Needs Help/Review Mutton Shepen-shadya

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by MuttonSauce, Jun 24, 2024 at 10:53 PM.

  1. MuttonSauce

    MuttonSauce MuttonDraws

    Jun 11, 2024
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    Full Name: Mutton Shepen-Shadya
    Heritage / Culture: Asha/ Neferu
    Age: 24
    Gender / Pronouns: Cis Female/ She/Her
    Occult: Baskarr, specifically Ra'Mut. Being that worship of him can basically take any form the devotee decides, Mutton's worship looks similar to modern forms of witchcraft. I'll be using my own practice as reference for that!
    Core Concept
    Mutton is a sheep-based Asha who moved to a colder climate due to her wool, for better personal comfort. She's a lover of nature and highly interested in classic homesteading, and primarily bread baking. She's a kind hearted but timid girl with a little hobby in singing (who doesn't sing when they work?) and dabbles in witchcraft for her chosen Deity, Though she tends to keep that underground, not wanting to offend her fellow Asha by being a user of magic.

    Appearance Information
    504df5ba421b893bbb71e88ea8c719ba.png mutton2.0A.png
    (second image is a stand-in till I redraw her for MC)
    Mutton is an anthro sheep with dark plum skin and pastel pinkish wool. exposed skin is speckled with freckles, but her wool covers her body from her head down just below her knees and elbows where it naturally stops. she has a pair of rather small spiral horns on her head that remain curled above her ears, cloven hooved feet, and wooly cheeks that only make her look softer. Her eyes have regular white sclera with dark purple irises. She tends to wear your typical tavern/commoner type clothes when in public. Attractive yet sturdy and functional, usually accompanied by a long off-white apron and a powdering of flour. She has more to her wardrobe, but that's behind closed doors or for specific situations.
    (I have no idea how to remove the two broken image icons...)
    Attack and Defense Stat
    Attack: 4 (Faith)
    Def: 3 (magic)

    Hobbies and Talents (Optional)
    • Mutton is an avid baker, with quite the passion for the craft. She almost seems to base her entire life around bread.
    • She's capable of brewing potions and making little spell trinkets as well, but that is a secret for the moment.
    • She's a good singer. Given the right situation, she will use her singing as a basis for her magic casting.
    • Mutton's whole focus in combat, should she get pulled into a fight, is to RUN AWAY! She WILL be a coward.
    • Has a fierce headbutt ability and sharp hooves make harsh kicks very dangerous.
    • A potion brewer and Magical trinket maker, She's capable of making all sorts of potions for both healing and harming, assisting and negating, as well as charms of protection and hexes against those that deserve a little inconvenience.

    Remet Asha pack
    • Living Metal ability
    • Night Vision
    • non-combat magic detection
    • Acute senses
    • Doesn't take fall damage below 50 blocks
    STR: 1
    • building scale
    CON: 1
    • Rebound

    WIS: 3
    • Chem revive
    • Chem mend
    DEX: 2
    • Fleet Footed
    FAITH: 4
    • Shaman stance(Free)
    • Shaman Aura
    • Shaman Pounce
    • Hex stance (Free)
    • Hex aura
    • Hex madness
    MAGIC: 3
    • Magic disengage
    • Magic Barrier
    • Magic Shove(lol magic headbutt)
    Common, Ibeth

    Life Story / Plot Hooks
    Mutton moved from the Asha homeland for personal comfort due to her long wool. As such, most everything in the area of Regalia is foreign to her, and she gets lost very easily, both in the city and in conversation. But she's shown to be incredibly kind and caring, incredibly hard working, and passionate about bread. She is seeking a job at a bakery, or to save up enough money of her own to open one herself.

    Mutton CANNOT SWIM. Should she fall into the water, her wool will absorb it like a sponge and she will SINK.

    Mutton only knows elves by their long ears. This means if an elf changes their ears appearance for aesthetics, or if another race has long pointed ears, Mutton will confuse them for something else entirely. The first person she met was a fin'ullen with altered ears, and she was none the wiser.

    Mutton is a very forgetful sort. Nothing but fluff between those ears. At least she's cute and genuine. She is, unfortunately, very gullible as well. She could easily end up with the wrong crowd unknowingly just because they were pretending to be nice to her.

    She recently joined The Old World Asha group, and is a support in the Asha Liberation Front Mercenary group. She's no fighter herself, but she can feed a small army easy. And... maybe brew some healing potions.

    This character has been played before, prefix will be changed once sheet is approved.

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