Preserved Sheet Myrin Kraok - The Pink Lover

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Jul 11, 2018
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"Pink is a manly color." -Myrin


  • Full Name: Myrin Kraok
  • Age: 70
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Altalar - Lesarra
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Poison

Total Points: 60 points from age, 10 from hobby points, and 10 from race. This equals 70(not count hobby points)

  • Science Proficiency
    • +20 Medical Sciences
  • Arts Proficiency
    • +10 Culinary Arts(From Hobby)
  • Body Proficiency:
    • +16 Perception Training
    • +6 Athletic Training
  • Special Ability Proficiency
    • +8 Lightgiver Ritualism Skill
    • +20 Sorcery

  • Calculation:
    • 7 Athletic Training x 0.5 = 3.5
  • Body Shape
    • Average Body Shape
  • Body Fat
    • Low body fat

  • Common (Learned in Childhood)
  • Modern Altalar (Learned in Childhood)

  • Will Spell: Arcanomancy
  • Will Spell: Memorymancy
  • Will Spell: Powermancy
  • Sorcery Spell: Healing Grace
  • Sorcery Spell: Cast Away Impurity
  • Sorcery Spell: Self Control
  • Sorcery Spell: One Path
  • Sorcery Spell: Beastly Connection
  • Vampirism Bloodline: Shilôt
  • Infected? Not currently!
    • Vampirism: Vinteaar Providing
    • Vampirism: Vinteaar Partying
    • Vampirism: Vinteaar Thickening
    • Vampirism: Vinteaar Draughting
  • Eye Color: Baby blue
  • Hair Color: Platinum blonde
  • Hair Style: Short and neatly combed back
  • Skin Color: Very pale.
  • Clothing: prefers to wear anything that covers his skin.
  • Height: 6'10"


  • Character Alignment
    • Lawful Good
  • Character Personality Type
    • Defender ISFJ-t
  • Character Religion
    • Estel | 10/10


Myrin was born in L'Elvellen Principality on January 10th, 335 AC. His family status is commoner, but these commoners own their own makeshift clinic in the slums of L'Elvellen.

He grew up helping his mother with the house work. Cooking, cleaning, etc. He found his love for cooking at a young age.

His biological parents had marital problems. Myrin had to deal with verbal abuse from his biological father. Until the age of 15. When his mother finally got enough courage to leave this man.
Due to this verbal abuse, he has self esteem problems.

After a year Myrin's mother found herself a new man. But this man just wanted Myrin to go into the military, while his mother wanted him to be working at their makeshift clinic.

Myrin of course choose to work in his mother's clinic, ignoring the man that wanted him to go into the military. He worked in the clinic, gaining all medical knowledge he has from his mother.

Once Myrin was 19 his will spells began manifesting inside of him. This was when his mother began teaching him for the next 20 years how to use light sorcery and spirit sorcery. He was taught the five current light and elemental spells he has.

He lived with his mother for many years, before he fell deeply in love with an altalar woman that was a patient at their clinic. Who was also traveling. He asked her if he could travel with her, she said yes. They had ended up traveling for the next few years together to the Sundial Isles, and other exotic lands. They seen many things together and had lots of fun. But she only viewed him as friend. He had asked her out to be more than friends while they were in Regalia. She had rejected him and suggested that he stay in Regalia. He respected her wishes and stayed. But his broken heart brought him to fall into a depressive state that made him do nothing but drink.

Once he ran out of money he found himself working at the slums clinic. Only at night to return to the tavern to drink his emotions away.

But over time he did get over this whole ordeal. Moving on to find someone else to love and be with in Regalia.
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