Archived Moving Boats

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Lilith Heava
Aug 9, 2013
Reaction score
Look, I know this won't ever be possible but a girl can dream right? I think in some form or fashion this server should get a plugin for mobile real built ships. This includes flying boats. I think it could add a lot more to role-play and faction raids, and even factions themselves.

For role-play (and I'm not saying this should happen) but it could help create a more realistic travel between countries.

Then we all know why its all better for faction raids. I mean who does not want to sail in with a fleet of amazing looking ships to take down your worst enemy?

Then for factions in general, factions could be placed on ships, like a pirate captain and his/her crew. Then in my circumstance, I have a small ship with many things aboard it and I use it for most storage, the only problem is that it is no where near my faction area, it could be but it was built next to an island on basicly the other side of the continent and open to griefing seeing as we cannot claim it.
Then there is for colonization. Seeing as you can only claim land right next to your already claimed land then you could claim the ship and use it to find a good spot plus it could help the spread to other places. It would get a little confusing when it comes to the actual mechanics of the claiming and sailing, but as I said, a girl can dream right?
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As much as this is an awesome idea, I'm worried that new players would... Just... You know? Use it wrongly, probably create moving piles of dirt or something...
The idea itself is pretty neat, but what Teddie says is true. There's always a brilliant plugin idea that some players use wrongly, like the MPM Mod.
I can imagine a flying d!*k hovering over a faction with member jumping out slaughtering the people in the shadow of the d!*k.
There actually is an awesome plugin that does exactly that. Would be awesome. Think how cool it would be to have a pirate faction that actually attacks by ship. *sigh*

But as long as we do not have a vanilla plugin API this will be impossible. Bukkit is not powerful enough and it would require mandatory client mods.
I think we all would love to have such a plugin/mod, but the lag it would cause is too much.

Indeed, this has been suggested and rejected many times due to the lag as its really just many many blocks getting broken and placed very quickly. Maybe one day, but, unless something changes significantly to do with the way blocks are moved about, not in the near future.
Ther is such a mod,and it is called the Archemedis ship mod. With it you chan macke both sea ships and and air ships
Indeed, this has been suggested and rejected many times due to the lag as its really just many many blocks getting broken and placed very quickly. Maybe one day, but, unless something changes significantly to do with the way blocks are moved about, not in the near future.
Acctually, the mod uses the same entity as falling sand, and is just sort of the blocks falling exactly the way the plug wants them to. It is very complicated.
it would be interesting to stress-test this, though. it is less stressfull than re-placing blocks i think.
Moving boats.. Exactly what Ghiscari needs to take over the world..
Used a plug in similar to what you had in mind long ago on a boat I made. It made the entire sever laggy when it moved lol. Good suggestion though, it's a shame boats are not more advanced.
Acctually, the mod uses the same entity as falling sand, and is just sort of the blocks falling exactly the way the plug wants them to. It is very complicated.

I agree it would be complicated. What comes to mind when i think of it though is that you would place a block that meld all the blocks attached together and it would become like the normal little one block we have, just slower. You all have serious and well non serious points that would factor into this, Though I have many ideas that could fix some of that, such as finding someone who can and will create and entire mod for them to keep it from lagging as much as they can, have a testing world or just a time for testing, where they kinda just kick all the normal players off for a bit then test it to see if it would work ok. and the personal flying d!*k thing could be fixed that once you build your boat thing, you must ask for one of the staff to provide the item you need to start it, and players cannot create/destroy this block/item.

But with that all said, I will once again repeat, A girl can dream.
technically the blocks become an entity and you meld with them into one. it should not be much more hassle than a normal boat then. again i would love to test this on a server like this!
When I ran my server we had a plugin that did this. It required high moderation, and very strict rules. I imagine with 200+ players online there would be lag compared to my measly 30 players. It'd be cool, but I doubt it will happen.
It would require a lot of things and require a lot of supervision
I'm unsure of the idea. My idea would be that you'd have to apply and provide a good role-play reason, what will be reviewed and if accepted a staff member would world edit move the ship to your desired location, as long as it does not brake any claim rules. It would stop people messing around, and just using this to troll. Plus, could you imagine how much server side lag this would cause? It would be catastrophic. Just my idea.
Oh lord I can see it. Montgomery Ships entering the harbor of regelia, and releasing death upon their citizens, using their heavy ass ships and killing all the fools! Taking control of Regelia! And then Rule.. Rule I say!!

Shh, You didn't hear this....

Really, you didn't. Or I'll slap you with my fan.
I must admit, it would be incredible to have actual boats. Though like Teddie000 said, new players could come on and make a joke out of the plugin. Sadly people aren't as mature -thinks back to when four huge zombies attacked Regalia- as others on the server.
Dunno how much this would lag the server or if its even possible but would it be possible to give an NPC the player model of a random ship and have it set to slowly move around the regalia harbor just outside our means of getting to it. Talking out of my bum entirely as I have no clue how possible this is.
I agree it would be complicated. What comes to mind when i think of it though is that you would place a block that meld all the blocks attached together and it would become like the normal little one block we have, just slower. You all have serious and well non serious points that would factor into this, Though I have many ideas that could fix some of that, such as finding someone who can and will create and entire mod for them to keep it from lagging as much as they can, have a testing world or just a time for testing, where they kinda just kick all the normal players off for a bit then test it to see if it would work ok. and the personal flying d!*k thing could be fixed that once you build your boat thing, you must ask for one of the staff to provide the item you need to start it, and players cannot create/destroy this block/item.

But with that all said, I will once again repeat, A girl can dream.

The thing with the moving sand blocks is, NO, it wouldn't actually lag the server that much if too many weren't moving at one time, but you would fall through the ship… so it would be practically useless.
The thing with the moving sand blocks is, NO, it wouldn't actually lag the server that much if too many weren't moving at one time, but you would fall through the ship… so it would be practically useless.
you can solve that by making a solid floor and then... oh yea(facepalm) i see the problem...
The problem is easily solved about having easy access to heaps of lag-inducing ships.
Well, whatever makes the ships move, it could be sold at a very high price - or not at all, and can be given especially to staff to select whom they give it to (trusted members, pirates etc. ). Although i'm unsure of how a plugin can do something so advanced.
Acctually, the mod uses the same entity as falling sand, and is just sort of the blocks falling exactly the way the plug wants them to. It is very complicated.

Must be a different plugin to the one I was thinking off. However that many entities would still cause some lag. And wouldn't it mess up the collision boxes so you would fall through if you were trying to use the boat.
How about you'd have to get your creation to be approved by a team of voluntary staff that could decide whether or not it was lore and eye friendly?

No dirty ships that way :D
There could be a forums section where you build your ship, post your roleplay reason as to why you want the ship, and post screen shots of the ship, and get staff to review it. And make it so only staff members could make the ship function. That way there would be no dinghy's made of dirt going around. I personally think this needs to be added, as it's kind of weird to be a pirate faction and have no ship to sail on.
There could be a forums section where you build your ship, post your roleplay reason as to why you want the ship, and post screen shots of the ship, and get staff to review it. And make it so only staff members could make the ship function. That way there would be no dinghy's made of dirt going around. I personally think this needs to be added, as it's kind of weird to be a pirate faction and have no ship to sail on.
I believe that this would be perfect + the idea of the submitting, The only problem that we may/may not encounter is the lag, but that would be easy to check, just have the staff come in and test it themselves on a day and time that would be announced before hand so that if it does lag, it is not a surprise.
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