Archived More Unique Enchants

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"Can't Pour Water On This Fire"
Jun 10, 2013
Reaction score
So theres this plugin that allows more enchants which i found pretty cool. So I thought it would also be cool to add these to massivecraft. My reasons are this plugin add a Lot more enchants to the game and for different items as well. Also Mojang haven't really made any new updates to give more weapons and armor enchants for a while so this could add more intensity on what you gonna get. This will also give PvPers More things too fight with other than everyone getting sharpness 5 unbreaking 5 flame 1 on their swords ad killing each other. Though i must admit there are some bad things like the potion launcher in what i think is not a very great idea but if some of the staff could do some coding and get the bads out and keep the good ones i think this could be a very useful plugin. :3 That's just what i think.

Heres the link to the site:
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This definitely seems like it would be an interesting plugin to add to the server.
Really like it, though enchants should be disabled/restricted. Maybe we could incorporate some of the more valuable enchants(like poisoning or double damage) to premiums only for a future use?

Premiums are already pretty strong I don't think that It would be a great idea to incorporate that for only Premium use, Don't take this comment to seriously, it's just what i think
Premiums are already pretty strong I don't think that It would be a great idea to incorporate that for only Premium use, Don't take this comment to seriously, it's just what i think

Got it. I should've thought of that when making that suggestion. Never mind. :)
I don't think this should be added. If you look at the content of the mod everything there basically takes strategy and lore and slaps it. I can name at least 30 ways that all of them can be abused, and they will ruin PVP by adding in tons of potion effects everywhere. This will also make non-premiums unable to kill a comatose AFK premium with a trackpack and 1 FPS, as god armor with this may be actually more dangerous to hit that to get hit in. Overall I just think this is a bit accessive and uneeded and will break the world.

Minus all the supports!!!
I don't think this should be added. If you look at the content of the mod everything there basically takes strategy and lore and slaps it. I can name at least 30 ways that all of them can be abused, and they will ruin PVP by adding in tons of potion effects everywhere. This will also make non-premiums unable to kill a comatose AFK premium with a trackpack and 1 FPS, as god armor with this may be actually more dangerous to hit that to get hit in. Overall I just think this is a bit accessive and uneeded and will break the world.

Minus all the supports!!!

I get what you mean but As i said previously that the staff should take out the unneeded things like the potion launcher. Also i have disagree with the part where it will break the world I highly doubt it. Plus there will be a little more even against non prems vs prems considering prems get 15% defence already.
I do not support this. This plug-in is completely ridiculous. Many of these enchants violate the lore in crazy and ridiculous ways. But in an even more destructive way, this would tremendously upset balance in a PvP setting in favor of those who have access to them. A lot of them are just so overpowered, I think I got a brain aneurysm just reading some of them.

However, to be fair, I do like the idea of some new balanced enchants brought by an in-house plug-in. I read some of the ideas in that plug-in description, and with a few tweaks, they could be a lot of fun and lore compliant as well.
Copied from the linked Site:
My comments are in Italics.

/setname - Sets the name of your item
- should be restricted to Mod only
/setlore - Sets the lore of your item
- should be restricted to Mod only
/addlore - Adds new Lore to your item
- should be restricted to Mod only
/removelore - Removes the Lore of your item
- should be restricted to Mod only
/ench - Enchants your Item
- should be restricted to Mod only
/enchgive - Gives a Player an item/enchant used by this plugin
- should be restricted to Mod only
/mortar - Bombards specified player
- This is just EVIL

The Enchantments

Lifesteal - Gives you half a heart back whenever you punch an enemy.
- Could be interesting.
Blind - Blinds the Enemy.
- OP
Deathbringer - Doubles your Damage.
- Only for non sword/axes, otherwise OP.
Gooey - Hitting your enemy rapidly causes the enemy to be flinged into the air.
- Neutral about this, could easily cause issues.
Poison - Poisons your enemy.
- Easily abused.
Block - Blocking with a Sword increases your Resistance.
- NO. Mcmmo already buffed blocking with the counter.
Ice Aspect - Slows your enemy on hit. Has a Chance to freeze an enemy Player.
- meh
Shockwave - Upon hitting an enemy, you hurl up the ground in front of you.
- Could be interesting , altough only in the wilderness or in your own fac land.
Autorepair - Repairs your Armor/Weapon automatically when it loses durability
- OP -> NO (or restricted).

Bombardment - Bombards the Player on hit.
- Would have to see it to judge it
Lightning - Strikes your enemy with a Lightning.
- Only if it is restricted (to legendary weps)
Firework - The arrow constantly spawns fireworks for 5 seconds. May cause lag if spammed ( arround 50 arrows at once ).
- "May cause lag if spammed" -> NO

Molten - Sets the enemy that hit you on fire.
- OP
Enlighted - Heals you when hit.
- OP
Hardened - Applies Weakness to the enemy that hit you.
- OP
Poisoned - Poisons the enemy that hit you.
- OP
Frozen - Slows the enemy that hit you.
- OP
Obsidianshielding - Gives you Fireresistance
- If restricted it could be interesting.
Gears - Boots. Gives you a Speedboost
- If restricted , ok
Springs - Boots. Gives you a Jumpboost
- Seems interesting.
Stomp - Boots. If you land on an enemy and would normally get Falldamage, you give the Falldamage you would take on the enemy, negating the damage for you.
- Interesting, altough it will get abused like hell during raids.
Implants - Helmet. Automatically replenishes your Food/Airbar when moving
- Nopedy nope nope
Glowing - Helmet. Gives you Nightvision
- If restricted to certain voting items.

I put everything in spoilers for your convenience.
I think they should use this as the foundation to creating new useful enchantments that follow lore. It would certainly be something to boast about when promoting the server.
A new enchants plug would be great, but maybe not this one. Or this one with most of the premade enchants replaced with less crazy ones.
I can only say, did you ever play WoW? This reminds me alot on pvping int the arenas, crowding or lifesteal an enemy.
to be fair, I do like the idea of some new balanced enchants brought by an in-house plug-in. I read some of the ideas in that plug-in description, and with a few tweaks, they could be a lot of fun and lore compliant as well.

I'm fine with it not being this exact plugin but i would certainly enjoy it more if they just did some edits to this one and maybe added a few more for the replacement of the OP ones. Also if it bothers you that much about lore im sure that the staff would not add it without it being lore approved. ^@Zero_oo

I hope i am not offending anyone
Though it won't make any difference...
Supported ^-^
This plugin has some pros and cons about it such as things becoming OP and causing lag, but i think it is a great idea

+1 Supported
I think that 9/10 of the features in the plugin would either pimp slap lore or just be OP. Anyways, the 1/10 I left out would be fun and unique.
SUPPORT! (But with edits in the code... lots of edits)
I think that 9/10 of the features in the plugin would either pimp slap lore or just be OP. Anyways, the 1/10 I left out would be fun and unique.
SUPPORT! (But with edits in the code... lots of edits)

Besides lag and some commands

Supported, but I agree with nray93 's points and that it needs some work if it's going to be implemented into Massive, which I slightly doubt.

I completely agree....expect for the part where you doubt it will be added HAVE FAITH
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