Archived Move High Activity Locations Close To Spawn

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Aug 30, 2016
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Propossal: Move areas with high activity close to spawn. Do a copy paste with minor adjustments.

Specific changes:
- Move the arena next to spawn. Relocate the imperial isle houses.
- Move and rotate Crookback so it is close to spawn. Relocate the cathedral and meneelan houses.
- Move the great tree to the park in the imperial isle. Recolor the roofs of dragonbend houses so that they look like petalcourt houses.

There are some areas close to spawn that see little activity. In contrast, some areas that are relatively far away that see regular activity.

Areas far from spawn that have activity:
- The arena has activity, it is relatively far away from spawn.
- Crookback has activity, it is very far away from spawn.
- Petal Court has activity, it is very far away from spawn.

Areas close to spawn do not have activity:
- The houses in imperial isle have little activity.
- The cathedral in imperial isle has little activity.
- The gardens and the greenhouse in imperial isle see little activity.

Why is this a problem?
This is a problem because new players will get the wrong impression that the server is not populated and people might not find rp as players are dispersed.

What do I suggest?
I suggest doing a copy-paste work of some areas. This should require minimal work from world staff and should solve the problem.
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