Archived My Eyes! Revert The Forums Back To Being... Not So Damn Bright And White.

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Scottish Egg
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Anor Londo / Scotland
Rather simple one here.
Doesn't need too much explanation.
The forums looked great before, and didn't hurt my eyes.
I want to know if other people feel the same, because in my opinion this doesn't look nice...
And I prefer the dark background to the "So you've just woke up? Better turn brightness down to -50." background.


After about a week of this, I literally can't remember the way it looked before, and I'm totally used to this now.

How's that for irony? xD
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Personally i like the lighter looking forums, Well i like the layout anyway, wouldn't hurt if it was dulled a little. But i really don't mind this nice and bright contrast.
Personally i like the lighter looking forums, Well i like the layout anyway, wouldn't hurt if it was dulled a little. But i really don't mind this nice and bright contrast.
I think I'm just used to darkness ;n;
[[ And bright things in general for that matter. ]]
I think it is harder to acces then the last one. Buuut it looks nice indeed. Although I do think it takes away a bit of the roleplay experience.
Ehm.. Maybe we can have a setting for this background, and a darker shade for it? Since I do like both, though this is slightly too bright for myself...
I would be nicer not so white takje my profile pic for instance can be barely seen amd the setting is a great idea.
Cayorion updated the forum when the forum managers were sleeping. I'll get to template modification when I've had some breakfast.
Well, now the background's green again, who still doesn't like it? (Not me, I love it)
I got to the point (Sometime last week) where I could navigate the forums without looking away from my screen's running minecraft. Now..... Now I must relearn!!!!
While it looks nice, it already caused a lot of problems for me as an iPad user. The cyan rafter thing at the top (however I should explain it) is the main problem. It always lags when I am scrolling up or down on pages and blocks a big part of my screen. And when I try to use one of the options here (like inserting an image, quoting, linking, font, etc.) the "cyan thing" appears right over this reply box, basically blocking my whole view.

You can't believe how many problems it caused for me, only to turn the word "looks" at the beginning of this post, into italics.
While it looks nice, it already caused a lot of problems for me as an iPad user. The cyan rafter thing at the top (however I should explain it) is the main problem. It always lags when I am scrolling up or down on pages and blocks a big part of my screen. And when I try to use one of the options here (like inserting an image, quoting, linking, font, etc.) the "cyan thing" appears right over this reply box, basically blocking my whole view.

You can't believe how many problems it caused for me, only to turn the word "looks" at the beginning of this post, into italics.

I tried running this on Firefox Android on a Galaxy Tablet and I don't experience this problem. I'm currently working on making this template less eye bleeding, but I'm not a coder and I actually really enjoy that snapping top bar when I scroll down. I'm not sure if I will be able to fix that.
I tried running this on Firefox Android on a Galaxy Tablet and I don't experience this problem. I'm currently working on making this template less eye bleeding, but I'm not a coder and I actually really enjoy that snapping top bar when I scroll down. I'm not sure if I will be able to fix that.
I guess Safari makes the difference. I am going to try it on different browser apps and see how it will work then.
I guess Safari makes the difference. I am going to try it on different browser apps and see how it will work then.
Ewww Safari. I know that thing. I would say use Google Chrome, but it's an iPad....
The only problem I have with the forums is that everything seems to bleed into each other. I can't focus as well as I coulddd
I tried it again with Opera Coast and Firefox for iOS. Still have the exact same problems with the top bar jumping into my face everytime I type or click something. The lags are still horrible, but at least it runs a little bit smoother on Opera Coast.

And it seems I am not the only one with those problems.
(( ))
I tried to link this into "not the only one", but it was impossible without the bar appearing right where clicked and bringing me to my watched forums.
I tried it again with Opera Coast and Firefox for iOS. Still have the exact same problems with the top bar jumping into my face everytime I type or click something. The lags are still horrible, but at least it runs a little bit smoother on Opera Coast.

And it seems I am not the only one with those problems.
(( ))
I tried to link this into "not the only one", but it was impossible without the bar appearing right where clicked and bringing me to my watched forums.
What 'bout google chrome? That thing works best . ^ .
What 'bout google chrome? That thing works best . ^ .
Pff, I already use that on my pc.
Actually, I have used it for a while on here as well, no idea why I don't anymore. But now with another new forum update, everything works fine and smooth again C:

EDIT: nvm, the old one is back and stuff.
perhaps if the background is a light blue or something?
Logan :How about a blood red
Cat : purple
A'libhe: Green
Gyan: red
Artemis: Purple. So purple every one?
Everyone : Yes...
I tried running this on Firefox Android on a Galaxy Tablet and I don't experience this problem. I'm currently working on making this template less eye bleeding, but I'm not a coder and I actually really enjoy that snapping top bar when I scroll down. I'm not sure if I will be able to fix that.

Maybe making the... text pages a little thinner like the old template? Or is that self-fixable in options?
The old way was better... this setup clashes with itself, and in my opinion just looks like something you'd find on an 80's website. You can do so much better...

I suggest the novel idea of having OPTIONS for your forum style so that different people can use different forum styles. For example, someone who likes this could keep it, while someone who liked the old setup could switch to that.
I literally woke up and went to the forums on my device. Luckily for me my brightness was minimal to spare my vision.

I actually like the forums as they are now. It seems to be faster? Plus, it gives off a very clean feeling. although the last thing I wanted to wake up to was change but i'mma be okay
I like the new Desktop website, I think it looks pretty nice.
Of course I'm gonna complain about the bright white, because I feel it just sticks out so much it does sort of feel weird on my eyes.

I haven't tried the forums on my kindle fire yet, but so far I think this is quite nice.
Could the alert flag turn red when you have an alert? It took me awhile to realize that I actually had alerts at the time.
The old way was better... this setup clashes with itself, and in my opinion just looks like something you'd find on an 80's website. You can do so much better...

I suggest the novel idea of having OPTIONS for your forum style so that different people can use different forum styles. For example, someone who likes this could keep it, while someone who liked the old setup could switch to that.
Enabling the old setup is an option, but currently it is disabled. Our old template is out of date, which will result in corrupted features or glitches in the graphics. I personally don't have the time to update that template and Yendor departed from the staff a couple of days ago so we have no effective forum administrator anymore.
Enabling the old setup is an option, but currently it is disabled. Our old template is out of date, which will result in corrupted features or glitches in the graphics. I personally don't have the time to update that template and Yendor departed from the staff a couple of days ago so we have no effective forum administrator anymore.

Oh ok.
I like the layout except for the fact it is too bright, maybe just tune the brightness down a bit.
I don't get what you all are saying by "It's too bright". The layout is a bit weird though.
I like this layout, whether it's bright or not. It kinda gives off this clean feel, and now the alert is my favorite color. c:
Pffft why lower the brightness when you can wear -drums- SSSSUNGLASSESSSS 8-) hue hue hue...look FABULOOOUUUUSSSSSS~ while youre browsing the lovely forums. Annnnnd for a more intimidating look just add a toothpick with your very own llllleeather jacket!~ ;D