My Precious Gem - Journal Entry



Maxence had always kept a journal at his side, whether he'd draw within it or write his thoughts, it was something to log his words in, it helped him move past the deaths of his parents. With it being a hobby the Nursery Maids gave him to take his mind off grieving.

Returning home after an eventful day with his family and another household, he sat at his desk. A small kindling flame flickering on the nub of a candle by his writings, pulling open the leather bound book he opened it to a fresh page, clicking his knuckles briefly before dipping his quill into the inkwell.

" Journal,

You wouldn't think I'd be writing to you explaining how much of a happy man I am. After all the death and trauma a sole person can go through, I never thought I would reach this stage of happiness again, at first this journal was to log my grievances away, but this time I'm writing about my happiness, ironic isn't it? Love has always been sceptical after the last women I swooned for when I was in my adolescence, her death broke me, yet I knew despite it all, our somewhat flames would never be approved.

I've moved past that part of my life now, however I never thought I would feel love again, especially for another person. However the world does strange and marvellous things it would seem. Attending a ball in my family's stead would seem a normal routine in my eyes, taking my dearest sister and my cousins also to escort them all there.

I never had anticipated I would find the love of my life there, I spent a while socialising with the attendees there, even spoken briefly to the Imperial Holiness herself. However once the music began and I danced with my cousins and sister, I never would of expected a woman so beautiful to walk into the ballroom by herself.

That moment I knew I must get to know her, we danced that night. I put my heart and soul into the steps of the music, I wanted to impress her. I was shocking myself at that time, I had never put so much effort into impressing a woman before, in all my life.

The soles of my shoes were worn down after that evening, so much so I had to have them mended at a cobblers.

To think such a marvelous woman, would take interest in me, makes me over the moon. To call her my own in courtship doesn't fault at putting a smile on my face. I shall protect her, with every living ounce of my being.

Marie Heinrich, My precious Gem.

With this the man smiled, resting his Quill beside his journal. Stretching his arms over his head followed by a slight yawn. Standing from his desk to leave his room.


@mochalattes @Vivamente @Plutopup @dulcissima @seoulmate @SpoopMelon


Maxence had always kept a journal at his side, whether he'd draw within it or write his thoughts, it was something to log his words in, it helped him move past the deaths of his parents. With it being a hobby the Nursery Maids gave him to take his mind off grieving.

Returning home after an eventful day with his family and another household, he sat at his desk. A small kindling flame flickering on the nub of a candle by his writings, pulling open the leather bound book he opened it to a fresh page, clicking his knuckles briefly before dipping his quill into the inkwell.

" Journal,

You wouldn't think I'd be writing to you explaining how much of a happy man I am. After all the death and trauma a sole person can go through, I never thought I would reach this stage of happiness again, at first this journal was to log my grievances away, but this time I'm writing about my happiness, ironic isn't it? Love has always been sceptical after the last women I swooned for when I was in my adolescence, her death broke me, yet I knew despite it all, our somewhat flames would never be approved.

I've moved past that part of my life now, however I never thought I would feel love again, especially for another person. However the world does strange and marvellous things it would seem. Attending a ball in my family's stead would seem a normal routine in my eyes, taking my dearest sister and my cousins also to escort them all there.

I never had anticipated I would find the love of my life there, I spent a while socialising with the attendees there, even spoken briefly to the Imperial Holiness herself. However once the music began and I danced with my cousins and sister, I never would of expected a woman so beautiful to walk into the ballroom by herself.

That moment I knew I must get to know her, we danced that night. I put my heart and soul into the steps of the music, I wanted to impress her. I was shocking myself at that time, I had never put so much effort into impressing a woman before, in all my life.

The soles of my shoes were worn down after that evening, so much so I had to have them mended at a cobblers.

To think such a marvelous woman, would take interest in me, makes me over the moon. To call her my own in courtship doesn't fault at putting a smile on my face. I shall protect her, with every living ounce of my being.

Marie Heinrich, My precious Gem.

With this the man smiled, resting his Quill beside his journal. Stretching his arms over his head followed by a slight yawn. Standing from his desk to leave his room.


@mochalattes @Vivamente @Plutopup @dulcissima @seoulmate @SpoopMelon