Preserved Sheet Mother Anastasia

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Urlan Advocate
Sep 12, 2015
Reaction score
Illinois, USA
The Wilderness
Basic Information

Name: Anastasia (Lie'llieogisnonal Ei'llengi'allehengh)

Aliases: Mother, Ana, or Anastasia (insert every Kathar racial slur or insult).

Age: 167

Race: Kathar, Shenath

Sexuality: Mentally and Physically strong individuals/Dog people lmao

Skill Information

Total: 60

>Combat Skills

+10 Fast Blades (+10 Racial)

+10 Unarmed Combat Skill (+10 Points)

>Knowledge Skills

+15 Magical Knowledge (+10 Racial, +5 Points)

(Arkenism, Demonology, Dimenthism)

>Science Skills

+5 Medical Science (+5 Points)

>Art Skills

+5 Musical Arts (+5 Points)

+5 Literary Arts (+5 Points)

>Special Skills

+30 Kathar Ritualism (+30 Points)

Body Information:

Stats: +10 Unarmed Combat Skill x2 (20) = 20

Body Shape: Athletic

Body Fat: Average (she eats a lot of meat)

Visual Information:

Eye Color: Sky Blue.

Hair Color: Snow White.

Hair Style: Short shoulder length, well kept with horns jutting out.

Skin Color: Ash Grey.

Threlwar Summons: Malady (Blackened Claws), Beast (Horns)

Clothing: Ritualistic Robes made of fine silk, dresses, etc.

Height: 6'4

Personality and Abilities

In the view of the public, many see Anastasia as a dark, brooding, a creepy and odd individual given not just her religious beliefs but also appearance and demeanor. She tries to keep up an intimidating appearance to come across as a person both strong physically and of strong will, always striving to embody a priestess of the void as best she can as she follows in the footsteps of her religion and duties. In tandem with her outward appearances and demeanor, she takes on a more 'motherly' tone towards strangers and even calls herself 'Mother Anastasia' or is called that by some. She seeks to help others find their own strength, aside from just her own, all the while condemning the weak.

On the inside, Anastasia is much less sure of herself and her choices in life. She had never gotten the chance to grow up and be a real child or experience what childhood is actually like, it left her with a void of immaturity, as it wasn't there. She was raised a woman. However, in her freedoms of being an adult, she is able to be her own person and express herself as she wishes, and she does so through her devotion for her Religion. She has given herself the ideology that she never was a child, nor could be, but rather a universal Mother to everybody, and she was to make sure that everyone has their immaturities out of the door, so they can be strong. She does this, as it gives her a sense of what it was like being a child, by through foolish or immature actions of her children. On the exterior she may come across as creepy, brooding, condescending to others, on the inside she is much less sure of herself-- though still takes pride in her status as a priestess, she's not quite prideful of her own strength just yet and finds herself weak, wanting, lacking. Under the exterior of her facade, she strives to be better and more than just herself.

Towards her friends, family and inner circle and to those she trusts, she can be a much different person than how she is externally. While she still holds herself like a mother to them and tries to maintain a facade of strength and security, to inspire confidence and help them grow. She expects and demands that those closest to her be strong and grow in their own right or give themselves up to the void. To those closest and her lover, she drops most of her facade entirely and expresses that side of herself which is much less sure, that side of Anastasia who looked at the painting in awe and saw that there was more to life than a never ending search for strength, power, and duty-- that there was more to life than even praising the void.

With regards to her morality, Anastasia is a very neutral perhaps chaotic person who still finds value in obeying the law to some extent. While she isn't beyond murdering or sacrificing those who she seeks as weak, she believes and respects authority and those with the strength to back it up, those who are strong of will. She is loyal to her own inner circle and aspires to well, inspire confidence and power. Strangely, unlike most Kathar her alignment is more righteous than most, she isn't beyond stealing but such actions she views as a sign of weakness and yet at the same time those foolish enough to had something taken from them are just as weak. She believes in the morality and mentality that only the strong will survive and overcome.

Life Story

Birth - Childhood

-Born years ago to a loving mother and father within the confines of the Dread Empire, far nestled into the retching, black heart of the empire enshrouded by forests of Dulofall. Anastasia, or who she would become known as in the future, was born to a prominent and strong warrior father and a priestess of the void for a mother.

