Archived My Suggestions As To Vampirism

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Mar 3, 2013
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The Matrix
Now, I know that everyone has opinions on this. Let me say that this is simply MY opinion, feel free to disagree.

I see an obscene amount of Vampires. I mean seriously, the curse is everywhere. I don't think that they need to be nerfed per-say. However, I do have a proposed system in which it would reduce the numbers of Vampires. (Actually I'm going to suggest several ways)

When I think of a Vampire, I imagine a being of power. Now this power is far too spread across the server. Here is what I think should be incorporated:

Vampiric Levels

Vampires come in levels. This ranges from a newly blooded being to an ancient. They vary widely in power. I wont come up with specifics, I'm bad at balancing, but basically the levels would escalate the Vampire in power. Each level would have a specific requisite. (In game time as a Vampire, kills as a Vampire, etc.) Dying would reduce the Vampire down one level (New Vampires would just stay at the new blood level) . ONLY AN ANCIENT COULD INFECT. I would say make the ancients on par with what we have as a Vampire now (They are quite powerful as is). Give the lower ranking Vampires some weaker versions of the powers. Ancients could also have either less sun damage, a representation of their superiority, or more; a sign of their monstrous nature.

A newly blooded Vampire would need to feed more often, ancients less often. In doing this, the ancients can have more time to be the kind of creature that you may not run into every second.

When an ancient bloods (turns) an individual, the ancient is weakened for a state of time. Real life time. Like say an hour or two. Yeah that's right, no more infecting without a care. Do it under this, and you'll be feeling the consequences. During this weakened state, the ancient cannot infect and will instantly die from the sun. (That refers to blood consumption based infections) As to the combat based infection, It could be kept; however I do believe it should be kept at the low rate. Combat infections could be boosted up to a measely 5% per hit (when the ancient activated his infect mode). Combat infections would not incur the weakened state, nor would they be restricted in the amount that could be done.

Bounties on Vampires

The Inquisition has the ability to place bounties on known Vampires. This encourages the players to kill them for cash. This would also encourage players to join in on the hunt. Thus strengthening the Inquisition.

Inquisitional Purification

A new item would be introduced. Or perhaps we could work it with Holy Water... Basically when a newly blooded Vampire is hit with said item thrice in rapid succession, he will begin the process of becoming cured. If he does not reach a dark altar within 10 minutes, he will lose his Vampirism.

The DEADLY Dark Sickness

Basically, the Dark Sickness will no longer be a sure way to Vampirism. In fact, it would have more of a chance of KILLING you rather than turning you.

Just some suggestions, also second post.

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It does ask for a bit much considering our system has been this way for a long time. We do however have too many vampires which we need to fix. I think being an ancient should be an RP thing more than anything. Judging by your rp you move up through the ranks and are given certain powers, like the ability to attack during one of mrs baver's raids on regalia, stuff like that.

I think that the crimson inquisition on its own can help reduce the amount of vampires enough.
In a perfect massivecraft vampires would be a rarity. They would be special and not something you see around every corner.

That's why I like this idea.
Although I like your ideas, must add a disclaimer.
Sharding is (for now) always first priority. This means cay cannot make big changes to vampires (or any other plugin cayorion coded) until sharding is usable.
After sharding, is usable we would like to improve the system a bit more and thenn add/change existing plugins/features.
Coding takes time, a lot of it.

But hey, archiving this and taking the comments as further ideas on is the best thing we can do :)
I understand priorities and such. Any server improvement is good in my book; I didn't expect quick changes to the system anyways. I hope that the implementing of sharding comes quickly and easily.
I like this. My favorite feature is that only ancients can infect. This would make it more difficult for new members to become vampires. Besides this, users that could be called 'ancients' would be more RP-knowledgeable and thus wouldn't infect every noob they meet.
Yes, the RP potential would be there. They could also, perhaps, RP as a specific clan headed under a certain ancient.
I read something that MonMarty typed... Something that a vampire doesn't know that he is under Baver control. So if they are ancient, they probably know they are under control of Mrs. Baver and can break away and be 'good vampires'.
I read something that MonMarty typed... Something that a vampire doesn't know that he is under Baver control. So if they are ancient, they probably know they are under control of Mrs. Baver and can break away and be 'good vampires'.
For the last time. You can't be a good vampire. It's not going to happen.
For the last time. You can't be a good vampire. It's not going to happen.
But....... It's been probably 50 or so years to become an ancient vampire. Out of habit, they remain evil. That is, unless they've been fighting since they became a vampire. In theory, Mrs. Baver would keep her pawns from becoming human and curing themselves. She needs an army.
I agree on most things, but I would like to point out some places I disagree if I could-

The purification thing- I don't think that would work well. If someone is in fact infected, then they can just throw a holy water and be done. I just think that it kind has already been done.

