Archived More Regalian Houses

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Jun 30, 2012
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As it is right now, all houses in regalia are rented. And some houses are here but can't be rented. There might be Reasons they can't be rented i don't know. But as it is almost impossible to get a house in regalia. I think making more houses rentable, would be a good idea. That is it no more ideas.
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There are often homes for sale, as people can own more than one Regalian home. Try to catch one when it's up for auction, but staff have a considerable workload on them already. Unfortunately houses are (and as far as I can remember have been) first serve so not everyone is guaranteed them.
I believe I have seen the odd house around, you just have to look everywhere. That said, I may be wrong, and free houses are certainly scarce. Make sure you look in every district, and in every corner. Other than that, I believe there is a gradual increase in the number of houses; I believe the cathedral district is in progress, to the right of the cathedral. There's continual expansion in Regalia. Just keep your eyes peeled and your wallet open!
I believe I have seen the odd house around, you just have to look everywhere. That said, I may be wrong, and free houses are certainly scarce. Make sure you look in every district, and in every corner. Other than that, I believe there is a gradual increase in the number of houses; I believe the cathedral district is in progress, to the right of the cathedral. There's continual expansion in Regalia. Just keep your eyes peeled and your wallet open!
Ok, so they are expanding. That sounds great. Just except that the infrastrucuture of regalia is confusing to me.
I have literally seen houses that were rented by another person. The minute, they expired.
If every person lived in Regalia then it wouldn't be special to have a home there.
I'd say about 20-30% of players have a house there
A lot of houses are there, but it takes time to get the regions properly set up. Be patient, I believe a lot more houses are going to be available very soon.
I can sell you a poor apartment, pm me ig
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