Preserved Sheet Myla Reyner

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resident sleeper
Jul 24, 2016
Reaction score
the depths


ᴍʏʟᴀ ʀᴇʏɴᴇʀ

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ʙᴀꜱɪᴄ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
Full Name: Maelehra Rhaevaeyn.
Goes By: Myla Reyner.

Age: 93.

Gender: Female.

Race: Isldar.
Isl Zeal: Dragon Dogma, Loyal.

Sexuality: Curious.

Preferred Weapon: Alchemical products, if needed.


Occupation | WIP

Upbringing | WIP

Secondary Ambitions | WIP

ꜱᴋɪʟʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

Proficiency - 60/60.
‣ 20 Alchemy Sciences [points].
‣ 12 invested in Sorcery.
‣ 10 Medical Sciences [points].
‣ 10 Linguistic Knowledge [points].
‣ 8 Nature Sciences [points].
‣ 5 Visual Arts [hobby points].
‣ 5 Culinary Arts [hobby points].

Body Shape
‣ Physical Stat - 0 points.
‣ Body Shape - Slim.
‣ Body Fat - Low.

‣ Sulvaley Elven [native tongue].
‣ Common [taught by parents during travels].
‣ Dragon Speech [racial gift used to communicate to dragons].
‣ D'Ithanie [learned during travels with linguistic knowledge].
‣ Modern Altalar [learned from linguistic knowledge with the help of a friend].

‣ Exist Light.
‣ Exist Hallow.
‣ Exist Touch.
‣ Exist Purify.

Light Sorcery -
‣ Healing Grace.
‣ Light's Sustenance.
‣ Bathe in Light.


ᴠɪꜱᴜᴀʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
Eye Colour: Baby blue.
Hair Colour: White.
Hair Style: Long and flowing, often partially up in a bun.
Skin Colour: Light pale.
Clothing: When in the slums, she can be seen in a pink apron made from Isldarin Silk with three pockets in it atop a simple light grey dress.
Height: 6'2.


Face | Myla's facial features could be described as child-like, the only really bold feature being her eyebrows and her face shape. Like most Isldar, her eyebrows are strict and fairly thick. Her face shape is quite angular, surprisingly, like most of her race, though her features are far less prominent. Her nose could be described as dainty as it is pointed at the end.

Body | Myla has a small tattoo of a heart above her ankle, which she sees as a reminder to herself to always be kind to others. Myla bruises quite easily, so you can often find bruises dotted across her legs, thighs and sometimes even her back. This is due to the fact she is clumsy, and always accidentally does small things such as walking into table corners and tripping over objects.

Clothing | Myla loves to wear aprons and such in the sewers to avoid getting messy, and in general loves bright colours. It is rare she is seen out of dresses; a majority of them being either Ithanian dresses she has picked up from her travels, or dresses made from Isldarin silk. Anything that reminds her of home, she admires. She isn't afraid to experiment with clothing from other cultures, which some frown upon.

She usually is carrying a lot on her. Her large apron pockets accommodate this. She always carries spare empty vials, bandages, a sewing needle and various alchemical products. If she is walking in the slums and sees someone in need of aid, she will not hesitate to help them. When in less violent areas, she won't carry as many alchemical products as there are

Voice | Myla has a small lisp when she says words with 's', but it isn't too noticeable. She also has difficulties when speaking, usually stuttering; this can be because she is nervous around that person, or just because it has become a habit. When speaking to her friends, this is less frequent however because she feels less nervous around them. This stutter has become reduced since gaining the mutation Exist Hallow, and it instead echoes now.

ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛɪᴇꜱ

Alignment // Neutral good.

Personality Type // The Defender // [ISFJ-T].

Religion // Dragon Dogma Worship [6/10].




ʟɪꜰᴇ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ

0 - 15
Myla was born to Jiola and Lulil Redwynn in Ellador into an Isldar hold with one sister and a brother. Her Mother cared for her most of the time, whilst her Father was supposedly very busy with his job and rarely visited.

At the age of nine, Myla's grandmother passed away from the Qui'quilli disease, which she contracted from travelling to Daenshore. This left Myla in misery for a long period of her life. She didn't want anybody else in the world to die, especially not the people she loved. This was the point she had considered a career as a medic.

