Archived Multiple Faction Owners

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Sruly Brach

Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
I think there should be a way that there can be more than 1 "Faction Leader" and it will have the official commands of the leader and the 2 stars (**). Many factions just adds a star in front of their name (basicly showing that they are also leader) but the other one cant get the perms. I think there should be a was that there could be multiple leaders as some factions are HUGE and need more than 1 leader and some factions just want it that way.
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There were multiple leaders in Olympus (5 I think) One quit Massive (annoyed the heck out of me), two others made a new faction (called Caketopia), and I quit the faction when Madman no longer accepted me. (Another got banned, but he doesn't count.) Madman1011 remains as the only leader. Yes, I think this would have helped with that leadership.

/f admin add <player>
/f admin replace <player>
Yeah I think it could happen, it would be cool if it woul dbe added after cayorian does the server sharding then he will work on the perfect factions 2... hopefully ;)
so this was a pointless thread and what im asking for already exists?
Some more variation in the hierarchy would be nice. Instead of: Member, Officer, Owner. This would open a wide variety of things to do, RP wise and faction management wise.
It'd be very cool to have custom ranks that you could make each with customizable perms and ya^

(CAFFC has brought you this message)[DOUBLEPOST=1355196750][/DOUBLEPOST]NO NO NO NO

My life is over. See y'all
How does it feel to have your post rated dumb you fool of a took!!!
I don't really mind. You?[DOUBLEPOST=1355197141][/DOUBLEPOST]I have to keep refreshing the page on my iPod to see new posts and changes.
Stop going off topic -___-

Cayorion will NOT edit Factions at this time. Nor will he ever.
Once ServerSharding is complete, Cayorion will begin coding Factions V.2.
New things will be implemented then.
Taste the foul stench of your first dislike!

And it would seem as if there is always something preventing Cay from doing things...
Taste the foul stench of your first dislike!

And it would seem as if there is always something preventing Cay from doing things...
Lololol no. You seem to think Cay has all the time to run around and do things for you. He doesn't. He has to study. He would be telling you exactly the same thing.
Will be considered during the factions rewrite.
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