The ranking for vampires going down- This is something I don't think I would like. Imagine going into a fight, dying once, and having to wait a month or however long it would be, to get your title back again. It would suck. I agree there should be different types of vampires, but I don't think they should go down whenever they get killed. If they get cured, then sure. But when they die?

Other than that, I agree with everything you said- Keep up the good suggestions! :D
The ranking for vampires going down- This is something I don't think I would like. Imagine going into a fight, dying once, and having to wait a month or however long it would be, to get your title back again. It would suck. I agree there should be different types of vampires, but I don't think they should go down whenever they get killed. If they get cured, then sure. But when they die?

I see what you are saying, yet let me pose you this situation. Imagine if this feature (or something like it) is not implemented, what is to stop EVERY Vampire from eventually becoming an ancient and retaining that power level? There needs to be a deterring force behind becoming an ancient. While any Vampire could strive to be an ancient, I think there would need to be a system in place to ensure that not EVERY Vampire actually becomes one.

Then we run into the same situation we have now, Vampires mass infecting and such. You're obviously allowed to disagree, but I put that in their for that specific reason. If you've any alternatives please feel free to share. :)
I like the death system, it makes the Ancient vampires like the Elders of a village, staying away from battles and providing management roles, instead of becoming a pvp god. Of course the Ancients would have bonuses granted to them that will assist them in pvp, but they will not take part in battle unless absolutely necessary. Its like the Kings in the Dark Ages. They had better gear and training than most soldiers, but didn't actually go into battle that much. Of course when they did, they had a bad*** revenue of bodyguards! Which leads me to another topic. Lets add MORE powers to ancient vampires. OK, before you rage at me, let me explain. If your a vampire that's lived that long, you deserve more benefits, and remember, ONE DEATH, and they'll all go away. BUT, this makes it when ancients DO go into battle, they go with a bunch of OTHER ancients to better protect each other, forming a group of EXTREMELY powerful vampires. This will be like the command group of a vampire army.
These are some really good ideas, however the combined efforts of the Crimson Inquisition, and the Anti-Noob Patrol (my name for the people who put down noob-vamps) there have been less vampires, so it's not really a huge problem anymore. Still, these are some really interesting ideas, it would be nice to see if they would look as good in practice as they do in theory.

Another Note: Say what you like about vampires being overpopulated and noobish, but when it comes to roleplay, vampires are powerful creatures. It should be very rare to find a vampire, yet when you do find one, it strikes fear into your heart. So I think that something like this would make those types of vampires more common.
I totally agree with the progression of vampires also I reeeeeally like that idea about infecting people how they feel nauseated, but I think they should have a way to totally disable infection if they were to do this :)
I totally agree with the progression of vampires also I reeeeeally like that idea about infecting people how they feel nauseated, but I think they should have a way to totally disable infection if they were to do this :)

As in complete removal of infection on the server?

Or as in an ancient being able to disable their infections completely? I agree if its the second option.
I totally agree with the progression of vampires also I reeeeeally like that idea about infecting people how they feel nauseated, but I think they should have a way to totally disable infection if they were to do this :)
Um, I think the altar should be totally removed. Vampires are most commonly known to infect each other personally. Infection by altar would basically be the act of being cursed by Mrs. Baver, which doesn't happen (unless you're becoming her personal officer, which doesn't happen ever). That's an excuse to be stuck as a vampire (curses are harder to destroy than diseases) which I didn't come up with (Marty agreed, I went over this with him) when I was a vampire character (who still needed to be trashed as a CC character).
the only thing i dont like is the dark disease thing, but i sorta do as well, if it were to only occur on occasion from vampire infection i agree yes, there should be a chance the infected dies.
However, should the person recieved the disease from an Alter, I believe that it should be garunteed transformation. (most noobs i see dont use alters anyways)
Ive been thinking about something like this with a friend as well.
I think the time of weakness after infecting another should be 24 hours (would make infecting another be a more intimate thing)

Can an elder be cured when he is his weakened state?

