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Ms. Chatterworth’s Advice Corner


sleeping bees
Jul 25, 2015
Reaction score

A kindly old woman shakes hands on the main road. Her face is wrinkly, and her hair is a streaky gray. In truly modest fashion, her head is covered by a shawl. She's a matronly woman of 73. At her feet, there are four or five cats, with several more skulking in the distance. A pigeon lands at her feet, and she throws a crumb of bread... one of the cats immediately devours the pigeon

"Come one, come all, to the hearth of Old Mrs. Chatterworth! The elderly sage with a suspiciously on-the-nose name..." A young boy cries!


You are the lucky winner of unlimited free advice from Ms. W.B. Chatterworth! Simply pen a letter, or seek out the old crone in person for your own personalized words of wisdom.

OOC Info:
Reply to this thread with an IC letter, and I'll reply to your reply. I MIGHT be in game tomorrow as Mrs. Chatterworth, but maybe not. Anyway, if you have an IC problem and want completely valid and useful* advice, reply here.

*Validity and usefulness are not guaranteed. All replies subject to change. No purchase necessary.
To the wise and sagely Mrs. Chatterworth,

I heard your crier while taking my morning walk yesterday and I've mulled on it since. Normally, I would not think to discuss my problems with a stranger, in paper or in person, but I've found myself unsure who else to turn to. A letter is private enough to 'discuss' with a sage, I hope, else I could visit in person. I've found myself especially worried in recent days, for my... subject of affections has been seemingly cursed to become a plant. I've yet to inform her of my thoughts, but it does not spare me any pain on the subject of her health and safety. I hope you will be able to shed your opinion on this issue. I pray a third opinion from an un-involved person will help,

With care,
Ser Philippe du Langelier,
Knight of Bloodcast.
To the wise and sagely Mrs. Chatterworth,

Lately, I have been seeing less and less intense pinks and purples in Regalia. I have panicked much for most of my attire, home and banners are shades of purple. A lady-friend of mine suggested that it might be the Regalian influence taking root in my perception, dulling the colours I once found most beautiful. What am I to do, an Ithanian losing vision of the grandiose of my homeland's cheerful pastel colours, in a capital city of fece-browns, mourning-blacks, Kathar-greys, tear-blues and worst of all, Typhonus-greens.

With shock and anticipation,
Adrienne d'Ortonnaise

To the lovely Ms. d'Ortonnaise:

Your fear is admirable, but unwarranted. Visions and cravings for purple are signs of a blessing from the Imperial Spirit! Wear the holiest color of the rainbow with pride. If you still feel a quivering ache for the lush and pastel beauty of your homeland, I suggest having a garden planted in every shade of pink, purple, magenta, and fuschia. Thus, you can do as you like with the blooms.

As for Regalia's tragedy of colors, it is a pity that the city streets are littered with the hideous hues of inferior races and cultures. Perhaps you can scatter the petals of Ithanian beauty through the austere avenues of the duller parts of the city.

Yours truly,

Wilma B. Chatterworth
To the wise Mrs. Chattersworth,

Elder sage I have a confession to make. My strict routine of an early 4:30 wake up, working out for an hour before breakfast, and then going about my day has not been fully packed with the essentials! Moustache maintenance, hair curling and most important, song writing! How do I fix my schedule in the morning to comprise these necessary tasks?

With sincerity,
Lord Deo dei Termini
To thɘ wysɘ an sajly Mrs.Chattɘrworth,
Wɘll, I'm writng bɘcase I don't think I hav that many problɘms in my lifɘ. My lifɘ is grɘate. I livɘ with my brothɘr an sistɘr, Dorian an Lorɘlɘi. Dorian an I do fun things togɘthr. I wouldn't say I havɘ many flaws. Somɘtimɘs I drink too much akolhol. I think when I gɘt drunk I don a nɘw outfit an walk around likɘ a diffɘrɘnt pɘrson. Thɘ worst part is I found a drɘss in my wardrobe.

Like I said, don't havɘ many issuɘs, but I nɘɘd somɘ advicɘ We arɘn't wɘlthy, I livɘ in thɘ slums. We nɘɘd food ɘvɘry so oftɘn, an onɘ of us has to go out to gɘt it. Our pa trainɘd us as huntɘrs, but suddɘnly somɘtimɘ in a wɘird day, two whitɘ horsɘs appeared. My brothɘr triɘd taming thɘm, but I got rɘally hungry, an I thought, "Hɘy, smallfolk ɘat horsɘmɘat all the time." So mɘ an anothɘr lad cornɘrɘd thɘ horsɘs and got one. But Dorian dragɘd mɘ away beforɘ wɘ could get the other one, or ɘvɘn ɘat the first that was already dɘad, rite? Issuɘ is, my family sigil is a whitɘ horsɘ. Samɘ one I killɘd. An ɘvɘr sincɘ, I've bɘɘn having nightmarɘs about undɘad horsɘs chasing mɘ through forɘsts. I think this mɘans I didn't finish thɘ job, an that I nɘɘd to find thɘ last mothɘr horsɘ and murdɘr it, too. So I spɘnt thɘ past wholɘ day and night looking for it, axɘ in hand. I couldn't find it, though. An that's whɘn it donɘd on mɘ, what if thɘ wholɘ horsɘ ordɘal was onɘ big string of night-marɘs?

Wɘll, thanks for rɘadng. Hopɘ to gɘt a rɘsponsɘ. If not, I'll just comɘ by your placɘ an ask you in pɘrson. Thanks for rɘadng. = )
With akolhol,
Iannis Ardɘlan​

To the esteemed Lord dei Termini:

One cannot underestimate the importance of moustache maintenance, nor can one discount all important creative pursuits. Thus, there is only one solution: Ambidexterity. Lift weights with your left hand, prune your voluptuous facial hair with the other, and compose songs all the while your wife or some other subservient individual transcribes the melody onto paper or parchment. To achieve a more complete workout, alternate the hands used for lifting and trimming (left trims mondays, right trims on tuesdays, et al). May the Spirit grant you strength in all manners of your morning routine.

Your truly,

Wilma B. Chatterworth
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