Archived My Approved Character Dissappeared

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Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
I logged in today after being sorta on and off of Massive craft for a few weeks maybe a month and I went to check something on my character who was in the already approved section and I couldn't find it even when I searched up all of my posts I have made. I was wondering if it had gotten lost in one of the forum updates or what.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
All approved characters were unapproved when we passed trough the new approval system and character template. These were moved to the peer review section. Additionally, all threads in the peer review are auto deleted after a month of no posting in them.
So I guess there is no way to get back my character sheet, I am gunna have to start all over.

(Star Trek Reference, sorta)
So I guess there is no way to get back my character sheet, I am gunna have to start all over.

(Star Trek Reference, sorta)
i've lost almost a whole char app before i even posted it into peer reviews... may i suggest Google docs?