At the age of fourteen, she had to move away from the hold and to Regalia. Her and her family snuck out one evening, never to return again. It turned out her father wanted to become a trader, and that led to them moving to Ithania, where he would hopefully find business with the Ailor.

15 - 25
At the age of fifteen, she travelled to Ithania. In the area they were staying, there was an academy near by; the School of Bouteil de Mordealé. This was a School of Alchemy. She decided to go through with her ambition to become a medic and attended the school, funded by her parents. At first, she thought it was a bit too much (with all the experiments and such) but she eventually got used to it and even started doing a few experiments of her own when she was confident enough. One of these resulted in her losing an index finger, which almost resulted in her Mother preventing her from going back to the school.

At the age of twenty-five, she discovered her Mother was pregnant. Fortunately, she had finished her time in schooling. She was sad to go and leave all her friends as she had finally settled in, but she wasn't ready to depart from her family. During this period, she began learning magic, a skill that would allow her to become a greater medic later in life.

25 - 40
At the age of twenty-six, Myla's Mother hired a tutor to assist her with reading and writing skills.

Around this time, Myla didn't interact with many people, as she didn't find it easy settling into Regalia. The only family there being her two new siblings, her Mother and her Father. This led to her becoming isolated at times, but she eventually was introduced to some family friends.

At the age of thirty, she started her first career as a maid for a house. She would have preferred a career in medicine as her first, but the house treated her well and offered her a fair pay. Eventually, she could afford to move away from her parents and did so, moving to a small yet cozy home.

40 - 60
At the age of forty, the family she had served decided to move back to Ithania, where they were born. This upset Myla as she considered herself friends with most of the family members. She became comfortable with the job, only to have them move away. This led to her looking for a new job, and eventually finding one in a clinic. This didn't last for long though, as she felt she didn't fit in and found it hard to communicate with her co-workers.

Eventually, her aunt, uncle and cousins came over to visit her and her siblings. They were supposedly kicked out of the hold for suspected theft and assualt. This left Myla stunned, despite them denying all allegations. When she questioned if they were being honest or not, her Mother was shocked and told her to not ask such questions. She reluctantly agreed.

60 - Present Day

she fought in the Songaskian war. This frightened her but she managed to put her medical and alchemical knowledge to good use in the end. Her entire family were proud of her. Later on in the year, her brother Jarin went missing. She found out he went back to Ellador, and is planning on coming back to Regalia soon. Patiently, she awaits his return and hopes he stays safe as he had gone through a rough breakup before his departure. During this time, a friend of hers had applied a couple of Exist mutations to her, one to help reduce her stutter.
A few series of events had led Myla down a darker path, not abandoning her pacifist ways, but rather staying in the sewers a lot more and getting into some bad habits. One of these was being cheated on by a lover, leading to her gaining trust issues towards people she considered close to her. Around this time, the Frisit Dragon was murdered by the Imperial Dragon and Dread Dragon, one of those being the one she had believed in. This had led to her deciding to convert to the Dragon Dogma, after a lot of internal conflict and thought.


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Staff Review
Skill Information
  • This first point is going to be on the amount of sub-forms of magic your character has. While the age may potentially make this configuration viable, it's simply too much for one character. I'm going to offer a few options:
    • Remove two forms of the magic and keep one expert level, one mage level.
    • Remove one form of magic and keep one expert level, and two caster levels.
  • I feel like these will make for a much better character that has weaknesses and gaps that can be found IC and confronted in different, creative ways, rather than simply being able to say that you can do just about anything that the magic could potentially allow. I'm going to stress this point to the maximum- having a character that is powerful does not equal a character that has good roleplay opportunities.
  • I'd like you to introduce a roll system into this weakness to allow a little flavour during your roleplay. Since the character is in the sewers often, I'd like you to come up with a bracket system for which spaces and crowds can set her off the most and which number brackets can actually cause an attack, to ensure that the weakness is played out in roleplay.
Life Story
  • I feel like the brutally dogmatic Isldar wouldn't have much knowledge of the outside world, since to my knowledge they aren't allowed to return to their hold after leaving. I understand you want a reason to throw this character into a roleplay environment that they don't necessarily want to be in, but I feel like this can be explained better. It might require a restructure, but I'd like you to come up with a reason as to why she left and what caused her parents to leave.
Other than that, I can't see anything else wrong with this application. Colour your edits in a different shade and tag me when you're done.


