

The old house, with its wildly overgrown garden, was silent, secretive.. Yet, this evening in particular; it had a certain feeling of livelihood to it..

A pair of boots would stumble through the grassy mess surrounding them, a scarlett cape following suite soon to find themselves at the entrance to this house, followed by a prompt knock... No answer.


Still, no answer..

With this, a firm kick was offered to the door by the visitor, the fragile ebony door flying open.
The scarce floor boards of the house creaked as stepped on; making their way up the thin staircase,
the figure would stop in their tracks.

"Mère" , a knock was now provided to the smaller secondary door, which would be followed by a push.
The final room that the door was ajar to their sight was a dark one.. Layered with cobwebs, layered with darkness.. And most significantly, layered with the unmistaken smell.. of Blood.

The caped figure was no longer alone,
for in the chair sat a woman; her hair a long bleak grey mess, their
body Femmefatale.. With skin fit to contrast the darkness rather, immensly.

"Mon repas...Lazare." , the woman would demand, a shaking finger prying the man to deliver..
and with this, he did. His leather glove would retrieve her desire from his satchel, her eyes following it like a hound not attended to in weeks, feral... Heartless.

He'd toss it to her abruptly; almost instantly she'd gulp through the contents of the bag, in such a rush, an abundance of the maroon substance gushed down her lips, to her chin where it would cascade to the horrid boards below..

Lazaruz watched this, already accustomed to both the substance, as well as his mother with a blank face.
Although on the inside he'd never enjoy the activity..

He'd speak in a sombre tone.. "Y'could atleast, say merci. If y'weren't--- m'mother.. I'd never do such."
"But I am..~" she'd reply, going to lick his boot for excess blood..
"You're an animal"
"Je suis ta mère."

With this, the man would turn to exit the room, disgusted by the beast that had become of the woman he'd once been bred to, he'd try not to be disheartened by it, yet. Another call would come from the darkness yet again, his mother's piercing ocean like eyes staring right into him as he turned..


"Non, y'know very well I 'aven't got any more f'r y' tonight.."

He'd recieve an array of angry hisses, yet.. He remained unphased, continuing as he intended.
His cape would twist at his words.. His boots creaking back down the staircase back through the outgrown garden away from the rodent infested slum his mother called home.

He'd return in a week...

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Jitterbug [4X] You put the boom-boom into my heart You send my soul sky high when your lovin' starts Jitterbug into my brain Goes a bang-bang-bang 'til my feet do the same But something's bugging you Something ain't right My best friend told me...
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The old house, with its wildly overgrown garden, was silent, secretive.. Yet, this evening in particular; it had a certain feeling of livelihood to it..

A pair of boots would stumble through the grassy mess surrounding them, a scarlett cape following suite soon to find themselves at the entrance to this house, followed by a prompt knock... No answer.


Still, no answer..

With this, a firm kick was offered to the door by the visitor, the fragile ebony door flying open.
The scarce floor boards of the house creaked as stepped on; making their way up the thin staircase,
the figure would stop in their tracks.

"Mère" , a knock was now provided to the smaller secondary door, which would be followed by a push.
The final room that the door was ajar to their sight was a dark one.. Layered with cobwebs, layered with darkness.. And most significantly, layered with the unmistaken smell.. of Blood.

The caped figure was no longer alone,
for in the chair sat a woman; her hair a long bleak grey mess, their
body Femmefatale.. With skin fit to contrast the darkness rather, immensly.

"Mon repas...Lazare." , the woman would demand, a shaking finger prying the man to deliver..
and with this, he did. His leather glove would retrieve her desire from his satchel, her eyes following it like a hound not attended to in weeks, feral... Heartless.

He'd toss it to her abruptly; almost instantly she'd gulp through the contents of the bag, in such a rush, an abundance of the maroon substance gushed down her lips, to her chin where it would cascade to the horrid boards below..

Lazaruz watched this, already accustomed to both the substance, as well as his mother with a blank face.
Although on the inside he'd never enjoy the activity..

He'd speak in a sombre tone.. "Y'could atleast, say merci. If y'weren't--- m'mother.. I'd never do such."
"But I am..~" she'd reply, going to lick his boot for excess blood..
"You're an animal"
"Je suis ta mère."

With this, the man would turn to exit the room, disgusted by the beast that had become of the woman he'd once been bred to, he'd try not to be disheartened by it, yet. Another call would come from the darkness yet again, his mother's piercing ocean like eyes staring right into him as he turned..


"Non, y'know very well I 'aven't got any more f'r y' tonight.."

He'd recieve an array of angry hisses, yet.. He remained unphased, continuing as he intended.
His cape would twist at his words.. His boots creaking back down the staircase back through the outgrown garden away from the rodent infested slum his mother called home.

He'd return in a week...

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Saw your name and a post and asked myself "Did he finally do something I could be proud of."
You just send me a link to this and i have no idea where i am but it was well written non the less xD