Also why cant we have elders of all races? Extra benefit for someone that has not died for x amount of time (would reduce the chaos and bring more meaning to battles)
while I think players should be able to chose whether or not they want to be a vampire; that it is solely up to them, and no one else should have the right to tell them how to play.

I love this idea.

It's well thought out, and a really cool way to balance vampires and make things a little more interesting for everyone involved.
Awesome job with this dude, I seriously hope some, if not all of these ideas are implemented as soon as possible. *thumbs up*
while I think players should be able to chose whether or not they want to be a vampire; that it is solely up to them, and no one else should have the right to tell them how to play.

I love this idea.

It's well thought out, and a really cool way to balance vampires and make things a little more interesting for everyone involved.
Awesome job with this dude, I seriously hope some, if not all of these ideas are implemented as soon as possible. *thumbs up*
In theory, no one should want to be a vampire. Also it should be next to Impossible to cure yourself.
Also it should be next to Impossible to cure yourself.
It is not being cured per say being dosed by holy water as a vampire... more like death :S Would be fun for vampires hunters to be able to actualy remove the affliction<-would also prevent vamps from roaming outside vulnerably.
I would hate to take the ability to become a vampire taken away from new players.[DOUBLEPOST=1362709382][/DOUBLEPOST]Especially if they decide to roleplay as one.
I really agree. Most of the time, i would see one just burning away in broad daylight or in the rain (Though at that point it would just make noises.) I highly recommend this.
I would definitely support this, as it would take some real commitment to actually gain vampire powers. Hopefully it would put a stop to the "OMG ima vamp, so cool I own you" noobs out there. Plus it would lead to more tension among vampires, as the elders would have something more tha just bragging rights.
Although I like your ideas, must add a disclaimer.
Sharding is (for now) always first priority. This means cay cannot make big changes to vampires (or any other plugin cayorion coded) until sharding is usable.
After sharding, is usable we would like to improve the system a bit more and thenn add/change existing plugins/features.
Coding takes time, a lot of it.

But hey, archiving this and taking the comments as further ideas on is the best thing we can do :)

Well, untill sharding is done, there is no way that Cay could do that, but after it, he could make something like this! :D (ofc if he wants)
I'd like a more in depth version of Vampirism. While I play as a Maiar, I still find it to be less of a curse and more of an epidemic.

I see Vampires constantly.
I disagree with this for a few reasons A: Let's say you were cured by the potions mentioned in the article. This would be HORRIBLE for RP, as you are not allowed to kill or majorly change someone's RP character without their consent. As such, the potions would cure vampires, not affecting their RP story, and yet they would not have their powers to help in RP.

But I don't completely disagree with this, as the bounties and the vampiric levels would be good, but not the deadly dark sickness. Think of it like this: An ancient vampire infects someone and the ancient is weakened. Then the person dies within half an hour. The ancient vampire just wasted 2 hours of his gameplay time to infect someone who died within 30 minutes. Just saying.
I disagree with this for a few reasons A: Let's say you were cured by the potions mentioned in the article. This would be HORRIBLE for RP, as you are not allowed to kill or majorly change someone's RP character without their consent. As such, the potions would cure vampires, not affecting their RP story, and yet they would not have their powers to help in RP.

But I don't completely disagree with this, as the bounties and the vampiric levels would be good, but not the deadly dark sickness. Think of it like this: An ancient vampire infects someone and the ancient is weakened. Then the person dies within half an hour. The ancient vampire just wasted 2 hours of his gameplay time to infect someone who died within 30 minutes. Just saying.

I see your point there.
Lol. Obviously you're less stubborn than some other people on the server xD. But you did have some good ideas

Well no, I didn't think that scenario through; you made a valid point. I guess I was approaching more the side of the Dark Altars. Then again everyone would argue that they are so expensive to make that they may as well be a sure shot at Vampirism. Then again once you're established they aren't that expensive...

I like the idea about leveling Vampirism but not losing their vampirism lv's.
Although I like your ideas, must add a disclaimer.
Sharding is (for now) always first priority. This means cay cannot make big changes to vampires (or any other plugin cayorion coded) until sharding is usable.
After sharding, is usable we would like to improve the system a bit more and thenn add/change existing plugins/features.
Coding takes time, a lot of it.

But hey, archiving this and taking the comments as further ideas on is the best thing we can do :)

Well since Sharding is done, bump!
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