Preserved Sheet Morwenna Yuille

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Nelfin Redhead
Oct 7, 2017
Reaction score
Vixhall, City of Mayonne





Full name: Morwenna Isla Yuille
-> Nickname(s): Morwen, Mori, Wen

Age: 30 years old
-> Birthday: 27th October 277AC

Gender: Female

Race: Half Highland Ceardian, Half Avanthar

Religion: Loose Unionist

Sexuality: Uncertain

Preferred Weapon: Gunpowder and Fists

Inventory: A crisp Gallovian Cigar, fistful of gunpowder, Pouch of Regals, Hand-made Pipe, Some tabacca wrapped up in paper.




Total: 35

+10 Metallurgy Arts (From Proficiency Points)

+10 Perception Training (From Proficiency Points)

+5 Siege Combat Skill (From Proficiency Points)

+5 Unarmed Combat Skill (From Proficiency Points)

+5 Conning Rogue Skill (From Proficiency Points)



-> Common (10/10 Primary) - Spoke this most often within her household and in the city she grew up in.

-> Plains Elven (6/10 Secondary) - Spoken strictly at home within four walls, how their family mostly spoke to eachother, bar their ailor father.



Physical stat: 35 (10 from Metallurgy Arts,10x2 Unarmed Combat, 5 from Siege combat)

Body Shape: Toned

Body Fat Category: Moderate curvaceous





Eye Colour: Steel Blue

Hair Colour: Pinecone Brunette

Hair Style: Either bunched up into a messy pony-tail or down and curly.

Skin Colour: Pale Porcelain

Clothing: A mixture of tunics and pants, or a few slightly worn red dresses. Wrist bracers almost always.

Height: 5ft 7inch



Character Alignment:
Chaotic Good

Character Personality Type:
The Virtuoso- Morwenna finds no greater joy than in getting her hands dirty pulling things apart and putting them back together, just a little bit better than they were before. Moving from project to project with her broad and skilled smithing knowledge within the metallurgy arts.

Loosely Unionist 4/10 - Morwenna doesn't actively worship unionism, only when she's in times of crisis and has no one to fall back on, she will make a rare prayer.




Morwenna was born and raised in the City of Galloy with her two parents (Her mother being an imperialised avanthar and her father a full-blooded Highlander) and house-full of 6 other siblings, all differentiating in age, Morwenna being the oldest out of the litter of Highlanders. They were all raised by doting and hardworking parents, having plentiful of siblings to keep occupied with, she ran around the city causing havoc with them all when they were young. Occasionally pickpocketing and various other petty thievery, thinking nothing was wrong about it, having seen the street children do it.

Parents ran a blacksmithy and when she was old enough, Mowenna worked under them as an apprentice learning the ropes, also looking after her younger siblings while her parents were hard at work. This was when she was introduced to her neighbour, a fellow war veteran who dabbled in the craft of Siege combat, she took an instant liking to the skill and constantly begged her parents to allow her to study it. As she grew up into a young teen, the pickpocketing days continued and the hoard of Yuille siblings grew far more experienced as the years went by, remaining unseen by the eyes of their parents and the eyes of the law. Though she became less involved after a while, choosing to focus on her smithing.

One day when she was supposed to be watching over her siblings, her younger brother was caught pickpocketing, in which she took the blame wholly. The young girl escorted home and her parents berated by the guards who caught them. Utterly ashamed Morwenna kept her head down after this, focussing her time in learning the ropes of smithing to try and make up for the shame she brought to her parents. After some years she did and the mishap was put behind them.

Many of Morwenna's siblings went off to their own jobs around the city and moved out when they saved enough money, meanwhile feeling obligated to her parents, Wen stayed with her parents and helped maintain their business, alongside learning the craft of siege craft training as an apprentice under the old veteran that lived next door. After many years of working at the smithy her parents finally told her to leave the nest, being in her mid twenties they felt guilty keeping her there, expressing their utmost thanks to their firstborn for all she has done to help with their smithy.

After a bittersweet departure from her work at the smithy, Morwenna spent a year wandering the city of Galloy trying to find something to interest her, she freelanced her art of building and crafting Siege weapons, selling them to the warfront and many aristocratic lords for a fine regal, however when she heard the news of the bustling city of Regalia and the life she could have there, she packed her bags and handed in her notice. Travelling to the city in search of a new start, a new job and a new life.
