Archived My Issue With Faction Tax

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The very best, like no trainer ever was
Jun 26, 2014
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The Fridged Arctic Waists
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The Old Guard, Gilead's Redstone Guild
The new faction tax system is quite unique, and on the whole, it is good for the server. However I feel that there should be one small change: I think that the name "tax" should be changed to "upkeep".

There are a number of reasons for this, so here are a couple:
-"Tax" really doesn't make much sense as far as factions go. A tax would imply that there is some in lore governing body for nations, factions, and empires. whereas all forms of governance have upkeep(My band of mercenaries need paying).
- Tax is a very political word. The real world is a diverse place, full of people who view taxes and its connotations very differently. Upkeep is a more general and less provocative word.

The real heart of the issue lies in the connotations of "tax". With a simple change, most of negative interpretations of the feature could be removed.
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Upkeep? So we're renting factions now?
Well we are being taxed daily. Technically it is more rent than tax, so "Rent" would work too I suppose. However, I still feel that "Upkeep" better because it is a broader term; it can be interpreted as almost any kind of expense needed to run a faction.
A tax for your members, and a general upkeep cost to keep the faction running, yea?
You're still taxing your members (if enabled) to put money in the bank so the faction land can continue being used.

So uh... Member tax, and faction upkeep instead of member and faction tax? Is this what you mean?
A tax for your members, and a general upkeep cost to keep the faction running, yea?
You're still taxing your members (if enabled) to put money in the bank so the faction land can continue being used.

So uh... Member tax, and faction upkeep instead of member and faction tax? Is this what you mean?
Precisely, The idea of factions themselves being "tax" is the only bit I dislike; I realize it is a nitpick, but I feel that the issue is distracting.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the way I read this is that you just want taxes renamed for political correctness. AssumingI didn't misinterp rate the above post, why the f*ck does this even matter... I honestly fail to see a real reason to change it, it would take time from cayorion that he could spend on other stuff, rather than change a small, meaningless detail. Anyway, done ranting.
The new faction tax system is quite unique, and on the whole, it is good for the server. However I feel that there should be one small change: I think that the name "tax" should be changed to "upkeep".

There are a number of reasons for this, so here are a couple:
-"Tax" really doesn't make much sense as far as factions go. A tax would imply that there is some in lore governing body for nations, factions, and empires. whereas all forms of governance have upkeep(My band of mercenaries need paying).
- Tax is a very political word. The real world is a diverse place, full of people who view taxes and its connotations very differently. Upkeep is a more general and less provocative word.

The real heart of the issue lies in the connotations of "tax". With a simple change, most of negative interpretations of the feature could be removed.
That's a bad idea. I am king of Acilind. Not it's temporary owner. @Laach I see your point.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the way I read this is that you just want taxes renamed for political correctness. AssumingI didn't misinterp rate the above post, why the f*ck does this even matter... I honestly fail to see a real reason to change it, it would take time from cayorion that he could spend on other stuff, rather than change a small, meaningless detail. Anyway, done ranting.
I am not saying that it is a necessary change, I am just giving feedback and stating one of the few issues I have with the system. It may be a minor issue, but all issues should be brought to light(even if not addressed); no matter how minor(may not be minor to those who care for semantics).
That's a bad idea. I am king of Acilind. Not it's temporary owner. @Laach I see your point.
You can be king of your faction, however I would have to disagree with you on the temporary owner point. You are only king as long as you or your subjects can pay to keep you on the throne. As permanent as a property in Regalia. Also what makes it a "bad idea", I am legitimately curious.
Uh, will it take debit?
So a name change? Seems kinda unimportant. If that is your issue with FactionsTax i guess it is because the system is actually good.
But then we should do /f upkeep, for information about the factions tax and /f tax, for the members.
So a name change? Seems kinda unimportant. If that is your issue with FactionsTax i guess it is because the system is actually good.
But then we should do /f upkeep, for information about the factions tax and /f tax, for the members.
Yeah I have no real issues with it aside from the a purely linguistically one. I feel that that would be a very good solution to a minor problem.
Uh, will it take debit?
Sadly no, only credit or through checks(have you seen them crazy merchants fees?).
Yeah I have no real issues with it aside from the a purely linguistically one. I feel that that would be a very good solution to a minor problem.

Sadly no, only credit or through checks(have you seen them crazy merchants fees?).

Yeah I know, paying 2x the price because some legal fees that they call insurance -rolls eyes-