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Mull Progression: A New King & A New Foe


Pizza the Hutt
Jun 13, 2017
Reaction score

|The Coronation of Hengest I King of Mull, AC. 306|


It seemed as if it had only been a mere month in the past, when the Isle of Mull was whole and with single leadership. A Kalroy ruling from Kalray, the world in order as it should be for the island folk in their blissful isolation. Alaric Wynfrith had been elected to Office as Kalroy, and immediately the clergy of the island seceded from his rule forming the Cantonship of Gelle, and splitting Mull down the middle with a mighty cleft. Chaos ensued, and talk of armed conflict followed with it. In a moment of what seemed desperation, Kalroy Wynfrith turned to his former liege-lord, Hengest of Vlissinghelm, seeking a deal. Though, in what seemed a surprising turn of events all parties convened for a moot to decide the fate of the island. The meeting was private, though the public would become aware of what transpired shortly thereafter…

Hengest Harhold walked down a stoneclad and echoing hall amid the monastery of St. Wihtred, his every step vibrating with a mighty harmony off the smooth and ancient pillars of the structure. Laced in royal blue robes, and held with an air of dignity for which his enemies had perceived him lacking, Hengest traced his way to a carved throne, surrounded by monks and holy men of the faith, most notably his Uncle Prince-Canton Harhold. When he sat, those who were seated stood, and upon him approached the clerics…

The blessings lasted for an hour. Rituals that could only be rivaled by a cult of the Void. The eye of Union was traced upon Hengest's forehead, and in his hands a scepter was placed.

"Will you, Hengest of House Harhold, upkeep the dignity and sovereignty of the Isle of Mull, until your dying breath? So by the Spirit, administering the righteous authority given hence, to better the realm of Kalray, Gelle, and its outlying…" The words of the priest who spoke seemed to last for an age. Hengest replied-

"I swear it. As your King."

The traditions continued throughout the hours. Finally, with what was followed by what could be considered the entire populace of Mull's applaud, a crown was place down upon Hengest's head. The people stood, and declared him their king, their voices bouncing from stone to stone. They knew not who he was, though the little they did know was of a harsh leader - all they could deduce was that Mull was a harsh land, and one in need of authority. To them, Hengest was the man required for such action to take place..


|The Invaders March Forth|


Meanwhile, on the lonely northmost coast of Mull, the Monastery of Eadfrith bellowed smoke from its sacred halls. The Fathers of Piety of the small hermetic abode had long gone silent, and the nearby towns could smell not only the sent of sinders and burnt oak, but that of burning flesh seeping deep into their nostrils. Some brave townsfolk got close enough to see what appeared to be a band of Skagger raiders carrying relics and gold to their longships, churtling and cackling as they walked upon the dead friars who lay beneath them. It wasn't long before the sacred monastery was picked clean, and all who dwelled beneath its thatch roofs cleaved in twain...

Among the Skaggers, one seemed to hold command: those who were familiar with the raiders of these northern seas would recognise him as Sigurd Bjornson (@Tibertastic) a devout follower of the Oldt Gods, pious in his own faith, and wicked in that of the Unionists. He was a proud man, a chief some say, and one who had his eyes set upon the Crown of Mull for its unguarded riches. Only time would tell if the new King could hold back the host of Bjornson, and, if the peoples of Mull would frive under such threat…


A sign up page will be released for players to either battle against Bjornson, or with him.

In addition, a new page for the Petty Kingdom of Mull will be released, to join as a citizen and get involved.

Thanks to @AntonVoron for writing this up!
