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Played Character Myka Lapidario Skaliirhn

This character is actively played.


Far Too Verbose Writer
Mar 9, 2016
Reaction score
Full Name: Myka Lapidario-Skaliirhn
Ancestry: Narim, Kathar
Culture: Daendroque
Pronouns: Any
Age: 29
Occult: Void Mageborn, Unionist God Magic
Occupation: Priest, Therapist, Medic, Allfaith Order

Myka is an Everian that seeks true enlightenment. They view themselves as a saint for the downtrodden, and preach the principles of inclusion, nurturing, protection, and self-actualization present in Unionism.

Myka is an androgynous Narim with a Kathar's face and ears, but the chitin, fur, wings, and antennae of a moth. They walk on thin tarsi, keep their quite large wings folded behind them like a cloak, and favor attire that gives freedom of movement to those wings. Their chitin is dotted with freckle-like spots.
- Their mouth is much bigger than it appears, and hides a huge set of spider-like fangs. They wear makeup over the slits on their cheeks to hide this from others.
- They have looked like an Atlas Moth before. Currently, they appear to be a Leopard Moth.

Proficiencies: 7 Magic Offensive/5 Faith Defensive
  • Constitution
    • Building Scale (Narim)
  • Intelligence
    • Mimicry (Magical)
    • Safeguard (Magical)
    • Wardrobe (Magical)
  • Wisdom
    • Medical Rescue
    • Chem Hyperfocus
  • Magic
    • Cleanse (Narim)
    • Shove
    • Warp
    • Disengage
  • Invoke
    • Duelist Invocation
  • Faith
    • Healing
    • Revive
    • Martyr
    • Siphon
    • Judgement
Ancestral/Guild Mechanics
  • Can see in mundane darkness without a light source. (Narim)
  • May sense immoral intentions from others. (Narim)
  • Able to reconstruct their broken body within three days by becoming a grub. (Narim)
  • Can use Elytra to fly while not in combat, and can manifest insect wings. (Narim)
  • May intuit a person's Corruption Desire. (Kathar)
  • Can impose a holy quest upon someone. (Allfaith)
  • Immune to becoming Afflicted. (Allfaith)
  • More positively received by Unionist gods during divinium summoning. (Allfaith)
Hobbies and Talents
  • Alchemy (3/10) - Can only make simple potions and medicines, with the exception of Aureates, which they specialize in.
  • Medical (6/10) - Leans heavily on their magic when it comes to doctoring, but when able to is a highly capable medic, even if magic itself is not the healing medium.
  • Magical Talent (8/10) - Knows a large breadth of spells, focused around light magic used in a variety of applications. Has a particular knack for unraveling and sabotaging others' spells.
  • Cleric (7/10) - Knows most Unionist rituals. Frequently sharpens themselves against other faiths, and so knows a fair amount about other religions too.
  • Linguistics - Common (10/10), Droque (10/10), Pannarokh (6/10), Anglisch (4/10), d'Ithanie (4/10)
Life Story
  • Born to a Narim jeweler and Kathar doctor within Lusits. They have one sibling, nine years apart.
  • They are mage born, and their home was considered haunted by many. This was really errant magic that the child was accidentally using.
  • Natural talent for talking with and understanding people. They were given a push towards taking up the family trade, instead they converted to Unionism in hopes it would help them control their gift.
  • Took on the path of asceticism, leaving their family behind to attain some kind of enlightenment. They have been estranged from them since.
  • A few years into their pilgrimage, a wealthy benefactor met Myka, and was spurred by their holy vows, respecting them and the Unionist principles they strove for enough to offer to pay for their tuition if they chose to become an Everian. Between the choice of further poverty, or a more direct means of helping people, Myka chose the latter.
  • A few years later (now a decade away from Lusits), Myka came to Regalia to see the All Beacon and seek out Queen Sheevara for a chance to understand a sect rarely taught in the academy. Instead, they found a place in dire need of their help. They have lived amongst the poor ever since, preaching and healing, and giving aid to any who would seek it.
Plot Hooks
  • Positive Disposition: Careful mages, most religious people, and knights.
  • Neutral Disposition: Dragon worshippers, purists, afflicted, Arkenborn.
  • Negative Disposition: Evolists, extraplanar cultists, sloppy mages, people that show off, live in excess, or flex their position or power upon others.
  • Myka's family has close ties to the artisan guild of Lusits and Daen. A piece of jewelry your character owns may have been made by them or their mother.
  • Myka favors converts to Unionism, especially mages. They are more than willing to tutor a fledgling mage, whether faithful or not.
  • Worships (in order) Tanthor/Dari, Caan/Kaldric, Ness/Eora. They are Dogmatic, but have neutral to favorable disposition towards other Unionist cults, and are fascinated by Narim Unionism. They would do almost anything to learn more.
  • Myka wandered several places in the Regalian Archipelago during their days as a hermit, as well as after their ordaination as an Everian. There's a chance your character may have either met them, or heard rumors of a moth-Nelfin doing miracle work from village to village.
  • Myka's heart goes out to those that suffer from Afflictions or Markenism. They want to help every person with these conditions live the most fulfilling life they can.
  • Meeting Myka is a great starting point to a redemption arc, regardless of one's past deeds.
  • Myka is rather hard on people that they see as wasting their potential, or betraying their own principles, wishing they were better than this. They can come off as combative, but they see this as a way to show someone their flaws, and start towards improving themselves.
Last edited:
Officially made them an Allfaith member. Also adjusted ancestral mechanics to add elytra wings.