Preserved Sheet Gallus Tyrannian

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Am I the only one here?
Feb 21, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Gallus Stavro Tyrannian
  • Age: 37
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: New-Regalian (Alt-Reg embraced)
Skill Information
Total Points: 37 Proficiency Points to spend from age

  • +20 Conning Rogue Skill
  • +20 Diplomatic Skill
  • +3 Society Knowledge Skill
  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • Alt-Regalian (went to school in Calemberg)
  • Anglian (born in the Angle Veer)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Side Part
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Sleeveless black surcoat, white undershirt. Steel studded gloves that reach the elbow, scarlet cape.
  • Height: 5'10"
Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: Gallus is normally seen as cold, apathetic, or machine-like. His stiff and unemotional way of speaking has a habit of putting a listener's teeth on edge. Everything he says or does, he does with a calculating precision that is, while admirable, rather disturbing. Even his posture exudes a certain confidence that shows he would just as soon sign an execution warrant as he would donate to charity. This unpredictability and utter apathy for those he is not acquainted with has given him the reputation of someone to keep distance from.
  • Second Paragraph: Baron Tyrannian has an extremely confident and superior attitude toward himself. He believes Proto-Regalian to be the highest and cleanest form of Ailor, and he sees himself as even more superior to non-humans. Non-humans are, in fact, barred from entering the realm of Carroburgen. This superiority and heightened demeanor has lead to an awful temper when things go wrong and a penchant for believing that he is uncompromisingly correct.
  • Third Paragraph: Gallus views his friends and family with a protective and defensive mindset. Given his personality has offered few opportunities to actually make friends, Gallus is keen on keeping the ones that he has. In his mind, there is no greater bond than blood, and he will do anything to keep his family safe, so long as they do not betray the interests of their own blood. To his wife, Catherine Tyrannian, Gallus is little different. He has a mind for the romantic, but otherwise maintains his cold and steely personality.
  • Fourth Paragraph: The ends justify the means. That is the philosophy Gallus follows. He believes with his entire heart that he is doing everything he can to further the Great Way. This perverse view of Unionism has produced an ugly combination of self-righteousness and sheer determination that could spell disaster at any particular moment.

Life Story
Disclaimer: It's a long one. The only sections pertinent to review should be birth to 305 AC. From 305 on is a catalogue of events that all happened in roleplay, barring the retiring of Ernst. It may seem like grandstanding, but everything you read there was 100% roleplayed out or shown in a progression.

