My Personal Opinion Regarding {unbreakable:1} Stuff As Legendarys


That one guy
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
First Explanation: the nbt tag I noted above makes a item not lose any durability no matter what (armor/tools/weps last forever).

Note: I color coded some key words for easier overview, also highlighted the word blocker, so you can see at which tier I would suggest not having any perfomance enhancing enchants. Also any case where I said that it should be limited to a enchantment of a certain level means that there is a blocker added to prevent players using an anvil to increase the enchantment.

For Armor:

Leather: Ok, maybe even with attribute boost or high protection enchantment
Gold: Ok , maybe with high enchants
Chain: Only ok with blocker enchantment (for example inf X, to make sure no other enchant can be used.)
Iron: Only with blocker enchantment AND negative attribute boost (less movement speed or attack damage for example).
Diamond: To overpowered.

Weapons :

Wood: Ok, with up to sharp 4
Stone: Ok, with up to sharp 3
Gold: Ok, with up to sharp 4
Iron: Ok, with up to sharp 2
Diamond: Only with blocker enchantment (inf X for example)

Wood: Ok, with up to sharp 3
Gold: Ok, with up to sharp 3
Stone: Ok, with up to sharp 2
Iron: Ok, with sharp 1
Diamond: Only with blocker enchantment.

Really though question.
I would personally think that combinations like Infinity + Flame or Infinity (I or 0) + Punch (I , II, III, IV) etc would be ok since they are not stronger or comparable to top grade Bows but never degrade.

Also acceptable would be a Power I,II,III variant without any other enchants (except a blocker enchant like Protection X [bows cant be equiped as hats as far as I know]).

Tools (axes counted too):

Wood/Gold: Ok even with extreme high enchants , due to very limited usefullness
Stone: Ok with high enchantments (like eff 5 , fort 3 etc etc).
Iron: Limited to light enchantments with blocker enchantment
Diamond: Blocker enchant.

All materials: Any non super high sharp/fire aspect would be ok.

Axe (eff/fort):
Wood/Stone: Extreme enchants
Iron: High enchant
Diamond: Low/blocker
Gold: Low/blocker

Feel free to discuss any of the categorys I mentioned. Keep in mind that I think that since they do not decay (except when you throw them away) they should be an entire tier or 2 below any god equip to prevent overpoweredness.

Also this is not a suggestion, this is a discussion I want to have BEFORE making a suggestion about any usage of this tag in aquireable items, since I think I should gauge the opinions of the community first.

Also the reason why I did not add a pool is because there are to many variations I would have to considers, "up to leather/wood/stone/chain/iron/gold/diamond" with "enchantment level 1/2/3/4/5 as max" and "atttribute attackDamage/movementSpeed/maxHealth, going up/down" etc etc
I think what he is tryin to say is that unbreakable 1 should be added (as a voting item? Idk), under the limitations/restrictions listed above, so that it would be a nice feature, bu not super OP.
You are suggesting the use of an nbt tag (a type of metadata that MineCraft items have), which unfortunately has the same name as an enchantment, namely unbreaking. With the nbt tag active, the item no longer takes durability damage. The basics for item rarities has already been set, and can be viewed here: There has also been some discussion about the coding of MassiveItems, which would implement ideas like the one you present above. No timetable has yet been set for the coding of this plugin. One question I would like to raise, though, with regard to your suggestion is why would we want Legendary Items that are so weak that no one would use them, except maybe for grinding mobs?
So I come back to check the replys after sleeping and notice a lot of explanations are in order q-q.

I wouldn't suppose you could write an introductory description on what point you're trying to get across? All these diagrams would seem cooler if I could understand them. ._.
I'm agreeing with Tinkles here. All this is very confusing. Could you elaborate some more?
Im. So. Confused. Someone. Help. Me.

The point is that I plan to suggest legendary items with the unbreakable:1 nbt tag. This nbt tag makes any item it is applied to not lose any durability no matter what. I made this thread because I want the opinions of the community on what Items should be allowed to get the nbt tag unbreakable:1, and how strong the enchantments should be for that.

I sorted it by wheter the item is a Weapon or a Tool and by their Tier (wood/stone//iron/gold/diamond etc etc), as different tiers have different strenghts by default (diamond mines faster and more different blocks then wood does for example).
Hope that clears it up to some point.

You are suggesting the use of an nbt tag (a type of metadata that MineCraft items have), which unfortunately has the same name as an enchantment, namely unbreaking. With the nbt tag active, the item no longer takes durability damage. The basics for item rarities has already been set, and can be viewed here: There has also been some discussion about the coding of MassiveItems, which would implement ideas like the one you present above. No timetable has yet been set for the coding of this plugin. One question I would like to raise, though, with regard to your suggestion is why would we want Legendary Items that are so weak that no one would use them, except maybe for grinding mobs?
The reason why I restricted them so strongly is because of time. At the beginning, very few people had massive armor (as an example) , after a few weeks everyone and everyones grandma had a set. The thing is that these are absolutely unbreakable (except when thrown away into lava/cactus/despawned), so they will not exit the system, they will never be used up.

My concern is of course that so many people end up having them that no one needs to craft tools/weapons/armor anymore and the economy will fall, I mean why would you buy anything other then building materials if your tools/weapons/armor will never run out anyway.

That is why I think that they should be 1-2 tiers below god items, so that there are better but not infinite alternatives to them.
Especialy armor has to be strongly restricted with the tag. I mean imagine someone in unbreakable god armor (+prem), in a raid, they could just come back, again and again and would wear down and kill anyone.

Of course if there was a strong limiter, making them near impossible to obtain or a restriction limiting the number of legendarys that can exist at a time then the points above are totaly moot. In that case they could be made a lot stronger.