Preserved Sheet Mosmo Düviri

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Jun 26, 2019
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"Through the crucible of tragedy I am reformed,
The Cinderspark, Everburning."

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    • NAME: Born Miasmeyan, the Steed of Providence. Currently Mosmo. Formerly Askanûl.
      • 「Mi-A」Mosmodelliane Tirallaneia Asra'belhivas Düvirihenna
      • 「Mo-A」Mosmodea Tiraleia Asra'belh Düviri
    • AGE: ~Three hundred.
    • GENDER: N/A.
    • RACE: Yanar.
    • EYES: Sharp turquoise with slit pupils, black scleras.
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    • FAITH: Mosmo is a firm believer of Estel who heeds Her word above all else, viewing themselves as their creator's best servant since earthen cradle. They have little moral code to speak of, and flirt with both good and evil ideals that suits them in the moment.
    • IDENTITY: Mosmo is a whimsical icebreaker that keeps friends close and archaic secrets closer. They are an ancient presence that has passively sampled happiness and grief throughout history. Nowadays, Mosmo thrives on just existing after going through pretty much everything that life has to offer, and follows their minute impulses into new adventures. With their immortality, the Fae seeks to witness the end of times -- if time ends at all.
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    • [1] STRENGTH
      • Polearm Pack.
      • Resilience Pack.
    • [2] WISDOM
      • Dimenthist Wisdom Pack.
      • Volacrum Wisdom Pack.
    • [2] DEXTERITY
      • Stealth Skill Pack.
      • Parkour Skill Pack.
    • [2] MAGIC
      • Fire Magic Pack.
      • Glamor Magic Pack.
    • [2] CHARISMA
      • Ancient Speech Pack.
      • East Linguist Pack.
      • Common.
      • Saan.
      • Kriv.
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    • YANAR Exist Manifest.
      • Nature Magic Pack.
      • Wind Magic Pack.

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    ( ART ALBUM )
    • MUTATION: Mosmo is severely Exist mutated. Wolven ears stretch from the top of their head, and a long, bushy tail drapes down from their waist. Nails have taken into sharp digits of claws.
    • APPEARANCE: Mosmo is a Yanera-Fae with cardinal red leaves for hair and birch bark skin that is 182 cm tall. They wear chaotic ranges of clothing that blurs the line between commoner and noble fashion, and their hair is trained into a voluminous ponytail. A few forget-me-nots sprout out of their body.
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    • Adolescence.
      • Some years before the Cataclysm, an unusually radiant Grul-Yanar emerged from the soils amongst others to carry out the All-Mother's will. At the time, 'it' was dubbed by the Est'allorn as Miasmeyan, the Steed of 'Providence' - an ironic moniker to the cruel destruction its rage brought on the tainted Altalar. When the Grul-Yanar ceased its rampage on the Void and vanished at last, so did they.
      • 30 AC, Miasmeyan, now Mosmo, reemerged from their past shell in the deep woods of a still recovering Teled Methen. Making peace with their violent past, they travelled across the several Princedoms to eventually settle on Tanaar Hyä-Ereya, where a collection of first generation war torn Yanar would emerge and consolidate into a collective familia that'd come to be known as the Duviri. They took upon the duty to conserve the memories of the past and the future through 'memory journals' as a grove priestess, living around an abandoned Ciellonian windmill atop a meadow of nemophilas and forget-me-nots, that has long been overtaken by a birch grove.
    • Young Adult.
      • The Yanar made friends, loved, hurt, killed and was killed. Through the tumultuous periods of the Ranger Crisis and Elven War that'd came to follow, they learned all what life had to offer of its outermost depth. They have seen wars come, and civilizations go. But who were the ones that influenced them into what they are is today, is still beyond the Yanar's capabilities to remember. All they knew was that they had to keep going.
      • Mosmo became a myth among early Krainivayan history -- leshen, spirit, fairy, none of the labels aptly suit Mosmo, but for a few decades, the Yanar stuck by them from afar and offered aid, or curses.
    • Present -- Regalia.
      • The fae kept going, and going as years of suns and moons cycled past them on the skies above. Eventually, their neverending travel would find themselves at Regalia, a city of opportunities that was plenty to all. This has seduced them to stay, and from that action alone, a series of events spurred. They gained, and lost. They fought injustices, and committed injustice.
      • Joined the Greywitch as a recruit on the August of 307 AC, but the charter disbanded months after.
      • Fought in the Siege of Merkar'sarh 307 AC. Battered and tired, they'd sink into a perpetual hibernation that'd only come to cease around the summer of 308 AC where they'd discover the execution of Azelloa. Out of bitterness and a want to carve a legacy of their own none could lay a claim to, they abandoned the Hallevandeia of Petalcourt to seek the self satisfaction and accomplishments that their life has much lacked.
      • Over the past two years, the Yanar has walked a mile in just about everyone's shoes - from achieving their monetary goals through extremist clandestine measures to clawing their way to aristocracy on the 27th September 308 AC that they fell out of since. They shedded their burnt, purple-like skin in favor of their archaic iteration - a stark white birch. The world has now become their oyster -- and what they'll make of it will play into their future.
credit to @Yurs for format and @CocoaCherry for the art
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Hello Lutowski, here is my review for your character:

