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Work in Progress Murzak the ork paladin

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.
Mar 11, 2025
Reaction score
Character Information
Full Name: Murzak
Heritage / Culture: Eronidas
Age: 26
Gender / Pronouns: he/him
Religion: Draconism
Occult: neutral
Character Occupation: Relm Knight
Appearance Information
Eye Color: black
Skin Color: white ish
Hair: black
Height: 6'5
Body Type: strong build
Additional Features:
Skill Information: Tactitian
Hobbies and Talents: very skilled with tactics and leadership
  • Eronidas can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
  • Eronidas are barely affected by Alcohol that gets other people drunk, needing insanely high proof, and always being able to keep their drinks down.
  • Eronidas have hardy physical digestive systems, capable of eating raw and spoiled foods and drinks without any issues or risk of illness.
  • Eronidas have two independently beating hearts, meaning that even if one heart were to stop (damage/heart attack), the other would keep them alive.
  • Eronidas however, because of their two hearts, have a faster heartbeat, resulting in a quick temper, and their bleeding being more profound (this does make them die faster).

Languages: Mainly Vasar and a little bit of Droque
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities: Bruiser Stance
Attack Stat: 17
Defense Stat: 15
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

Strength: 7
- Breakthrough
- Bruiser Slam
- Technique Parry
- Heavy Throw
- Bruiser Parry
- Bruiser Grit
- Bruiser Unsheathe
-Weapon Throw

Constitution: 5
- Rebound Pack
- Fortitude
- Rage Counter
- Thick Hide
- Iron Will

Intelligence: 1
Puretek Roulette

Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 1
-Sharp Reflexes

Faith: 1
- Blinding Prayer

Magic: 0

Charisma: 0
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