Archived More Rp Hotspots For Regalia

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
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a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
Regalia is not a big city, per se. I mean, it's bigger then I could build, but not as large as real life cities. I am glad they are expanding. However, Regalia will look more empty.

When people RP, they usually do so in the tavern. And thus, the tavern is packed. No one has any need to go elsewhere. If Regalia is the capital of a large empire, then its streets would be packed. The issue? They're not.

I have an idea to fix this a bit. What is there are several RP hotspots scattered throughout Regalia? These would spread people out much more, and make Regalia look more populated. Real cities don't have a few people just walking down the street every couple of minutes. They have people regularly roaming the streets. People would be working all of the time, or children playing in the streets. With Regalia expanding, this is a great time to add new hotspots.

I have notices that people rarely RP more then five street blocks away from the tavern. These hotspots could be positioned maybe 15-20 street blocks away. Not all taverns, either. Maybe a bazaar, or small parks, or even some work areas. Plus, people would walk around to get to these places. The more experienced RPers could spread out and lead the new people from place to place, making people want to go there more. In the end, this will spread out Regalia's population much more, and make it really look like a big city, as apposed to every role-play thing being butted up against spawn.

I know that this is optimistic, but if it works, Regalia will look its title of being the capital of the human empire, and enrich everyone's role-playing experience.

Plus, I think we all know how empty Regalia is at times.

Just a suggestion...:$
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Hrm... I know that the staff's got a lot on their plate, so I'd hate to ask too much of them :( but I'd love to see other spots-- the park used to be a great place to run into others from time to time, but now that the portal to the Rift is there, it's a little awkward ;)

I'm not sure what to suggest, but I'd like to mix up my RP locale from time to time :3
People RP in the park already… all it'd really take is either moving the park further away (it is just down the road from the tavern) and maybe a small sticky thread or two promoting RP there, and… voila.
I do like this idea, but it needs some carefull thought about how it should be approached. This would mean that at off-peak times, it'd be about 4-5 times harder to find someone to RP with…
Who said that there are no other hotspots?

I've regularly frequented the park when I'm free, often bringing others along for a lovely walk. If religion is on your mind why not stop by at the cathedral. There are a few quirky places that are wonderful to Rp with, the tavern is not the only place you can find others. Yes, there are a large amount of people there, but I assure you there are other places that exist for you.

@Ben_2025 The issue with the park is the rift there now. And for the Cathedral, no one is every really there. That is the issue. These new places would have reason for people to be there. I don't know what, but there would be something.
Here are a few suggestions for other interesting places in Regalia wherein anyone can roleplay:
  • Dr. Fong's Abusement Park (Poor District).
  • The Hidden Dragon (Poor District).
  • The Park (Still a lot of places far from the Rift).
  • Temple of the Old Gods.
  • Noble Housing (Get to know your local nobles today!).
  • Regalian Cathedral (Down the street from the tavern).
  • Murder Alley (Find it, but don't get stabbed!)
I believe there's also another tavern in the Poor District (but I forgot its name) and a cafe or a tea house of some sort right beside the tavern. Plus a plethora of other exciting places to play.

Have fun!
The reason people flock to the tavern is becuase it is embedded into the community. Adding more places would spread peope out anyone bit, but they already had heaps of options, so addin more won't matter.
Just last night I had a great adventure in the park with @Plecy and @BboyMVB. They're being used. :)
@Shayin I understand that you may bring friends here, but by a hotspot, I mean that there a tons of people there all of the time. The tavern is the only true hotspot. One or two people in the park or cathedral is not what I am looking for. I am not looking for more places to rp, but more places that a lot of people rp it. Plus, the second park of this is that I want Regalia to look like a booming metropolis. That will not work with a group of three adventurers exploring the wild and untamed noble district to fight off the wild and rabid clown and his master. If Regalia is the capital, it should at least have say, five to ten people at a time per most streets. Not everyone crammed into a tavern complaining about no bartender ever being there.
The problem with adding more hotspots is that they lose their attractiveness over time once it is released. People will continue going to the tavern despite multitudes of new places. I would be up for adding more buildings, but it would seem rather premature at this point in time (At least, in my opinion). People won't be spreading out willingly, until there is a time where the tavern is routinely overcrowded and unusable.

Again, like my fellow staff members said, bring the RP elsewhere if you're keen on using new locations.

i want to get working on the new sewers, boss man.
There are hotspots it's just the tavern has its sentimental value; we're lucky to have at least one hotspot for RP since there never used to be anywhere to RP in the 'old, old' spawn. The other hotspots besides the tavern have the occasional wanderer, most of the time it's a new players exploring the spawn, sometimes it can be an interesting person to RP with! There needs to be an influence on new places, but the tavern will always be that one places everyone can trust to RP in, just like British soaps, you have a tavern where everyone sits at :D (The Victoria or Rovers Return Inn) >.>
I think there are already spots people just don't utilize them for example the "Caffe un Tea shoppe du Madame Stefan d'Stefan" is almost right behind the tavern, if you ask me looks nicer than the tavern and no one is ever there RPing...
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