Thanks for the amazing review!

I believe I have completed all the edits, I also removed about her supreme form from the bottom as she cannot use it anymore.
Great! I believe your edits are sufficient response to the criticisms I set out, and I love the way how you got creative with the rolling system and her want to help people. Consider this application approved.

Claimed for Aspirant Review! Expect a response within twelve hours!

Basic Information

School of Biology | Discipline of Medicine | Novice | Attended Medical Academy of Theron's Hand in Regalia.

There's no evidence of her attending this further down in her storyline.

Life Story
With that discrepancy, it is not right to include her that is a novice in such healing without mention in her life story. Please do edit accordingly, and remember- The School of Biology is often opposed to the Magic and all things alchemical and magical, due to the conflicting nature of respecting the natural order of things, versus attempting to change it through foreign means.

Apart from that, splendid character sheet!
Tag me when you've made these edits in red!


Basic Information

School of Biology | Discipline of Medicine | Novice | Attended Medical Academy of Theron's Hand in Regalia.

There's no evidence of her attending this further down in her storyline.

Life Story
With that discrepancy, it is not right to include her that is a novice in such healing without mention in her life story. Please do edit accordingly, and remember- The School of Biology is often opposed to the Magic and all things alchemical and magical, due to the conflicting nature of respecting the natural order of things, versus attempting to change it through foreign means.

Apart from that, splendid character sheet!
Tag me when you've made these edits in red!


Removed mentions of attending an official school and added a bit to her life story to fit that!
I just updated her body build, weapons of choice and a tad bit of the life story due to recent IC events!
I just updated her body build, weapons of choice and a tad bit of the life story due to recent IC events!

Remove that from skill information, it is not an applicable combat school. Apart from that, everything else looks fine to me!
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Proficiency Points - 60 / 60.
+30 Alchemy Sciences (from Points).
+10 Medical Sciences (from Points).
+10 Nature Sciences (from Points).
+10 Musical Arts (from Racial Bonus).
+5 Religious Knowledge (from Points).
+5 Visual Arts (from Points).
Isldar gain a default +10 throwing combat skill.

I will be re-reviewing your application and after looking it over - I have found nothing out of place.

Proficiency - 48 / 48.
‣ 18 Alchemy Sciences [points].
‣ 8 Medical Sciences [points].
‣ 10 Linguistic Knowledge [points].
‣ 5 Literacy Arts [hobby points].
‣ 5 Culinary Arts [hobby points].
‣ 4 Nature Sciences [points].
‣ 8 Perception Proficiency [points].
‣ Exist Light.
‣ Exist Hallow.
‣ Exist Bite.
‣ Exist Touch.
‣ Exist Carry.
‣ Exist Flow.
‣ Exist Purify.

‣ Healing Grace.
‣ Light's Sustenance.
‣ Bathe in Light.
Before I continue my review, I am extremely confused by this content. You have no points invested in a Sorcery Category, and if you have, you don't state such an investment in the listing of your Proficiency Points. Additionally, I can see no area where points have been spent to acquire that large host of Exist mutations.

Please tag me with an explanation or after the proper edits have been done @bxrnes
Before I continue my review, I am extremely confused by this content. You have no points invested in a Sorcery Category, and if you have, you don't state such an investment in the listing of your Proficiency Points. Additionally, I can see no area where points have been spent to acquire that large host of Exist mutations.

Please tag me with an explanation or after the proper edits have been done @bxrnes

hi, sorry, I wasn't fully aware that the mutations all had to be done ICly and couldn't be done by a NPC, so I have removed them!

for the sorcery, i think i've changed it up to make it a bit clearer!
hi, sorry, I wasn't fully aware that the mutations all had to be done ICly and couldn't be done by a NPC, so I have removed them!

for the sorcery, i think i've changed it up to make it a bit clearer!
I was unaware of the mechanic where an NPC Lightgiver could give others Exist mutations, so yes, please feel free to have some Mutations on your application. I would heavily encourage you though to add no more than five, in order to help fuel your RP in perhaps seeking out Lightgivers in the city to continue to grow your mutation "collection". Please tag me once you've done as you wish with the mutations.