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Motu Propio: Quos Ordo Presbyterorum

"From his own impulse"

Quos Ordo Presbyterorum
"On the status of the order of priests"

13th of December, 305 AC
Exarch Benedict XI​





Good sons and daughters of Union, I address to you with my personal greetings on a matter of the Sancella and the life of the faith. Recently, it was come to our attention that the need to reinvigorate the faith rests with the ability to raise up holy and venerable servants of the Creeds. We recall that it is written:

"The Holy Synod shall rule all, like the Supreme power of the Emperor, though granted by us. The Holy Ministry shall be the Ministers of the Spirit, much like our own material ministers guide our hands in the matters of the material world. The Holy Ministers shall be the Reverends, the Revered and holiest men in the body and house of worship. Their word will be carried by the Priests, the Curates of Union who multiply and amplify the words so holy and pure to be the Holy Law. The Holy Synod remains charged with the interpretation and the enactment of the Spirit's Holy words from their Unionist convictions."

Taken from The Sixth Creed

I appeal to the many souls of Humanum and those who strive in the service of their salvation to discern and respond to this universal calling. We require great and diligent men, not in perfect composure but in stalwart devotion to the Creeds and patient hands in the ministerial service of the spiritual welfare of the faithful. It is in these intentions I call upon all great men to seek out the life of holiness, offering themselves in humble totality to serve and preach the truth.

For all Unionists and those who yearn to walk the Great Way, and to those whose duty it is to care for the spiritual welfare for this Holy Empire by their devotion and ministerial stewardship, I offer this prayer in my intentions:

O Imperial Spirit, You renew the Sancella in every age by raising up Reverends outstanding in holiness as living witnesses of Your divine glory.
In Your Plan for the Great Way, You provide ministers for Your people.
Fill the hearts of men with the spirit of courage that they may answer Your call generously.
Give your faithful the grace to encourage vocations in their lives by prayer and example.
Bring forth worthy priests for Your Altars and ardent, but gentle servants of the Creeds.
Bless the Sancella and her Reverends and keep them faithful in their love and service who choose to serve You by devoting themselves to the service of Humanum.

Sancella is in need of priests and is calling for the recruitment of Curates and Reverends!!!
A Folostan merchant cackled heartily at the news, his grime covered Vladno cheeks glowing an illuminated red.

"Bah! - Babuska, come look!"
He'd express with a gruff voice.

"Etosian Patriarch have no need for such plea! Men come to him to become priest! Not other way around!"​
The Archduke of Calemberg squinted. What was with the Exarch's affinity for titling his works things he couldn't pronounce..?