Preserved Sheet Mu Sol

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texan (derogatory)
Jul 27, 2016
Reaction score


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  • Full Name: "Mu" Sol, or Mel'loe'su Sol, or to friends, Peach.
  • Age: 46.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Originally an Altalar, now Shenath. Clan of Hazära.
  • Main Ambition: To make as many allies as she can to use for her own purposes.
    • Secondary Ambition: To blend in well with other Shenath and Kathar.
  • Special Permission: Existling Silven, Folelsa Magic, Soul Magic, Leveia Magic.

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  • 20 total Proficiency Points. (Five Folelsa spells and one Soul spell = 20 as the cap)
    • +10 Acrobatics (+10 from Proficiency points)
    • +10 Quick Fingers (+10 from Proficiency points)
  • 46 total Culture Points.
    • +20 Dancing (+20 from Culture points)
    • +26 Stage Performance (+26 from Culture points)
  • Languages.
    • Common (Learned throughout life)
    • Modern Elven (Birth Language)
    • Anglian (Raised in Anglia)
  • Spell Book.
    • Mage, learned by years with the Elsar ring and by a tutor.
      • Social Cloaking.
      • Sense of Clarity.
      • Nymphe.
      • Victaayr.
      • Ellon Form.
      • Soul Trap.

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  • Eye Color: Softly glowing silver.
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Hair Style: Short and bobbed, mostly let down.
  • Skin Color: Deep Gray.
  • Clothing: Simple peasant stuff.
  • Height: 5'9 or 175 centimeters.
  • Body Build: Lanky.
  • Weapon of Choice: Magic; Folelsa, Soul, and Leveia. Other than this, Mu is pretty defenseless.

  • Briolette Cut.
  • Golden Citrine Gem.
  • Pale golden band with elegant engravings on them.
  • Well kept and clean.
  • The fanciful cut and band represent Mu's personality well- She strives for the simple elegance that swirls can provide. She's also lighthearted at first sight, though she is a whole lot deeper than what meets the eye, sort of like the many facets of the Briolette cut.
  • Mu has a Selfish Soul.
  • Her Ellon form is large rabbit with the mane of a lion and the ears and legs of a rabbit.
original art done here.
Mu's butterflies have soft lilac colored wings and have an odd flitter to them, where they can't seem to still and must always be moving around. Their speed is also erratic to a point. The shape of their wings can also vary, but most interestingly enough have the same shade of lilac.


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  • First Paragraph.
  • Mu, while always wanting to come off as cool and suave, simply flounders at doing such without the use of magic. An ugly duckling and poor social aptitude makes it hard for Mu to have any defining personality traits. People often remark at how Mu blends easily in the crowd, and how strikingly normal she is. Keeping tune with her proposed personality, Mu is always friendly. She's seemingly harmless upon first glance, but of course being an odd looking Shenath it's hard for people to gauge her as anything but harmless.
  • Second Paragraph.
  • Mu is always confident, while she may not always show it. Having to keep up in this world requires unwavering confidence, according to Mu, and so she acts accordingly. Doubting herself isn't in the plan. If not always a bit silly, she never takes it to heart until it starts to dig up the scars of her past. Rarely discussed, Mu always makes an effort to keep her past a secret.
  • Third Paragraph.
  • To her allies, Mu is always sure to keep them in line in any way possible. If that means being their best friend, she'll love them to utter pieces. Her family is a blemish to her past, and remembering an ounce of her childhood before being ten usually leaves Mu uncomfortable. Mu doesn't let anyone see the embarrassing parts of her, really, not even with her close friends. More than often she'll level with a stranger but most of the time it's with lies.
  • Fourth Paragraph.
  • Mu is most definitely a Chaotic Neutral. She does things for herself and her own ambitions, caring little for those she uses in the process. While not inherently evil, Mu's ready to drop morals and ethics to fit the current situation. Her magic helps with her plans which are mostly harmless to many, but Mu is a whimsical lass. Her wants and needs will change with the wind, and this could spell doom for her friends and colleagues.

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  • Born in 260 AC, Mu was born to Altalar peach farmers near Turent, Anglia. The Feeling Arken had passed by and left poor Mu as a gift. Since the Arken neared the Altalar during a tense affair, Mu had planar essence woven into her soul. While initially assumed blind as a child, Mu would show as she grew older that she indeed had sight- her eyes glowing faintly not raising any suspicions beforehand.
  • Mu, as a young and adventurous child, loved to visit the many Seraph ruins littered in Anglia. It was almost always a treat and tradition to sleep at the most nearby Seraph ruin, long thought to be heavily raided and worthless. Perhaps Mu smelled better than the rest or maybe her connection to the Exist attracted the Elsar ring to her, but nevertheless Mu was picked by the ring, so she learned the skill in an instant.
  • Around the age of 20, Mu felt old enough to finally leave home. After promises of power beyond her wildest dreams by a cult of Hazära, Mu went through their longstanding ritual and became a Shenath and picked up worship under the figure of Scarlet Scourge who long sought after her blood.
  • It only took Mu a few months to strive after Regalia, finding herself bored of the cult too quickly.
  • After several months of deep study, physically and emotionally, Mu has become a soul mage under the tutelage of Spider, her cult leader. She can now take the shape of her Ellon form. She has also taken up Leveia magic as a means to defend herself.
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Added art and updated Mu to be a regular Shendar through the Change Ritual. Edits made in pink. @Mooffins
@Mooffins I have given Mu a new Soul Magic spell with the accompanying edits made in pink. I also edited the title so I could make it easier to find.

Also preparing for the Shendar update.
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@Mooffins finally updated to the Kathar update. Is the change ritual still a thing that can transform ordinary elves to Shenath? Just checking. Changes highlighted in purple.
@Mooffins changed up her spell book and added Leveia magic. I've also changed her Ellon form to a simple rabbit lion duo as it's simpler to emote. I also edited the proficiencies minorly. Changes made in blue.
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Rejected as per player request.
Are you not playing any other mages and/or Silven currently. I cannot keep track of who you are and aren't playing.
Then since you changed almost nothing this is approved.