My Absence, Basically.

Jul 29, 2013
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I'm going to be quite absent from roleplay, for a while. I might get on, once in a while. But, for the most part I'm going to be quite absent. I'm devoting most of my time to my education, along with just my personal life in general.
Don't think I've forgotten the amazing events that have transpired, on this server. They've shown me what a great server can be, if those who care really come together, and give people something to fill their time with. Excellence. This is mostly just to explain to those of you who care, where I'm going, and why I'll be gone. I'm not leaving the community, I'm just taking absence from roleplay, I suppose.
Thanks, for reading. Cheers!
Adiu for now, Master of the Richu's. Have a good personal life and edumacation.
I'll love you like a brotha man!