Visual Information:
Can you clarify what combination of ovalation you've used to come to the conclusion of your character's current appearance?

I'll need this before I resume the review, please tag me with an explanation when you are ready.
@Arendan Hi, I apologize for the confusion and would like to mention that the reasons for her darker palette & physical fetatures are traits directly inherited through her father (a Yanar who originally had autumn-like plumage rather than spring green), who suffered severe burns which in turn wilted his leaves & darkened it than it already was before. Her hair's also taken from real-life black colored shrubbage such as the Heuchera Black Pearls & Black Mondo Grass. To be precise, she ovulated:
  • A small part of her skin from her Shindar stepmother, but primarly is just natural burn wounds. Some parts of her skin remain green, but most of it is hidden under her clothes. I feel like I used wrong words to describe her skincolor, so I'll make sure to change it post haste. Sorry about that, english is not my first language. Generally the motif of her appearance is 'burn victim'.
  • The bright orange/amber iris color stems from El-Maraya.
The only feature unique to her as an individual besides being only a direct copypaste of her parent in appearance is a flower blooming from one socket. (Half blindness inherited from father, but chose to cover it up with a flower).

As for her solid eyecolor, I just realized that it's not a plausible thing in afterthought (there's no race that offers such an option) and I've decided to change it to a normal eye (white sclera, orange iris). I'll also age her down a little since it feels odd to be +100 years when she's supposed to be a bit immature and emotionally behind.

After this post I will make edits true to my statements above so you can carry on with reviewing. If my answers still aren't enough to warrant acceptance for my character's remarkably edgy appearance, I'll be open to change.
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My deepest apologies, for I have been on vacation and my laptop broke.

While there were several points I was confused and unsure about, it appears you've amended and explained them.

@Arendan Made edits in according to language proficiency change, and some meaningless aesthetic changes.
  • Picked the Mythic Pack.
  • Invested 6 points from Staves Proficiency to Linguistics, which in addition earns Aska an understanding of the Seraph Dialect.
@Arendan Sorry for dissapearing so suddenly, but I changed pretty much everything on this sheet for the proficiency update.
@Lutowski Have you kept the app up to date with all of the new changes? If not, please do that and then tag me when you are done, as Arendan is very busy and I will be taking this app for him.
@HydraLana Changed everything again. Backstory remains more or less the same with minor adjustments.
My sole point of review:
+20 Fire & Nature Sorcery
  • I know you trying to be "aesthetic" but we don't have any Fire Sorcery, so please, change and keep the categories as they are officially outlined on the Wiki.
Tag me once the edit has been done @Lutowski
@HydraLana My mistake. I went ahead and changed it back to Elemental now.
Need a new reviewer! Got the backstory & alignments in place to be more community and RP friendly. Shifted points around a little to more accurately reflect Mosmo's age & the experience that comes with it. Removed Ritualism/Garden Ward because the ability is a little bit too anti-RP for my taste.