  • July 14, 270 AC - Gallus Stavro Tyrannian was the firstborn child of Ernst Tyrannian, the Baron of Carroburgen. He was born in the province's fortress, a castle-styled building known as Caer Sepulchre. Shortly after he was born, he was followed by a twin sister; Atria Tyrannian.
  • 270-280 AC - Unlike many other noble children, Gallus resisted the luxurious and flamboyant life of a spoiled boy in favor of a more Spartan life. He initially hated servants and preferred to do everything on his own, much to his father's disappointment. Ernst began to feel that Gallus was not much of a leader at all, but rather would earn the life of a freelance, and that terrified Ernst. Nothing meant more to him than to ensure that his bloodline would continue through Gallus, as was the tradition.
  • 280-290 AC - Gallus travelled to Blücherwald Castle with the intent of becoming a Bloodcast Knight, against his father's wishes. It was at this point that Gallus took on the pseudonym of "Gallus of Castleton." Upon being initially rejected because of his slight physique, Gallus was admitted to the Order as a page, and within two years, Gallus had landed an apprenticeship with a particularly shady statesman that functioned as the Castle's spymaster. This man, a fellow simply named Konrad, taught Gallus everything he knew about espionage, specifically granting Gallus a proficiency in Underworld Knowledge.
  • 290-295 AC - Konrad was murdered on a Winter's evening in the beginning of the year, and Gallus was appointed spymaster shortly after. Following this, Gallus continued self teaching for half of a decade.
  • 295-305 AC - In the summer of 295, Gallus left the service of Blücherwald in favor of functioning as the leader of a mercenary band, despite having no experience or skill in combat. When not under contracts, the band essentially functioned as bandits, using Gallus's knowledge to locate caravans of gold being transferred for transactions. Gallus was never on the scenes himself, but there was always talk of a greater mind behind the attacks.
  • 305 AC - The political tension in the Crown Isle during 305 AC drew Gallus to the capital like a moth to fire. He quickly gained employ in the Bluesteel Order and was promoted quickly to Captain by then-Lord Commander Hengest Harhold. Around the same time, Gallus was made the Praetor of the Nordmark, Proconsul Virathus Krupp's personal military order. Gallus was present at almost every political strike initiated by either Krupp or Harhold, gaining some level of notoriety in doing so. In the infamous arrest of Virathus Krupp at an assembly, Gallus was the Captain who saw to the arrest of the Proconsul, who then made the facade of taking Krupp to the Bluesteel Castle along with Iona of Basta. Gallus and Iona freed Krupp, which then lead to the Proconsul confronting Typhonus at the cathedral, and the subsequent execution of Krupp. He had been plotting to put forward a notion to essentially force the assembly to self-destruct, which Drache adopted months later, but this plan was foiled by Typhonus's attack. Gallus barely escaped arrest by Typhonus who had accused Gallus of freeing Krupp. For his part, Gallus convinced Typhonus that it had been Iona who had freed him, and that Gallus had seen Krupp to the Castle before returning to the assembly.
  • 306 AC - Following this affair, Gallus laid low for about a month before the waves he had made in the archipelago finally reached the ears of Ernst Tyrannian back in Carroburgen. Furious with Gallus's actions, Ernst soon retired and forced the title upon Gallus, giving him the only thing he didn't want. Filled with spite for his father, Gallus returned to the Crown Isle as Baron of Carroburgen with his acolyte, Enzo Celso, a Dressolini gypsy. The pair then aided Theodore Artiemus in the construction of the Angle Veer Coalition. Archduke Harhold began throwing lightly veiled threats to Tyrannian, angered by this Coalition. Baron Tyrannian then convinced the coalition that Harhold planned an immediate attack on the Veer. In a swift move, Tyrannian ferried sixty thousand rebels in Dragenthal that had been instigated and armed by a mysterious hand to the Veer. He constructed a number of fortifications and defended against a ten thousand man attack by Harhold, crushing the Archduke's army and sending him back to Anglia.

    Soon after this occasion, Baron Tyrannian was essentially declared the leader of the Veer Coalition, and vassalized the remainder of the other families. Following other less important political escapades, Tyrannian was promoted to Grand Duke. He held this title for a length of time until inactivity saw the family's decline back to Baronial status.
  • 307 AC - Gallus Tyrannian made an abrupt return to the scene in the early months of the year. Having gone missing some six months earlier, and only returning once the Veer was in danger of immediate Harhold invasion, some speculate that Lord Tyrannian had not truly gone missing at all, and had rather been watching over the archipelago all the while. Gallus rallied the remaining Veer families once more under his banner and took the Veer pagans to Norrland, to head off a Harhold invasion before it arrived. The attack was a stunning victory for Tyrannian, but the Veer pagans remained in Norrland. Harhold, emboldened by the Veer pagans staying behind, secured a deal with Garth Viduggla that eventually led to Harhold receiving all of his troops that had been taken prisoner at the Battle of Norrland.

    There were a number of skirmishes in Lokinge, before Gallus's troops were successfully repelled. Harhold brought the war to the Veer, beginning the Veer invasion. The war continued for some months, and Gallus Tyrannian, through deft maneuvering, won nearly every battle. Finally, just before the Iron Peace, Gallus took over the former Van Der Veer lands which had been conquered as Harhold. Following this, Gallus was elevated to the title of Duke of the Veer, as he had control of the entire Veer territory. Two months into the Iron Peace, Gallus negotiated a peace with Duke Harhold, outlined in the Treaty of Elkenburg, and the war was finally over.
Last edited:
My apologies for the wait, you're approved.
  • Boosted Statesman Knowledge to 25 Proficiency.
  • Boosted Underworld Knowledge to 27 Proficiency.
  • Expanded the life story about two paragraphs to include the events of this past year.