-Anastasia was groomed early in life to grow up to become strong, healthy, vibrant and well educated. She was subject to various learning institutions of the Empire though eventually gravitated more towards following her mother's footsteps in the upper religious echelons of Kathar society, rather than living the borderline primitive or tribal lifestyle of the Shenath.

-On the other hand, her proud and fierce father began teaching her other facets of life, namely combat, strength and duty to her hold and family. But most of all, to the void. She began adopting unique views on the void, mostly subject around views of strength and pride. She began following the prefect of Pride very early on in life.

Teenage Years - Early Adulthood

-After spending most of her childhood in study and focusing solely on getting stronger and stronger in life, she had precious little time to actually enjoy herself or be a normal kid-- however 'normal' was considered in the Dread Empire. She grew up more focused on duty than the simple things in life, devotion, power, and strength. More and more she devoted herself to her studies and learning.

-Happened upon a foreign painting one year during her stay at the temple, one that was acquired on a raid overseas on the mainland from a Cielothar village or Altalar town no doubt-- it was a curious yet beautiful painting of a field of lavender flowers. Something there somewhere took root in her heart that would continue to grow for years to come. It was such a simple painting but of a beautiful plant, she had never seen before.

-Finally graduated as a fully fledged priestess at age one hundred and sixty seven, and was gifted with her own sacrificial dagger and undertook some of her first rituals, rituals led on her own accord. It was also the first time she received her own Threlwar summons, mutating parts of her body as void script was tattooed onto her skin.

-After graduation, the Kathar stayed within the Isles to assist others in strength, and undergo the duties of being a Void Priestess, by hosting sermons, sacrifices, and rituals. She was a popular figure back at the Isles some could say, due to her often inviting tone and disposition to fellow Kathar, and to anybody for that matter, regardless of her appearance.

Adulthood - Present

-A century after her graduation she left her homeland to venture out into other parts of the world to seek out a greater scope of knowledge, strength, and power. She sought out strength where-ever she could find it and sacrificed those she considered weak to the cold tendrils of the void. Changing some Altalar she crossed paths with to the Dread Empire and enacting her foul rituals upon others. Until finally one day she sought out Regalia, hearing news of the frequent Arken visitations there. It was there she went in search of more power and more understanding.

-Eventually, during her stay in Regalia she came across a Varran by the name of Mur-Kau whom she took under her wing as her own child, helping her however she could. The Mother continued to work and talk with Mur-Kau to make her stronger, by helping her become independent, and not so dependent on a lover.

-While in Regalia and spending some time within a cell of Dread loyalists in the sewers she found herself in the company of a Slizzar by the name of Eric Decimar, being used as an asset to better understand the other Kathar but all the while saw some degree of strength in the slizzar. Using him as much as she used her and yet saw the potential for a new child in him. Things took a very different turn in this chapter of her life as she encountered an Url in the basement who took her by the throat and tried to kill her, he suffocated the priestess unconscious and stole away her prized dagger awarded on her graduation ceremony. Eventually, she came to get it back after making a trade with the Url, she gave him a new axe in return for the dagger. Albeit, she gained much more than the dagger back. She gained a friend in them whom in turn saved her and later became her lover and still is to this day. For now, the future remains uncertain as she and her silven, url, lover hide from the government who would see them both expelled or worse from Regalia's shores..

-Recently Executed by Violet Order. Awaiting resurrection...
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I wish to continue with the Applications Reviewing Process, just in case a miracle comes forth, and this character is revived somehow through supernatural means.
Sup! I'll be claiming this application for staff review, expect a review shortly.
Hey there, it's review time!

My review:

Personality and Abilities

  • In the second paragraph you described Anastasia to have a want for what she missed out on as a child. I'd like you to expand on this thought by a few sentences or so! Such as how does she deal with this wanting? Does she have child like tendencies due to it or possibly act immature at times?
Other than that, this is a lovely application and tag me when the changes are made!
@Katiesc I have made the proper edits to my application, and I appreciate the unneeded review. I suppose this is good practice for the future!