Preserved Sheet Mosi Amar

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AKA SilentEndurance
Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Mosi Amar
  • Nicknames: Ikram Amjad, Captain, Redbeard, Warmonger
  • Age: 84
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Songaskia (Heritage Line)
  • Sexuality: Bisexual (Female Preference)
  • Preferred Weapon: Warhammer

Skill Information

Total Points: 55 + 5 + 10 Hobby Points = 70 total
  • +10 Extra Heavy Combat (From Points)
  • +15 Unarmed Combat (From Points)
  • +5 Athletic Training (From Points)
  • +5 Perception Training (From Points)
  • +20 Maritime Knowledge (From Points)
  • +5 Marine Tactic Skill (From Points)
  • +5 Dance Arts (From Hobby Points)
  • +5 Musical Arts (From Hobby Points)
Body Shape
  • 10 Extra Heavy + 15 Unarmed + 20 Maritime + 5/2 Athletics + 5/2 Dancing Arts = 50 Total.
  • Mosi has a Musclegod Body Shape.
  • Mosi has Built Body Fat.
  • Sofaal (Native)
  • Common (Learned outside of homeland)
Special Traits
  • Racial Abilities:
  • Ancient Shift
  • Elder Shift
  • Element Shift
  • Word Flow

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Dark Amber
  • Hair Color: Crimson Red
  • Hair Style: Shaved
  • Skin Color: Dark Brown
  • Clothing: Mainly consists of light armor or red clothing.
  • Height: 6' 5"

Personality and Abilities

Option One: The Question List

  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Mosi wears happiness on his sleeve. When he is happy he often shares it with the ones around him, mostly with his close friends and relatives. He seems to make it known to others that he is happy as well, encouraging them, and trying to brighten up their day as well. While he's content, he tends to have a less dangerous nature around him and is not prone to lashing out.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Mosi more often than not faces his fears when experiencing them. He tends to not cower or flee, rather he tries to fight whatever is causing him fear. That is not to say that he's entirely fearless, he also tends to grow more irate, or worried when experiencing such to an intense degree.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Mosi becomes highly irate when experiencing stress. He is prone to lashing out at those around him, even if they are not the source of his stress. He also displays aggression when under enough stress, more prone to picking fights then keeping his cool.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Mosi tends to have no respect for law or authorities not native to his homeland. Being a pirate after all, he does many illegal things and tends to keep a low profile. In a sense one could say that he fears the law, though in certain circumstances when it comes to authority figures in his own birthplace he tends to respect them, and heed their words.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • As most Songaskia are, he has a very open view about other races. Feeling as though they are worth investing in. He is not so much of a racist as he is a calm individual. Being very accepting of others, and bases their worth on personality rather than appearance.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Mosi is not a particularly religious individual, though he does recognize the power of religion. He has seen the influences it has on the world and how entire wars can be fought over them. In a sense he sees religion more as a resource rather than a truth.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Mosi certainly recognizes the power of magic in the world. Since he has some magical powers himself because of his race, he is not opposed to magic and feels it should be freely practiced.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Mosi tends to hold a strong bond with his mother and siblings. He feels they are to be trusted, and that they love him. However, he tends to butt heads a lot with his father. The two never got along, and Mosi feels very little if any love for the man.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Mosi is most proud of his skill in combat. He feels as though this trait is his strongest. He has dedicated many years to training and constantly tries to improve. He is also proud of the progress he has made since his depressed years as a teenager.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Self improvement mainly keeps this Songaskia moving forward. Although he lusts for power as well, he uses this as fuel to push his limits both mentally and physically. No one can say that he backs down from a challenge and mainly faces his problems head on, progressing himself in a rather efficient manner.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Mosi's biggest insecurity is being betrayed by someone he trusts. Therefore he is very unwilling to trust anyone with his feelings, and chooses his friends carefully.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Ironically enough, Mosi's biggest fear is drowning. He's come close to drowning many times before and is dreadfully afraid of experiencing the sensation once again.

Life Story

Birth to Early Youth (0-12)

Mosi Amjad was born into a wealthy heritage line family in the late afternoon of June 20th, 224 AC. He was born a healthy baby, his entrance into the world hadn't been too early or too late. His birth was followed up with two more, spanning over five years. A brother second-born and a sister as the youngest. His father more or less didn't care much about his children, invested in his own affairs. This left his mother and his family slaves to raise him and his siblings. Due to this he became rather close to his mother and siblings as a child. As most children are, Mosi was a rather playful, energized, and curious child, often discovering new things about the world around him. However, he was often bullied by others which caused a lot of stress buildup as a kid. This resulted in little bursts of anger, which resulted in disagreements and conflict with other children his age.

Teens (12-27)

Mosi during his teens was a tall and gangly young man. It didn't help the fact that he was a bookworm and spent a lot of time by himself, either studying or learning more about the world. This subjected him to bullying from other kids his age, and he gradually grew frustrated with himself, as well as his bullies. He eventually started standing up for himself, fighting against the bullies, however with his weak body build he usually ended up being beaten down. His father greatly disapproved of his interactions with these bullies, feeling as though it was ruining his image. Therefore, he punished Mosi every time he got into a fight with his bullies. Beaten down and broken, Mosi held a lot of rage and frustration inside of him, feeling as though the world was working against him. One could even say he was depressed during his mid-teens. It was only later that Mosi decided he was sick of his depressed state and chose to do something about it. Mosi decided to be trained in some sort of fighting style, seeing it as a way to take out his anger on inanimate objects, instead of people. Most of his family members were warriors or served in the military as well, claiming heritage to the great red destroyer Veerthil Varhakhluur. He took well to unarmed combat, spending a majority of his teens training in the style. Later in life he trained in blunt weapons, favoring the Warhammer. This furthered his skill and also bulked up his body, gaining a rather intimidating and tall appearance. He enjoyed the training, even bested some of his instructors. Soon nobody was left to bully or make fun of him. He generated a certain fear to others centered around his explosive anger. However, his father was still not satisfied with him, and continued to be harsh on the young man. This only grew Mosi's fury, as the two butt heads constantly.

Adulthood (27 - Current Age)

Due to the conditions of his household, and with some convincing from his mother he decided to distance himself away from his father. He took a bit of money from his family's collective wealth and set out on his own. After spending said money in getting settled he took up a job as a sailor for a local merchant. All seemed to be going well from him for a time however, the merchant began to gradually annoy him. Often cutting his pay and mistreating him along with the rest of the crew. In spite of this Mosi began to gain the trust of his fellow crewmates, and due to his destructive nature he organized a mutiny against the merchant, killing him and taking over as captain of the ship. Rallying the rest of the crew underneath him, and using the merchant's stolen goods and money to acquired enough funds to weaponize the ship and recruit more men. Therefore he dived headfirst into the life as a pirate. He was a very charismatic captain, often encouraging and rallying his crew with speeches before they went into battle. He was very much the forefront of every assault, bonding with his crew and at the same time instilling fear in them to keep them from mutiny. He accumulated a vast amount of wealth during this time, eventually hiring more crew members to his cause. More recently his race had come into conflict with the Regalian Empire, during this time he raided a few Regalian ships, aiding his people. Also during this time he developed a deep hatred for Regalians because of the atrocities dealt on his people by them. However as soon as things started to boil down, and the discovery of a Dragonblood in Regalia, he grew wary. Unlike most of his people, he thought the Regalians were faking the Dragonblood to appeal to his people. Unwilling to accept the Dragonblood as real, he traveled to Regalia with a few of his crewmates with a goal to cause annoyances from the inside.