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Motu Propio: Adversus Maleficarum

"From his own impulse"

Adversus Maleficarum

10th of December, 305 AC
Exarch Benedict XI




Good sons and daughters of Union, fret not. For in the matters at hand, we must commit ourselves in totality in faith and reverence for the Imperial Spirit, for through its graces and benevolent providence, we are saved. We recall that it is written:

"There are those who would destroy the steps to the Imperial Throne. Those who would see us all cast out of paradise and see paradise twisted to a tormented plain of destruction, where our loved ones will anguish and we will watch for all eternity… It is the duty of every man woman and child to purge the evil and Daemon scourge from the world, be it an act of kindness or the sword of deliverance."

taken from The Ninth Creed

It is our mandate and duty as faithful Unionists, under the watchful eye of the Spirit, through constant intercession and virtue to stand against the face of all evils, heresies, witchcraft, and daemonic fallacies. The adverse effects of the aforementioned are in no comparison to the holy might and the fortitude that the Spirit imparts. We as chosen elect in the station of Humanum must bear witness to the call of servitude to further advance the Great Way, propagating no less than the truth and virtues of our Imperial Spirit. To all who pledge their lives and efforts against evil and all vices that dare threaten the peace and stability of our day, may they find everlasting salvation to the Steps of the Imperial Throne in Union with the Spirit's accord.

For all Unionists and those who yearn to walk the Great Way, and to those whose duty it is to protect this Holy Empire by their courage and sacrifice, I offer this prayer in my intentions:

Imperial Spirit,

defend us in adversity.

Be our defense against the vile deeds of the unjust.

May the Spirit guide us, we humbly pray,

and do thou,

O Divine host,

by the power of Thy might,

thrust into damnation,

all evil spirits,

who prowl about Aloria

seeking the ruin of Humanum.