Preserved Sheet Murielle Beausoleil

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Tomato Cat
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
The Garden
Character Information
  • Full Name: Murielle Beausoleil
  • Race: Ailor (Tolonne Culture)
  • Age: 42
  • Gender: Female
  • Eye Color:
Core Concept
  • A respectable diplomat and devout Unionist at first glance, Murielle is an unhinged bibliophile with a penchant for going on philosophical tangents.
  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 1
    • Thread Craft Pack
  • Wisdom: 6
    • Affliction Wisdom Pack
    • Dimenthist Wisdom Pack
    • Hoterie Wisdom Pack
    • Common Alchemy Pack
    • Morphing Alchemy Pack
    • Healing Alchemy Pack
  • Dexterity: 3
    • Pistol Pack
    • Longneck Pack
    • Puretek Pack
  • Magic: 0
  • Charisma: 4
    • State Dignitary Pack
    • State Saboteur Pack
    • Empire Linguist Pack
    • Ancient Speech Pack
  • Healing Alchemy Pack
  • Pistol Pack
  • Longneck Pack
  • Puretek Pack
Common (Free)
Ithanian (Native)
Empire Linguist Pack (Linguistics)

Appearance Information
  • Murielle has no mutations or other abnormal physical traits.
  • Murielle stands at 5' 6'', with a plump build, medium skin tone, wavy brown hair and catlike eyes. She wears her hair up and dresses modestly, and can occasionally be spotted with spectacles.
Life Story
  • Murielle was born in the Azoras to a wealthy merchant family. From an early age, Murielle had a love of learning and was tutored in the major languages of the Empire. She developed a vociferous appetite for books and a habit of rhyming words spontaneously inspired by Tolonne poetry.
  • When she was a teenager, Murielle left home to study alchemy at the L'Académie de Bouteil de Mordealé in Ithania. During her free time, she obsessively explored niche subjects such as Afflictions, Dimensions, and dead languages.
  • Murielle continued her education in Ithania and studied diplomacy at the Collegiate d'Évraux. During her time abroad, she also became acquainted with Les Hôtes and learned how to influence people through her feminine wiles. She later married a state dignitary and spent the next twenty years serving as an ambassador for the Solacian Governorate and raising a family.
  • A scandal, however, would soon rock Murielle's peaceful life. After he was discovered stealing from Solacia's coffers, Murielle's husband was imprisoned. In the aftermath of the scandal, the pair separated and Murielle picked up target shooting to release some pent-up anger towards the situation.
  • Having resigned from her position, Murielle moved to Regalia to start a new chapter in her life and career.
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Hi there! I'll be taking over this review.

Looks all good. Approved! (Ignore my last post if you saw it lol)
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@BiBiBirdie Hi! Not sure if you're the right person to tag here, but I'm thinking of bringing this character back from the dead. I've made a lot of edits to her proficiencies to catch up with the current system and I also redid her Life Story in light of the recent nobility update, so I figured it needed a full review. Let me know what y'all think!