Preserved Sheet Muala Morfiel

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Apr 25, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Muala Morfiel
  • Age: 45
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Cielothar
  • Preferred Weapon: Prefers not to partake in violence. If cornered, will use alchemy.
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points:
45+5 = 50 (30 used, 20 spent on magic, +8 Lightness Sorcery +12 Nature Sorcery)
  • 8 Lightgiver Ritualism
  • 15 Alchemy
  • 2 Anima Care Sciences
  • 2 Natura Care Sciences
  • 1 Food & Drink Sciences
  • 1 Threads Arts
  • 1 Bodycare Training
Body Shape
  • (1/2) = 0.5 Physical Stat
  • Average Body Shape
  • Average Body Fat
  • Plains-Elven (Native)
  • Common (learned growing)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Lightgiver Ritualism Abilities
  • Lightness Sorcery - Healing Grace
  • Lightness Sorcery - Cast away Impurity
  • Nature Sorcery - Soothe the Beast
  • Nature Sorcery - Familiar Sensor
  • Nature Sorcery - Wood Singing
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Blond
  • Hair Style: Long, flowing.
  • Skin Color: Tanned
  • Clothing: Vibrant, lots of bells.
  • Height: 5'5ft
Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)

Option Two: The Core List

  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • The Mediator INFP-A
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Cielothar Faith of Estel (8/10)
Life Story (Required)
  • Born in the plains within the Eilinau Village, they were catered to underneath the care of Great Mother. Growing quickly, they'd spend a lot of time feeding the animals and grew fond of goats and birds in particular. Taking on to at a young age, owning a goat themselves but they did get heavy help from others in the village, being too young to properly understand every part of taking care of an animal.
  • In addition, they'd be schooled on various plant types, how to cater and identify types. This grew a fond interest for their uses within the young Cielothar's mind and they quickly took up books and teaching from other village folks on alchemy. Growing to around the age of ten, they'd often be seen growing avant-leaves and making rudimentary concoctions like Melodin and supplying Avanthar with alchemy, the food they prepare and helping other Cielothar dress the Avanthar. Around this age, they began to take more of a deep role in the Faith of Estel, taking the teachings to heart in everything they have done. They especially followed Sca'Elle, the Crafter. A result of a lot of creative interests they had previously learned spurred this on.
  • Continuing their studies as they grew, they'd further their relations with the Avanthar and other Cielothar. Helping where applicable but in particular making friends with similar interests, helping Muala develop her skills more. Although, increasing raids from Orcs and Ailor bandits, left them seeking more faith from Estel. Beginning to see the dangers of living where they were.
  • Growing to 30, they sought more responsibility and came to the forefront of supplying Avanthar with healing alchemy. Raids becoming more frequent had them have little time for themselves, they had to make a constant stream of supply and upkeep to fuel the sole protectors of the village.
  • Up to the age they are to this day, they grew incredibly tired of only knowing their village and decided to impulsively leave to Regalia, in search for a new home.
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Changed my parlor magic to the new sorcery. Changes points slightly. Changes marked in blue
@MolagBallin Everything looks mostly good, just a few quick changes:
  • Your body stat calculation appears incorrect, please adjust it to properly reflect the appropriate proficiency.
  • This is personally for my own request, can you list the Sorcery points spent in the Proficiency section as well? Just so it will appear as +8 Lightness Sorcery +12 Nature Sorcery.
Please make the updated changes and mark them in Blue. Tag me when you have done so.