighter clothing, unless the weather is colder.

⚜️Points Spent | 14/14

⚜️Strength | 0 |

⚜️Constitution | 0 |

⚜️Intelligence | 0 |
  • Technique Parry Pack {Free}
⚜️Wisdom | 0 |

⚜️Dexterity | 0 |

⚜️Faith | 7 |
  • Sacred Healing
  • Sacred Revive
  • Sacred Judgment
  • Sacred Portent
  • Sacred Circle
  • Divine Stance {Free}
  • Divine Savior
  • Divine Burn
⚜️Magic | 7 |
  • Magic Bolts (Radiant)
  • Magic Warp (Radiant)
  • Magic Lifebind (Radiant)
  • Magic Summon {Free}
  • Magic Revive (Radiant)
  • Shapeshifting (Magic)
  • Safeguard (Magic)
  • Mimicry (Magic)
⚜️Racial Traits | Yanar |

⚜️Combat Style |

  • True Mage

⚜️Hobbies & Talents |

  • Alchemy Hobby - Myrrine has always had an interest in all things alchemical, in part due to the nature of her ecological studies.
  • Medical Hobby - Her involvement in the alchemical has helped her learn different means of using reagents for medicinal purposes and she has some pretty creative uses that don't just include salves, tinctures, and other concoctions.
  • Magical Talent - Myrrine is a Mageborn who generally uses her magic for healing or helping. Although she tries to moderate her usage outside of stressful situations, sometimes she permits herself to have a little bit of wholesome fun with it.

⚜️Languages |
  • Common [Free]
  • Silmaan [Fluent]
  • Saan [Fluent]
  • d'Ithanie [Fluent]
  • Nātl [Fluent]

Life Story
Work in Progress


⚜️Tocorin DuBois | Sibling - She's on good terms with her brother, even if he is a little strange.



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